Laxmi brand Rewadi (Jaggery) candy imported from India is being recalled because it has unacceptably high levels of lead.
Product detail:
- Laxmi Brand Rewadi (Jaggery) candy
- Sold in 7 ounce clear package with flat, light brown oval candies with seeds visible.
- Package label has a red and yellow border
- Near the top of the label is a red and gold oval with the figure of a lady and the words “Quality is Our Business”
- Brand name is in a green banner with yellow print “LAXMI BRAND”
- Distributed to retail facilities in Northern California and Washington
- All dates are recalled
The recalling firm is House of Spice in Hayward, California. If you have this candy, do not eat it. If you find this type of candy for sale, call the California Department of Health hotline at 1-800-495-3232.

Image Courtesy FDA