Madras Curry Powder is being recalled for elevated lead levels. Because this recall notice was posted on the FDA’s Enforcement Reports page and not the regular recall page, there is no mention about whether or not any illnesses have been reported to the company to date in connection with the consumption of this product. The recalling firm is Trong Food International of Santa Ana, California.
The curry powder was distributed to customers in Maryland and Washington D.C. The recalled product is Madras Curry Powder that is sold in three different package sizes. The recall has been expanded to include all lots.
The sizes are four ounce or 114 gram glass jars with UPC number 39606001562. a 4 ounce or 114 gram plastic pouches with UPC number 36906001544, and a 16 ounce plastic bottles with UPC number 39606001548. The elevated levels of lead are 5.48 mg/kg and 2.59 mg/kg in two lots of the curry powder.
There is no safe level of lead exposure. Short term exposure to very low levels of lead may not cause any symptoms. Increased blood lead levels may be the only sign of lead exposure.
Additional symptoms of lead exposure are more likely with acute exposure to higher levels of this heavy metal. The effects depend upon the amount and duration of exposure and age and body weight of the patient. If a fetus or a child is exposed to enough lead for a long period of time, permanent damage to the central nervous system may occur, which can cause learning disorders, lowered IQ, developmental defects, and other long-term health problems.
If you purchased this product, do not eat it. You can throw it away in a secure trash can with a tight fitting lid, or you can take it back to the store where you bought it for a full refund.