September 17, 2024

Seng Ong Wholesale Recalling Uneviscerated Dried Fish

Seng Ong Wholesale, Inc. of St. Paul, Minnesota is recalling dried mackerel and dried round scad after the Minnesota Department of Agriculture discovered the product was not properly eviscerated. Gills were still present in the finished product.

This product can be contaminated with Clostridium botulinum spores, which can cause botulism, a very serious and possibly fatal foodborne illness. Those spores are more likely to be concentrated in the viscera than any other part of the fish.

Symptoms of botulism poisoning include blurred or double vision, poor reflexes, general weakness, difficulty swallowing, and respiratory paralysis. Anyone experiencing these symptoms should immediately seek medical attention.

Product details:

  • Pacific Isles Hasa Hasa Dried Mackerel
    • 48 ounce cardboard cases
    • Lot numbers 3298 and 0760
    • Product of the Philippines
    • Sold in Minnesota
  • Pacific Isles Galunggong Dried Round Scad
    • 48 ounce cardboard cases
    • Lot numbers 3228 and 3168
    • Product of the Philippines
    • Sold in Minnesota and South Dakota

No illnesses have been reported to date in connection with the consumption of these products. If you have purchased these products, do not eat them; return to the place of purchase. For questions, call the company at 1-612-802-3240.

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