The recall warning in Canada issued on June 6, 2014 for chia seed powder has been updated with another product. Chia seed powder is associated with a Salmonella outbreak in that country and in the United States. At least 24 people are sick in Canada, and 17 in the U.S.
You can see the long list of recalled products, along with their UPC numbers, package sizes, and codes at the CFIA web site. The products are sold under the brand names Organic Traditions and Back 2 the Garden. The new recalled product is Pete’s Gluten Free Sprouted Fiber Blend by Finally Gluten Free.
If you purchased any of these products, do not eat them. Return them to the place of purchase for a refund or discard in a sealed container. Food contaminated with Salmonella will not look, smell, or taste spoiled, but the pathogenic bacteria can cause serious illness. If you develop the symptoms of Salmonella food poisoning, including fever, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, and cramps, see your doctor immediately. Long range complications of a Salmonella infection include reactive arthritis and other serious conditions.