Nazzaro Bowling Pin Sipper Cups are being recalled because the product contains level of lead that exceed the federal lead content ban. No illnesses or incidents have been reported to the company to date in connection with this issue. The importer is Nazzaro Enterprises Texas Inc., of Hurst, Texas. This product was manufactured in China. There is no safe level of lead exposure. Short term exposure to very low levels of lead may not cause any symptoms. Increased blood lead levels may be the only sign of lead exposure. Additional symptoms of lead exposure are more likely with acute exposure to higher levels of this heavy metal. The effects depend upon the amount and duration of exposure and age and body weight. If a fetus or a child is exposed to enough lead for a long period of … [Read more...]
Tomato Grower Added to Chipotle Salmonella Lawsuit
Tomato grower Lipman Produce has been added as a defendant in a lawsuit filed against Chipotle. The lawsuit was filed on behalf of a Minnesota woman who contracted Salmonella after eating at a Chipotle restaurant in Maplewood, Minnesota. The plaintiff is among 64 people who developed Salmonella infections after eating at Chipotle restaurants. The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) collaborated with federal health officials on the investigation of the outbreak that affected customers at 22 of the 60 Chipotle locations in Minnesota. The state agencies identified tomatoes as the source of the Salmonella Newport outbreak. Lipman Produce of Immokalee, Florida supplied the tomatoes to the the Minnesota Chipotle locations. The outbreak … [Read more...]