Yakima's Queseria Bendita "Blessed Cheesemaker'' shop made Latin-style Queso Fresco, Panela, Requeson, Cotija fresh soft cheese products and sour cream that were sold on-site and in about 100 Hispanic grocery stores and other outlets in Washington and Oregon. Every one of those products was recalled last month after the Washington State Department of Health and two federal agencies associated the shop's cheeses with an outbreak that included one Listeria death. Two other people also were confirmed as case patients in the outbreak, which happened weeks before the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention could determine what food had caused such horrible illnesses. The three cases occurred in King, Pierce and Yakima counties; the death was in Pierce … [Read more...]
Queseria Bendita Listeria Outbreak was Shop’s Second in 5 Years
Queseria Bendita Listeria Soft Cheese Recall Updated

The recall of Queseria Bendita soft cheeses and sour cream for Listeria monocytogenes contamination has been updated to include ALL best by dates. Previously, all products with best by dates up to 4/16/15 were recalled. There is an outbreak associated with this recall; three people in Washington state were sickened with listeriosis. Two people were hospitalized, and one person died. One illness was associated with a pregnancy. The recalled products are packaged in clear plastic wrappers or plastic tubs, and the best by dates are stamp coded next to a label. The cheeses and sour cream have shelf lives of up to 90 days. The last date of distribution was January 15, 2015. That means consumers probably still have them in their homes. All best by dates are recalled. The recalled … [Read more...]
Queseria Bendita Listeria Outbreak: Foods to Avoid in Pregnancy

The Listeria monocytogenes outbreak linked to recalled Queseria Bendita soft cheeses and sour cream is a reminder to pregnant women that they should avoid certain foods. One pregnant woman in Washington state was sickened in this outbreak. Some foods are riskier than others because they are more likely to contain pathogenic bacteria, especially Listeria, that can cause serious complications. The outbreak linked to Queseria Bendita Panela, Queso Fresco, Cotija, and Requeson cheeses has sickened three people and killed one person. Attorney Fred Pritzker, who has represented many clients sickened by this pathogenic bacteria, said, "It is always tragic when people are sickened and killed by contaminated food. Processors have a legal responsibility to make sure the foods they sell are … [Read more...]