The CDC has updated its information about the deadly multistate outbreak of Salmonella Kiambu infections linked to imported Maradol papayas. The case count is still at 47 people sick in 12 states, with 12 hospitalized and one death in New York City.
Grande Produce has recalled Caribbean brand Maradol papayas that were distributed between July 10 and July 19, 2017. This is one brand that has been linked to the outbreak. Officials think that more brands will be announced as the investigation proceeds, since there are illnesses in states where Grande Produce does not do business. A sticker on the Maradol papaya should say if it is Caribeña brand and if it is from Mexico.

Attorney Fred Pritzker, who has represented people sickened in Salmonella outbreaks, said, “this type of food poisoning can have lifelong consequences, including IBS and reactive arthritis.” Call 1-888-377-8900.
The CDC is still recommending that consumers do not eat, restaurants do not serve, and retailers not sell Maradol papayas from Mexico until the investigation is further along. If you aren’t sure if the papaya you purchased is a Maradol papaya from Mexico, ask the store where you bought it.
When in doubt, don’t eat, sell, or serve them and throw them out. Then wash and sanitize your countertops as well as drawers and shelves in your refrigerator where the papayas were stored.
New York and New Jersey have seen the most illnesses in this outbreak, with 13 and 12 people ill in those states, respectively. The outbreak has spread over the country.
People usually don’t expect to get sick from produce. But research has shown that fresh produce is one of the most common vehicles for pathogenic bacteria. There have been outbreaks in the past linked to lettuce, raspberries, tomatoes, and raw sprouts.
The symptoms of a Salmonella infection include diarrhea, fever, abdominal cramps, and vomiting. These symptoms usually appear within 12 to 72 hours after exposure to the bacteria. People usually recover without medical treatment, but if a patient develops sepsis or becomes dehydrated, they need to be hospitalized. Contact a healthcare provider if you think you have been sickened after eating papayas.
Pritzker Hageman law firm helps people sickened by food contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes and other pathogenic bacteria get answers, compensation and justice. We protect our client’s legal rights. Our lawyers represent families of children in personal injury and wrongful death lawsuits against grocery stores, food producers, shippers, dairies, restaurants, retailers, and schools. Attorney Fred Pritzker recently won $7.5 million for young client whose kidneys failed after he developed hemolytic uremic syndrome because of an E. coli infection.