October 25, 2024

Public Health Alert for SPAM Classic For Underprocessing

The USDA has issued a public health alert for one lot of SPAM Classic for underprocessing. This product is no longer available for purchase, so a recall was not requested. There have been no confirmed reports of adverse reactions reported to the company to date in connection with the consumption of this product. The recalling firm is Hormel Foods Corp Services, LLC of Austin, Minnesota.

Public Health Alert for SPAM Classic For Underprocessing

The recalled canned meat product was produced on August 17, 2023. The product is 12 ounce metal cans containing SPAM Classic. The product has the best by date of August 2026 stamped on the bottom of the can, along with the lot code A08173.

The SPAM has the establishment number EST. 199 stamped inside the USDA mark of inspection. It was shipped to HEB retail locations in Texas. No other retailers are involved in this alert.

The public health alert was triggered when the firm reported that they inadvertently shipped product that may not have been adequately processed to reach commercial sterility. Anyone concerned about an adverse reaction should contact a healthcare provider.

FSIS is concerned that this product is in consumers’ pantries or refrigerators. Please check your pantry and refrigerator to see if you have this product with that best by date and that lot code. If you do, do not eat it, even if you plan to heat it before consumption. You can throw the SPAM Classic away in a secure trash can with a tight fitting lid after first double bagging it, or you can take it back to the store where you purchased it for a full refund.

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