Al-Watan Tahini is being recalled in Canada for possible Salmonella contamination. No illnesses have been reported to the company to date in connection with the consumption of this product. The recalling firm is Naz’s Falafel House Inc., doing business as Mawasem Trading Inc.
The recalled product was sold in Ontario at the retail level and was also sold to hotels, institutions, and restaurants. The recalled item is Al-Watan Tahini that is sold in 18 kilogram packages. The UPC number that is stamped on the product label is 6 224000 108045. All PRO dates up to and including 8/2024 are included in this recall.
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency is launching a food safety investigation that may lead to the recall of more products. If this happens, a recall notice will be posted on the CFIA recall page.
If you purchased this product, do not eat it, and do not sell it or serve it to others. You can throw the product away in a secure garbage can with a tight fitting lid, after double bagging it so other people can’t access it, or you can take it back to the place of purchase for a full refund
If you ate this product, monitor your health for the next week for the symptoms of Salmonella food poisoning, which can include fever, chills, nausea, vomiting, stomach and abdominal pain and cramps, and diarrhea that may be bloody. If you do get sick, see your doctor.