March 25, 2025

Taylor’s Sausage Hot Landjaeger Recalled For Undeclared Soy

Taylor's Sausage Hot Landjaeger is being recalled because it contains soy, one of the nine major food allergens, that is not declared on the product label as required. Anyone who is allergic to soy could have a serious reaction if they eat this product. There have been no confirmed reports of allergic reactions received by the company to date in connection with the consumption of this product. The recalling firm is Taylor's Sausage of Cave Junction, Oregon. The shelf stable, ready to eat Landjaeger sausages were produced on December 8, 2023 and packaged on December 19, 2023. The recalled item is 14.4 ounce vacuum packed packages containing 12 pieces of Taylor's Sausage Hot Landjaeger.. The lot code for this product is 23342-2 and the use by date, stamped on the back of the product … [Read more...]

CFS Warns the EPA Will Approve Agent Orange on GE Crops

The Center for Food Safety is warning the public that the EPA is set to approve the direct spraying of the herbicide 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) on Dow Chemical's genetically engineered corn and soybeans. That chemical is one-half of the compound called "Agent Orange" used in Vietnam to destroy foliage; it caused cancer among Vietnam veterans. EPA will render a decision after a 30 day comment period. Dow developed the GE crops, known as "Enlist", to withstand high doses of 2,4-D (which it also sells) after its disastrous Roundup Ready crops created glyphosate-resistant superweeds. You can sign a petition opposing this action at CFS web site called "Dow Watch". CFS opposes this move by the EPA because they state, "wide scale use of herbicides in tandem with GE crops has led to … [Read more...]

USDA Seeks Public Comment on New GE Crops

The USDA's Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) released its Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) as part of a review to determine whether to deregulate generically engineered (GE) corn and soybean plants that are resistant to herbicides, including  2,4-D, which is half of the toxic chemical mixture Agent Orange. APHIS is performing an assessment of the plants, while the EPA is conducting a review of the related herbicides. To accomplish these tasks, APHIS conducts two analyses to see if the GE plants pose a "pant pest risk" to agricultural crops. Their preliminary assessment finds that they do not pose a plant pest risk. Then APHIS must evaluate the potential effect on the environment. The EPA conducts risk assessments on potential human health risks. Dow … [Read more...]

Toxicology Study on Pigs Fed GMO Foods Finds Problems

A study published in the Journal of Organic Systems, conducted by U.S. and Australian researchers on pigs fed genetically modified foods (GMOs), found problems with the animals given the altered foods. The animals fed GMO corn and soy had a higher rate of stomach inflammation and developed heavier uteri. This study was conducted because many feeding studies on the safety of GM crops use non-mammals that are not physiologically comparable to human beings, or animals that are fed the crop in a form that humans don't eat. Other studies only measure body weight, carcass weight, breast meat or milk production yields and don't consider health outcomes. Scientists followed 168 pigs from weaning age to slaughter over a 22.4 week time period. Half of the pigs ate a diet based on … [Read more...]

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