An IHOP Salmonella outbreak in Bellevue, Washington has sickened at least three people, according to the King County Health Department. Two of those patients were hospitalized. The IHOP is located at 14747 NE 20th Street in Bellevue. The investigation into this outbreak has ended.
Illness onset darts ranged from October 23, 2023 to December 23, 2023. The meal date range was from October 16, 2023 to December 21, 2023. The people who got sick reported eating a wide variety of breakfast foods at that restaurant.
The patient age range is from 20 to 70 years old. All of the patients developed one or more symptoms consistent with salmonellosis, including nauseas, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, bloody stools, and fever. No ill employees were identified in the investigation of this outbreak. The three patients are from three separate households.
Public health interviewed the patients to try to identify common exposure. All of the patients ate at the Bellevue IHOP. No specific food was identified in this investigation.
Whole genome sequencing found that patient isolates had the same strain of Salmonella. That indicates that they got sick from eating the same food. The testing was conducted at the Washington State Public Health Laboratory.
Environmental Health investigators requested source information and food receipts from the restraint on January 11, 2024. The restaurant was inspected on January 16, 2024. No factors that may have contributed to the outbreak were identified during the inspection. The facility conducted a thorough deep cleaning and reinforced food safety training with staff.
If you ate at that Bellevue IHOP and have been ill with the symptoms of Salmonella food poisoning, see your doctor. You may be part of this IHOP Salmonella outbreak.

If you have been sickened with a food poisoning infection, please contact our experienced attorneys for help with a possible lawsuit at 1-888-377-8900 or text us at 612-261-0856. Our firm represents clients in lawsuits against grocery stores, restaurants, and food processors. .