October 21, 2024

Groups Urge Congress to Reject Enlist Duo Herbicide

Consumer groups, scientists, and doctors are urging congress to pressure the Obama administration to reject an application for "Enlist Duo ™ which is a new toxic herbicide made of 2,4-D and glyphosate. The EPA is reviewing an application for this compound from Dow AgroSciences. This herbicide would be used on millions of acres of farm fields in combination with genetically engineered crops that would tolerate the compound. The Center for Food Safety states that this herbicide would put human and environmental health at risk. Glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, has been linked to cancer development in people, and 2,4-D was used in Agent Orange, the herbicide that has sickened many Vietnam vets. Dr. Philip Landrigan of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine said, "exposures to … [Read more...]

Center For Food Safety Launches Campaign Against “Agent Orange” Crops

The Center for Food Safety is launching a campaign to stop Dow Chemical's so-called "Agent Orange" GMO crops. The genetically engineered corn and soybeans resist 2,4-D, a powerful herbicide that is one half of the chemical Agent Orange that caused illness and death in Vietnam veterans. The campaign includes a petition to USDA and President Obama, a website, and a video. Andrew Kimbrell, executive director of CFS said in a statement, "Dow Chemical has a long and troubling history selling dangerous chemicals and poisons, and now they are targeting our food supply. Monsanto isn't the only bad actor out there. Companies like Dow Chemical have gotten a free pass - but no longer. We are launching this campaign to give people the chance to fight back, to speak with one voice and stop Dow … [Read more...]

Ingredient in Roundup Weed Killer Found in Food

A peer-reviewed study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), published in Entropy, has found that residues of glyphosate, the main ingredient in the weed killer Roundup, have been found in food. Glyphosate is used on crops that are genetically engineered (GMO foods) to be "Roundup Ready". Monsanto scientists have claimed for years that Roundup is safe and non-toxic because it targets the shikimate pathway in plants, which is absent in animals. But this pathway is present in bacteria that live in human guts, which play an important role in human physiology, from immunity to synthesizing vitamins. The study's authors say that glyphosate does induce disease and is a "textbook example of exogenous semiotic entropy." Glyphosate inhibits detoxification of xenobiotics and … [Read more...]

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