March 14, 2025

CDC: Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Mt. Healthy Live Poultry Grows

According to the CDC, as of July 12, 2012, there are now 144 people in 26 states who are sick with three outbreaks strains of Salmonella linked to live poultry from Mt. Heathy Hatchery in Ohio. Previously, 123 people were counted as part of the outbreak. The outbreak strains include Salmonella Infantis, Salmonella Newport, and Salmonella Lille. The case count is as follows: Alabama (4), Arizona (1), Delaware (1), Georgia (5), Illinois (1), Indiana (3), Kansas (1), Kentucky (5), Louisiana (1), Maine (4), Maryland (1), Massachusetts (2), Michigan (2), Nebraska (1), New Jersey (1), New York (16), North Carolina (14), Ohio (37), Pennsylvania (11), Rhode Island (1), South Carolina (1), Tennessee (11), Texas (2), Vermont (1), Virginia (10), West Virginia (7). Thirty-two people have been … [Read more...]

New Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Chicks and Ducklings From Estes Hatchery

The CDC has announced a new outbreak of Salmonella linked to baby chicks and ducklings. This outbreak strain, Salmonella Montevideo, is different from the outbreak caused by the three strains we reported on earlier this month. Sixty-six people in 20 states are sick with the outbreak strain of Salmonella; 16 have been hospitalized; and one death has been reported, but the Salmonella infection wasn't a contributing factor in that person's death. The case count is distributed among the following states: Alaska (1) California (2) Colorado (1) Georgia (1) Illinois (1) Indiana (8) Iowa (2) Kansas (10) Kentucky (1) Massachusetts (1) Missouri (22) Nebraska (5) Nevada (1) New York (1) North Carolina (1) Ohio (1) Oklahoma (4) South Dakota (1) Vermont … [Read more...]

CDC: 123 People are Ill with Salmonella From Live Chicks and Ducks

The CDC has updated its investigation into the Salmonella outbreak associated with live poultry. As of June 7, 2012, 123 people are ill with Salmonella from live chicks and ducks. Twenty-six people have been hospitalized, and one person has died, although the government says "it is unclear whether infection contributed to this death". Thirty-six percent of the patients are children 10 years old and younger. The strains of Salmonella in this outbreak include Salmonella Infantis, Salmonella Newport, and Salmonella Lille. The case count is as follows: Alabama (4) Delaware (1) Georgia (5) Illinois (1) Indiana (3) Kansas (1) Kentucky (5) Louisiana (1) Maine (3) Maryland (1) Massachusetts (1) Michigan (1) Nebraska (1) New Jersey (1) New York (16) North … [Read more...]

For Aspiring Vets It’s All About Pets, Not Public, Food or Research Jobs

It's all about pets for aspiring vets these days. There aren't enough veterinary students interested in public sector, food or research jobs, according to a new study published by the National Academies of Science. Over 50 percent of veterinary students are interested in companion animal care. And, of those students, a significant percentage is  interested in specialty areas such as surgery, oncology, and orthopedic medicine, according to the report. As a result, many veterinary schools have focused their curricula on companion animal care, while other important subjects such as infectious diseases, public health, and environmental toxicology have taken a back seat. Already, veterinary positions in the public sector are unfilled in important areas such as epidemiology, food safety, … [Read more...]

Multistate Outbreak of Human Salmonella Infections Linked to Chicks and Ducks

The CDC is reporting an outbreak of human Salmonella infections linked to live poultry. Outbreak strains of Salmonella Infantis, Salmonella Newport, and Salmonella Lille have sickened 93 people in 23 states. Eighteen people have been hospitalized, and there has been one death that may be related to the outbreak and is under investigation. The outbreak began in February 2012. Case counts are as follows: Alabama (3) Georgia (3) Illinois (1) Indiana (2) Kentucky (4) Louisiana (1) Maine (2) Maryland (1) Massachusetts (1) Michigan (1) Nebraska (1) New Jersey (1) New York (13) North Carolina (9) Ohio (26) Pennsylvania (9) Rhode Island (1) South Carolina (1) Tennessee (4) Texas (1) Vermont (1) Virginia (6) West Virginia (1) The government … [Read more...]

Easter Chicks and Ducks Can Carry Salmonella

Every Easter, doctors see an increase in Salmonella infections among their patients. Children under the age of six make up about a third of the ill. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), since 1990 there have been more than 35 outbreaks of salmonellosis in this country caused by exposure to live poultry. Poultry can be infected with Salmonella but still look and act perfectly healthy. They shed the bacteria in their droppings, and then their feet, feathers, and beaks can become contaminated. Tiny chicks and ducklings are very cute, but they may not be appropriate pets. Children love to cuddle tiny animals, often kissing them, or touching them and then putting their fingers in their mouths. That's a perfect way to contract disease. Because children's … [Read more...]

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