Trinidad Black Beans are being recalled because they have elevated levels of a pesticide MBC (carbendazim) thiophanate-methyl. Becasue this recall notice was posted on the FDA's Enforcement Reports Page, and not the regular recall page, there is no information about whether or not any illness or adverse reactions have been reported to the company to date in connection with the consumption of this item. The recalling firm is Trinidad Benham Corp. of Denver, Colorado. That pesticide is a probable human carcinogen. It can affect the liver and thyroid, and may have adverse effects on the human reproductive system. This recalled product was sold at the retail level in the states of Arizona, California, Idaho, and Oregon. It is Trinidad Black Beans that are dried beans, packaged in a … [Read more...]
Asli Sesame Seeds Brown Recalled For Too Much Pesticide
Asli Sesame Seeds Brown are being recalled because a product sample exceeded the tolerance for the pesticide Fenvalerate. There is no mention about whether or not any illnesses have been reported in connection with the consumption of this product because this recall notice was posted on the FDA's Enforcement Reports Page, not the regular recall page. The recalling firm is Sands Impex Inc. doing business as Asli Fine Foods of Woodridge, Illinois. Consuming pesticides can cause short term health effects such as headaches and nausea. There are long term effects as well, but these problems happen over longer periods of time. This item was sold at the retail level in these states: Illinois, Indiana, Nebraska, Colorado, Kansas, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. The recalled product is … [Read more...]
Organic Yogi Echinacea Immune Support Supplement Recalled
Organic Yogi Echinacea Immune Support Dietary Supplement is being recalled because the product contains pesticide residues above the FDA action level. Because this recall notice was posted on the FDA's Enforcement Reports page instead of the recall page, there is no information about whether or not any adverse reactions have been reported to the company to date in connection with the consumption of this item. The recalling firm is East West Tea Company, LLC of Eugene, Oregon. According to the World Health Organization, pesticides in food can be harmful to human health, affecting the reproductive and nervous systems, and can also have an affect on immunity. Some pesticides are carcinogenic. The recalled products include Organic Yogi Echinacea Immune Support, Caffeine Herbal … [Read more...]
Consumer Reports Tracks Pesticides on Fresh Produce
Consumer Reports tracks pesticides on produce and has released the results of their research. They say that since the 1960s, some chemicals used on American crops have unacceptable health risks. Some pesticides are banned in the United States, but the government has been slow to act on banning others. And when a chemical is removed from the market, companies and growers may use others that can be just as hazardous to your health. Consumer Reports conducted a comprehensive review of pesticides in food by analyzing seven years of data from the Department of Agriculture. Every year, that agency tests a selection of conventionally grown and organic produce that is grown in the U.S. or imported. CR looked at 59 common fruits and vegetables, including the fresh version, canned, dried, and … [Read more...]
EWG Releases Dirty Dozen List of Produce For 2023
Environmental Working Group (EWG) has published their 2023 guide to the Dirty Dozen list, which is a list of fruits and vegetables that are likely to have the most pesticide residue. The biggest news is that blueberries are back on the list, with traces of several toxic pesticides. Americans are eating three times as many blueberries as 20 years ago, according to that agency. The list is based on analysis of the USDA data, which tests some fruit and vegetable samples. Just under 80% of all blueberry samples tested positive for two or more pesticides, compared to 70% in 2014. One sample of blueberries had up to 17 different pesticide residues. The most problematic pesticides are phosmet and malathion, which are organophosphate insecticides. They can be toxic to the human nervous … [Read more...]
Earth Farms Brussels Sprouts Recalled For Chlorpyrifos
Earth Farms Brussels Sprouts are being recalled for possible Chlorpyrifos contamination that was found by the state of California. Because this recall was posted on the FDA's Enforcement page, and not on the FDA's recall page, there is no information provided about whether or not any adverse reactions have been reported to the company to date. The recalling firm is 4 Earth Farms of Commerce, California. The Brussels sprouts were distributed in these states: California, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Arizona, Colorado, Minnesota, New York, Pennsylvania, Kansas, Maryland, Washington, Utah, Texas, New Jersey, Colorado, Canada (Toronto), Wyoming, South Carolina, Maine, Missouri, Alabama, Louisiana, Nevada, Tennessee, North Carolina, Nebraska, Massachusetts, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, … [Read more...]
FDA Releases Pesticide Monitoring Report For Fiscal Year 2020
The FDA has released its pesticide monitoring report for fiscal year 2020 with the news that 96.8% of domestically produced food, and 88.4% of imported food met federal tolerances set by the EPA. From October 1, 2019 to September 30, 2020, the FDA tested for about 75o different pesticides and selected industrial compounds on 2,078 human food samples (316 domestic and 1,762 imported) in the program. The domestic food samples were collected from 35 states and imported human food samples were collected from 79 countries. The maximum residue levels are set by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to protect public health. These tolerances are established on the amount of residue that a food can contain. The domestically produced food group with the highest percentage of violative … [Read more...]
Environmental Working Group Publishes Dirty Dozen Produce List
The Environmental Working Group has published their Dirty Dozen Produce List and their Clean Fifteen list for 2022, with the top 12 fruits and vegetables that are most likely to be contaminated with pesticides and the top 15 that are least likely to be contaminated. The report states that more than 705 of non-organic fresh produce sold in the United States contains residues of potentially harmful pesticides. The guide analyzes the latest test data from the USDA and FDA. It also found that more than 50% of potatoes, spinach, lettuce, and eggplant had detectable levels of at least one of three bee-killing nemonic insecticides that are banned in the EU but still allowed in the U.S. The USDA washes, peels, or scrubs the fruits and vegetables before testing, so those actions will not … [Read more...]
EPA Is Ending the Use of the Pesticide Chlorpyrifos On Food
The EPA is ending the use of the pesticide chlorpyrifos on food, in a final rule that was released August 18, 2021. The decision is a reaction to a court ruling in April 2021 that directed the agency to ban the use of the organophosphate insecticide on food or set new residue levels that are safe for children. If the EPA can't ensure that a pesticide won't hurt children, they must ban it, according to the 1996 Food Quality Protection Act. The final rule revokes all "tolerances" for chlorpyrifos. The agency will also issue a Notice of Intent to Cancel under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act to cancel registered food uses of chlorpyrifos associated with the revoked tolerances. EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan said in a statement, "Today EPA is taking an … [Read more...]
Environmental Working Group Dirty Dozen Produce Guide Published
Environmental Working Group (EWG) has published their 2020 guide to the Dirty Dozen, which is a list of fruits and vegetables that are likely to have the most pesticide residue. The biggest change is EWG comment on raisins, which were not on the list but were mentioned for the first time. Raisins were tested for the first time since 2007 even though it's not a fresh food. That food is the dirtiest produce commodity. Of the 670 samples of conventional raisins analyzed, 99% tested positive for at least two pesticides. On average, each sample was contaminated with more than 13 pesticides. One sample had 26 pesticides. Even some organic raisins were contaminated. The issue with this food is that children under the age of 15 eat 208,000,000 pounds of raisins every year, about half of the … [Read more...]