According to the FDA’s Core Outbreak Investigation Table, a new cyclospora outbreak has been identified, in addition to the outbreak that has been on the table for weeks. In the new outbreak, 29 people are sick. In the ongoing outbreak, at least 104 people are now sick. No food has been identified in either outbreak.
Every year since 2013, hundreds of Americans are sickened with cyclospora outbreaks in the summer and this year is no exception. The CDC says that there are currently at least 462 people sick with domestically-acquired cyclospora infections in this country; 41 people have been hospitalized. The FDA outbreaks are part of that total, since on the table each outbreak has an asterisk that states “This cluster represents a subset of the total number of domestically-acquired cases of cyclosporiasis cases in the U.S.”
Little information, outside of the case count total, is provided in that table. We don’t know case counts by state, patient ages, or if anyone in these specific outbreaks has been hospitalized. In the new cyclospora outbreak, traceback has been initiated, but there is no recall, no on-site inspection, and no sample collection and analysis. Previous cyclospora outbreaks have been linked to basil, mesclun lettuce, vegetable snack trays, bagged salads, and raspberries.
In the ongoing outbreak, the 104 sick is an increase of 42 more illnesses since the last update on July 22, 2021. In that outbreak investigation, traceback has been initiated, the government has started on-site inspections, and sample collection and analysis has been initiated.
Cyclosporiasis, the illness caused by this microscopic parasite, has symptoms that range from bloating to weight loss and loss of appetite to explosive diarrhea. Patients are often confined to their homes for months. There is a treatment for this infection, but anyone allergic to sulfa can’t take that medication.
The cyclospora oocyst replicates in the human gut, is expelled in feces, then must mature in the environment before it becomes infectious again. The oocysts are deposited on produce, either in the field or during processing. They are sticky and difficulty to rinse off produce. This illness does not spread from person-to-person.
If you have been ill with the symptoms of cyclospora food poisoning, see your doctor. You may be part of this new cyclospora outbreak, or the older one.

If you or a loved one have been sickened with a cyclospora infection, please contact our experienced attorneys for help at 1-888-377-8900 or 612-338-0202.