October 25, 2024

Costco in Canada Provided Free Samples of Berry Blend Linked to Hepatitis Outbreak

Costco stores in Canada provided free samples of a frozen berry blend product that was later linked to a Hepatitis A outbreak, according to the Public Health Agency of Canada. The agency said previously that 13 people had been sickened, but adjusted the case count yesterday to 11. Four people have been hospitalized. A recall has been issued for Nature’s Touch Organic Berry Cherry Blend sold at Costco stores inOntario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundlandand Labrador. Consumers who have purchased this product should not consume it. Hepatitis A  is a highly contagious virus. It is transmitted Hepatitis when contaminated food or water is eaten or through contact with an infected person’s stool. Sometimes, people infected with the virus show no symptoms. Those who do … [Read more...]

In Canada, Hepatitis Frozen Berry Outbreak Hospitalizes 5

A Hepatitis A outbreak linked to frozen berries has sickened 13 people in Canada, hospitalizing five of them, according to the Public Health Agency of Canada. A recall has been issued for Nature's Touch Organic Berry Cherry Blend sold at Costco stores inOntario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland and Labrador. Consumers who have purchased this product should not consume it. Hepatitis A  is a highly contagious virus. It is transmitted Hepatitis when contaminated food or water is eaten or through contact with an infected person's stool. Sometimes those who are infected show no symptoms. For those who do become sick, symptoms usually develop two weeks after exposure and can last for months. They include mild fever, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue, … [Read more...]

Outbreaks Linked to Frozen Foods

Two simultaneous Salmonella outbreaks linked to frozen chicken entrees in Minnesota are the latest examples of how frozen food can cause illness. Frozn foods can be contaminated with Salmonella, E. coli, Hepatitis or Listeria or other dangerous pathogens. Salmonella Two current Salmonella outbreaks are linked to frozen, raw, pre-browned chicken Kiev by Barber Foods and frozen, raw, pre-browned chicken Cordon Bleu by Antioch Farms have sickened seven people, hospitalizing four of them. Illnesses in other states may also be linked to the outbreaks. Investigations are ongoing. Listeria The Blue Bell  ice cream Listeria outbreak is an example of how Listeria can survive freezing temperatures. Rare strains of Listeria in Blue Bell ice cream served to patients at Via Christi hospital … [Read more...]

Hepatitis A in Berries in Australia Similar to 2013 U.S. Outbreak

An outbreak of hepatitis A in Australia linked to frozen berries from China has prompted memories of a huge 2013 hepatitis A outbreak linked to frozen berries in the U.S. At least five people in Australia are currently sick with the virus. In 2013, traceback investigation in the U.S. outbreak found that the virus was likely in frozen imported pomegranate seeds from Turkey that was used in Townsend Farms Organic Antioxidant Blend. One hundred sixty-five people were sickened; their illness onset dates ranged from 3/31/2013 - 8/12/2013. Forty-two percent of patients were hospitalized. All ill people who reported eating the recalled Townsend Farms product purchased it from Costco markets. Attorney Fred Pritzker, who represents clients in the U.S. outbreak, said, "people who bought this … [Read more...]

Townsend Farms Hepatitis A Outbreak Reaches 150 Cases

The hepatitis A outbreak associated with Townsend Farms berries sold at Costco stores has reached 150 cases. Consumers should check their freezers to make sure they do not have Townsend Farms Organic Antioxidant Blend frozen berries. Fifty six precent of those sickened, who range in age from 1 to 84 years old, are women. Ten of the case patients are children under 18 who had not been vaccinated. By state, the case count is as follows: Arizona (22), California (74), Colorado (27), Hawaii (8), New Mexico (8), Nevada (6), Utah (3), and Wisconsin (2). [Note: The Wisconsin cases resulted from exposure to the product in California.] Hepatits A is a contagious liver disease. Those infected do not always show symptoms which can take between two and six weeks to develop and include yellow … [Read more...]

Hepatitis Still Being Tracked in Costco Berry Blend Outbreak

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said this week that it is still tracking hepatitis A cases throughout the country as part of its surveillance of a Hep A outbreak associated with Townsend Farms Organic Antioxidant Blend of berries and pomegranate seeds sold at Costco stores.  Oregon-based Townsend Farms issued recalls of the frozen berry mix starting in early June, two months after the first illnesses were detected. As of July 15, there were 147 confirmed case patients from California, Colorado, Arizona and five other states. At least 63 of the Hepatitis victims were hospitalized. New illnesses were occurring as recently as July 1 and the CDC has not declared the Townsend Farms outbreak to be complete. Joint announcements by the CDC and FDA have indicated … [Read more...]

Townsend Farms Expands Frozen Berry Blend Recall

Townsend Farms is expanding its recall of Townsend Farms Organic Antioxidant Blend that is linked to a hepatitis A outbreak in eight states. There is a "clear association" between the hepatitis A illness outbreak and one lot of organic pomegranate seeds used in the recalled product. The lot was imported from Turkey through Goknur and Purely Pomegranate, Inc. The product has been tested and the results to date have not detected hepatitis A. The recalled product is a 3 pound bag with UPC number 0 78414 40444 8. The recall codes are on the back of the package with the words "BEST BY" followed by the code T122114 sequentially through T053115, followed by a letter. That means a "best by" date of 12/21/14 through 5/31/15. All letter designations are included in this recall. Epidemiological … [Read more...]

Costco Hepatitis A Lawsuit Filed for Man Sickened by Berry Mix Produced by Townsend Farms

Another lawsuit has been filed in California against Costco Corporation and Townsend Farms on behalf of a victim of a multi-state hepatitis A outbreak.  The source of the outbreak is frozen berries manufactured by Oregon-based Townsend Farms and sold at Costco stores, according to the suit, which is not a class action. The berries were part of a recall. "The evidence pointing to Townsend Farms Organic Antioxidant Blend berries is extremely strong," said attorney Fred Pritzker, who is representing several other victims of the hepatitis A outbreak. "Our goal is to hold Townsend Farms and Costco accountable for these illnesses by getting full and fair compensation for our clients." This newest lawsuit was filed against Townsend Farms and Costco Corporation in the Superior Court of Los … [Read more...]

Townsend Farms Hepatitis Outbreak: 5 of 113 Sick Are Children

The Townsend Farms hepatitis A outbreak associated with berries sold at Costco has sickened 113 people, 5 of whom are under 18, according to a June 21 update from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The 113 confirmed cases are in the following seven states: Arizona (15), California (57), Colorado (23), Hawaii (5), New Mexico (5), Nevada (5), and Utah (3).  Fifty people have been hospitalized. The case patients range in age from  2 to 84, although most are between the ages of 40 and 64.  About 59 percent of the case patients are female. Based on information from interviews with patients, onset of illness dates ranged from March 31 2013 – June 13 2013. All patients who reported eating berries in question- Townsend Farms Organic Antioxidant Blend, said they purchased … [Read more...]

Hepititis A Lawyers File Lawsuit against Costco and Townsend Farms

Attorney Fred Pritzker of Pritzker Hageman law firm is the lead lawyer in a lawsuit filed against Townsend Farms and Costco Wholesale Corporation on behalf of an Arizona man (Plaintiff). He allegedly contracted hepatitis A from Townsend Farms Organic Antioxidant Blend mixed berries with pomegranate seeds. The suit was filed in the United District Court for the District of Arizona (Case 2:13-cv-01181-ROS). The Pritzker Hageman law firm is also representing hepatitis A victims in other states who are part of the multistate hepatitis A outbreak associated with Townsend Farms Organic Antioxidant Blend sold at Costco. To date, the CDC has confirmed outbreak cases in Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah and Washington. "This morning the CDC updated its outbreak … [Read more...]

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