March 15, 2025

Is a Hidden Viral Gene in Commercial GMO Crops a Problem?

Two researchers associated with the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) have discovered that the most common genetic regulatory sequence in commercial genetically modified crops (GMOs) encodes a significant fragment of a viral gene. Their report states that this viral gene (called Gene VI) "might not be safe for human consumption. Scientists Nancy Podevin and Patrick du Jardin discovered that 54 of the 86 GMO plants approved for use in the US contain the gene. Those crops are fed to farm animals that produce eggs, milk, and meat. The gene "may disturb the normal functioning of crops, including their natural pest resistance." In addition, when Gene VI is intentionally expressed in transgenic plants, they develop growth deformities. The report's authors also state that Gene VI is an … [Read more...]

GMO Labeling Bill Pre-Filed in New Mexico

New Mexico is joining the GMO labeling fight. A bill that would require labels for any foods, drink, chewing gum, and pet foods containing genetically modified ingredients has been pre-filed in the New Mexico state senate by Senator Peter Wirth (D-Santa Fe-25). Senate Bill 18 would apply to any food that contains more than 1% of a GMO material. That state joins Washington state, which has submitted an initiative mandating labeling with the Washington state legislature, and Oregon, which plans to launch an initiative this summer to go on the November ballot. Proposition 37 was defeated in California last year after opponents spent millions of dollars on a "No on 37" campaign. The bill states that "the information [on the label] shall be displayed in a manner that is conspicuous and … [Read more...]

Washington State Enters the GE Food Labeling Fray

After the defeat of Proposition 37 in California, which would have mandated labeling any food that contained genetically engineered (GE) or genetically modified (GMO) foods, Washington state is entering the battle. An initiative called  I-522 proposes that all foods produced through genetic engineering sold in that state be labeled. The initiative states that since the vast majority of the public wants to know if their food was produced using genetic engineering, and since consumers have a right to know what's in the food they buy, labeling is necessary. The organization has collected 340,000 signatures, more than the 241,00 required to send the proposal to the Legislature. If the Washington State Legislature does not approve the measure, it will appear on the general election ballot in … [Read more...]

GE Salmon: What Can You Do?

We've received several letters from readers who are concerned about the FDA possibly approving genetically engineered (GE) salmon, and what they can do about it. There are many petitions circulating, asking the government to do more studies and reconsider before approving the first engineered animal. You can also contact your representatives in Congress and tell them how you feel about this issue. Wenowah Hauter, Director of Food & Water Watch, has written a book called Foodopoly. In it, she describes some of the potential problems and concerns with what she calls "frankenfish". The salmon is created by inserting the genes of ocean pout, so the fish grows to market size in half the time. Since the FDA has no regulatory process for legalizing these animals, they are using the process … [Read more...]

FDA Moves Toward Approval of Genetically Engineered Salmon

The FDA released its draft Environmental Assessment of AquaBounty's genetically engineered (GE) salmon last week, which is the final step towards becoming the first FDA-approved GE food animal. Many organizations, including Food & Water Watch, oppose GE salmon. The reasons for opposition are many, including lack of scientific rigor and expertise at the FDA, concerns about the ability of the engineered fish to escape into the wild, and concerns about unknown health effects. For instance, Consumers Union is concerned that the process used to create the salmon "substantially alters its composition and nutritional value." Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) sponsored a failed amendment that would have required environmental and economic impact studies of the salmon. And groups … [Read more...]

GMO Backlash Against Cheerios

On General Mills' Cheerios Facebook page, thousands of consumers have posted they are boycotting that product because of the company's support for No on 37 in California. Proposition 37, which proposed labeling all foods that contain genetically modified organisms (GMO or GE), failed in a close vote last month. Opponents of the proposal included giant corporations such as Monsanto, General Mills, Bayer, Dupont, and Dow. That group spent more than $45 million, while the group supporting the proposition spent less than $9 million. Consumers who are opposed to genetically engineered ingredients in the foods they eat have been posting on the Facebook page. The GMO Inside Campaign has been encouraging its members to do so. General Mills did have an app that let users comment on what Cheerios … [Read more...]

Food & Water Watch Opposes USDA AC21 GMO Compensation Plan

Food & Water Watch Executive Director Wenonah Hauter has released a statement in opposition to the USDA Advisory Committee on Biotechnology and 21st Century Agriculture, also called AC21. The purpose of the committee was to design a compensation mechanism for farmers who are economically harmed by contamination from genetically engineered (GE) crops or genetically modified (GMO) organisms. Farmers would have to buy an insurance policy to be compensated. She says, "it is outrageous that those being most harmed by GE contamination are the ones that would be responsible for paying into an insurance program outlined in the report. The liable party for contamination should be the patent holder of the gene technology, not the farmer who grows its seed. The companies that profit from the … [Read more...]

Proposition 37 Defeated in California

California voters have defeated Prop 37, that would have required labels on genetically modified foods. The final vote was 53 to 47 percent. A few months ago, polls showed the measure was favored more than two-to-one. But a huge campaign by opponents of the measure, mostly pesticide and processed food manufacturers, chipped away at that lead over time. The "No on 37" campaign spend more than $45.6 million. The "Yes on 37" campaign spent $8.9 million. Monsanto, the pesticide and chemical manufacturer, spent almost as much as the entire "Yes on 37" campaign, with $8.112 million. DuPont was the second highest spender, with $5.4 million. Groups on the "Yes" side included Consumers Union, Center for Food Safety, and United Farm Workers. They argued that consumers have a right to know … [Read more...]

CA Right To Know Calls for Criminal Investigation on No on 37

The California Right to Know Yes on 37 campaign asked the Justice Department today to open a criminal investigation of the No on 37 campaign for possible fraudulent misuse of the official seal of the Food and Drug Administration. The No on 37 campaign put the FDA seal on one of its mailers. Proposition 37 would require corporations to label foods that contain genetically engineered ingredients. The organization is also charging that the No on 37 campaign "falsely attributed a direct quote to FDA in the campaign mailer. The quoted attribution is entirely false and fabricated. FDA did not make this statement and does not take a position on Prop 37." In addition, the CA Right to Know campaign says that the No on 37 campaign has "repeatedly misrepresented the university affiliation of … [Read more...]

EFSA Says French GM Corn Study Not Valid; Others Disagree

The study that was released last month by a French research team headed by Professor Gilles-Eric Séralin was the first to find that genetically modified (GM) corn produced tumors in rats. It was published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology. But the European Food Safety Authority has released a statement saying that the study did not conform to standard study protocols and the organization is "unable to regard the authors' conclusions as scientifically sound." The criticisms focus on the methodology of the study instead of the results. All scientific studies must adhere to a certain methodology in order to produce results that are replicable, clear, and free of bias. The EFSA is planning to release a second review at the end of this month which will include additional … [Read more...]

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