Kirkland Signature Master Carve Half Ham sold at Costco stores is under a public health alert for possible Listeria monocytogenes contamination according to the USDA. A recall was not requested because the products are no longer in commerce. No confirmed reports of adverse reactions have been received by the company to date in connection with the consumption of this item. The recalling firm is Sunnyvale Smoked Meats Inc. The recalled product was sold only in the Northern California/Bay Area and in western Nevada at Costco stores. The ham was produced on September 25, 2023. The recalled item is Kirkland Signature Master Carve Half Ham, Natural Juices Boneless Smoked Half Ham. The ham was available for purchase between September 26 and September 29, 2023. The average weight is 4 … [Read more...]
Kirkland Signature Master Carve Half Ham Recalled For Listeria
Johnston County Hams Listeria Monocytogenes Outbreak Ends With 4 Sick

The Johnston County Hams Listeria monocytogenes outbreak has ended with four sick, according to a notice posted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). One person who lived in Virginia died, and the remaining four patients were hospitalized because they were so sick. Johnston County Hams, located in Smithfield, North Carolina, recalled their ham products on October 3, 2018 because of this outbreak. Several other secondary recalls were issued. The products that were recalled include: Johnston County Hams, Inc. Country Style Fully Cooked Boneless Deli Ham Ole Fashioned Sugar Cured The Old Dominion Brand Hams Premium Fully Cooked Country Ham with sell-by dates from 4/10/2018 to 9/27/2019 Padow’s Hams & Deli, Inc. Fully Cooked Country ham Boneless Glazed … [Read more...]
Secondary Recalls in Johnston County Ham Recall Listeria Outbreak

Secondary recalls have been popping up in the Johnston County Hams Listeria monocytogenes outbreak. The original Johnston County ham recall was issued on October 3, 2018. Secondary recalls mean that a recalled food was used to make other types of products. We will keep a running list of secondary recalls here so you can stay up to date. In this Listeria monocytogenes outbreak four people, who lived in North Carolina and Virginia, were sickened. All four were hospitalized. One person, who lived in Virginia, died. The originally Johnston County Ham recall included Johnston County Hams, Inc. Country Style Fully Cooked Boneless Deli Ham; Ole Fashioned Sugar Cured The Old Dominion Brand Hams Premium Fully Cooked Country Ham with sell-by dates from 4/10/2018 to … [Read more...]