March 14, 2025

Campylobacter Outbreak Linked to Raw Milk From Jaloszyski Minnesota Farm

A Campylobacter outbreak has been reported in Minnesota, according to the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). Routine disease surveillance has found at least six illnesses linked to consumption of raw dairy products from the Dennis Jaloszynski dairy farm near Cambridge, Minnnesota. The illnesses include three people with laboratory confirmed cases of Campylobacter jejuni. Health care providers reported the illness to public health authorities as required under Minnesota law. The ill persons reported that they had consumed raw milk from the Jaloszynski Farm. Minnesota Department of Agriculture officials visited the farm to get a customer list, but the owner did not have one. Health officials are therefore advising anyone who may have purchased or received raw milk from this farm not to … [Read more...]

Raw Milk Campylobacter Outbreak Associated with The Family Cow in PA

A Campylobacter outbreak associated with raw milk produced by The Family Cow farm in Chambersburg,  Pennsylvania has sickened at least five people, the Pennsylvania Departments of Agriculture and Health  announced today. State health officials are advising consumers who have purchased the milk to discard it. Lab tests preformed by the Pennsylvania Department of Health have confirmed five cases of campylobacteriosis in people who drank the unpasteurized milk produced on the Franklin County farm. Samples from the farm collected by the state Department of Agriculture also tested positive for the bacteria. The raw milk in question was packaged under The Family Cow label in plastic gallon, half- gallon, quart and pint containers and labeled as “raw milk.” It was sold at an on-farm retail … [Read more...]

Illinois Changing Rules for On-Farm Unpasteurized Milk Sales

The state of Illinois published a rule change for on-farm unpasteurized milk sales in January. Now raw milk advocates are objecting to three requirements in the proposed change. The changes include limiting on-farm sales to 100 gallons per month per farm. The dairies that sell raw milk must purchase equipment so their product meets Grade A certification requirements. And dairy farms would have to keep a log of customer names and numbers. The changes would also prohibit herd-sharing. In Illinois, the sale of raw milk is outlawed except directly to consumers on the farm under certain production regulations. The Illinois Department of Public Health has published a paper titled "Risks Associated with Consumption of Unpasteurized Dairy Products". In its Healthbeat newsletter, public … [Read more...]

Wisconsin Safe Milk Association Opposes Raw Milk Bill

A coalition called the Wisconsin Safe Milk Coalition has written a letter to lawmakers, asking them to oppose a bill that would legalize the sale of raw milk in that state. The groups include Children's Hospital of Wisconsin, American Academy of Pediatrics, Wisconsin Cheese Makers Association, the Wisconsin Public Health Association, and the Wisconsin Medical Society. State Senator Grothman (R-West Bend) is planning to introduce a bill to the legislature sometime this year that would legalize the sales of raw milk, with "appropriate safeguards". Grothman sponsored a failed bill to legalize unpasteurized milk sales in 2010. An article on his web page about this issue contains statements such as "I love raw beef. I'm sure someone got sick once." and "while occasionally people get sick … [Read more...]

Campylobacter Raw Milk Outbreak in Alaska

A Campylobacter outbreak associated with raw milk has been reported in Alaska. The Alaska Department of Health has released a Health Advisory warning residents about a "recent and potentially ongoing outbreak of Campylobacter infections that have been associated with consuming raw milk." Campylobacter infections are reportable to the epidemiologists at health departments. The sale of raw milk is illegal in Alaska, although farmers use "cow share" programs to sell the product to consumers. Since late January 2013 four people with confirmed infections and one person with a probable infection reported consuming unpasteurized milk in the few days before they got sick. An infant with "close contact" to a confirmed case-patient may also be infected with the bacteria. All patients live on the … [Read more...]

Did Raw Milk Cheese Cause E. coli Food Poisoning Outbreak in Missouri?

Public health officials have announced an outbreak of E. coli in northwest Missouri that has sickened several people. And a recall of aged raw milk cheese for possible E. coli contamination was announced yesterday. Are the two connected? We decided to take a look back at outbreaks caused by raw milk and raw milk cheeses to see how common they are. Most dairy-related food poisoning outbreaks are linked to raw milk, according to the CDC. A study reviewing dairy outbreaks from 1993 to 2006 found 121 outbreaks that caused 4,413 illnesses, 239 hospitalizations, and three deaths. Raw milk products were the cause in 60%, or 73 of the outbreaks. But far fewer people drink raw milk than pasteurized milk.  The amount of pasteurized milk produced during that time period was 2.7 trillion pounds. … [Read more...]

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