October 21, 2024

Consumer Group Wants USDA To Reject “Agent Orange” Soy

The Center For Food Safety (CFFS) wants the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to reject Dow Chemical's request that a genetically modified soybean  that is resistant to a major component in Agent Orange be approved for use. The group is circulating a petition to show the agency that consumers resist the move. Agent Orange is the chemical defoliant used by the U.S. military during the Vietnam War. Health concerns about exposure  to it are still being explored but include increased risk of soem types of cancer and birth defects in offspring of those exposed. Dow's genetically engineered soybean is resistant to 2,4-D ,  a component of Agent Orange. CFFS is concerned that approval of the soybean will lead to a greenlighting of approval for similarly engineered crops, harm wildlife … [Read more...]

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