The Moby Dick House of Kabob Salmonella outbreak has now sickened 23 people, Maureen Regan, Deputy Director, Integrated Media Office of Communications at the Maryland Department of Health told Food Poisoning Bulletin. The latest update on the Salmonella outbreak investigation was posted on September 26, 2019.
Those 23 cases are confirmed. All are associated with eating foods purchased at a Moby Dick House of Kabob restaurant. These cases are associated with several different locations of the restaurant chain.
The Maryland Department of Public Health has not excluded the hummus served at that restaurant as the source of the outbreak, despite claims of this in the media.
Public health officials thoroughly inspected the restaurant and reviewed food practices. Corrective actions were applied, although the message did not state what those corrections were for. The restaurant resumed the manufacture of hummus on October 4, 2019.
One of the issues with restaurant outbreaks is that by the time a patient has been diagnosed, and the diagnosis is reported to the government, foods that may have caused the illness may have been discarded. Many restaurant outbreaks are never solved by finding the pathogen in foods; instead, epidemiologic evidence can link the illnesses to the restaurant.

You can contact food safety attorney Fred Pritzker for help by calling 1-888-377-8900.
Food safety attorney Fred Pritzker, who has represented many clients sickened with salmonellosis, said, “No one should get sick enough to be hospitalized because they ate at a restaurant. All restaurants must serve food that is safe to eat.
Symptoms of Salmonella food poisoning can include a fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal and stomach cramps, and diarrhea that may be bloody. These outbreaks are very underreported because most people who contract this infection do not see a doctor.
Anyone who has been hospitalized with this infection may have developed sepsis, which is a blood infection, or may be dehydrated because they can’t keep liquids down. Most people who suffer complications from salmonellosis are the elderly, children, and anyone with a chronic illness or a compromised immune system.
If you visited Moby Dick House of Kabob and have been ill with these symptoms, see your doctor. You may be part of this Salmonella outbreak. In addition, this infection can cause long term health consequences such as reactive arthritis, endocarditis, and high blood pressure so this infection should be noted on your medical chart.