The Real Water non viral hepatitis outbreak has ended, according to the FDA. The investigation has been closed, although it is still important that consumers, restaurants, distributors, and retailers not drink, cook with, sell, or serve “Real Water” alkaline water that was produced by that company. And that water should not be served to pets.
In the end, there were 21 probable illnesses and four suspected illnesses in this outbreak. Twenty one of the probable cases were hospitalized, and two of the suspect cases were hospitalized. One of the patients died. The last illness onset date was November 29, 2020. The patient case count by state is: California (3 probable), and Nevada (18 probable, 4 suspect).
Real Water Inc. is not currently in operation, but it is possible that these products could still be available for purchase. Lab analyses did not identify the contaminant that could have led to the illnesses. On June 1, 2021, the FDA announced that Real Water Inc. agreed to cease operation until they can comply with the FD&C Act and other requirements that are listed in a consent decree.
The products in question include but are not limited to 5 gallon and 3 gallon containers that were sold through home delivery/subscription, bottles of various sizes that were sold online and in stores, and Real Water concentrate, that was sold online. The 5 gallon containers were distributed only in these areas: theĀ greater Las Vegas, Nevada area, thee central California coastal region (North of Los Angeles, California, and South from Santa Barbara), and in the Phoenix, Arizona area.
Symptoms of all types of hepatitis, including non-viral hepatitis, can include fever, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, abdominal pain, dark urine, light clay or gray colored bowel movements, diarrhea, yellow eyes, yellow skin, and joint pain. Anyone who consumed Real Water alkaline water with these symptoms should see a doctor. They may be part of this Real Water non viral hepatitis outbreak.