There are currently two active food poisoning outbreak investigations on the FDA CORE Outbreak Investigation Table, but there is very little information about either of them. Both outbreaks have sickened dozens of people, but we don’t know where those people live, their ages, or illness onset dates. We don’t know if anyone has been hospitalized. We also don’t know what potential food or facility may be implicated in these outbreaks.
These outbreaks are frustrating to food safety advocates because there is no way any consumer can be warned against potentially hazardous foods or facilities. Each outbreak keeps growing with no new information.
The first of the two active food poisoning outbreaks was declared on December 23, 2020. The pathogen is Salmonella Potsdam, a relatively rare pathogen. At least seven people are sick. The product that may be linked to the illnesses is not identified. According to the CORE table traceback has been initiated, indicating it may be a food that is involved. On-site inspections have been initiated, and the FDA has collected samples and started analysis of them. Hopefully these investigations will yield results.
The second outbreak was declared on January 13, 2021. The pathogen is Salmonella Miami, a very rare pathogen that has not often caused illness in the United States. The product that may be linked to illnesses has not yet been identified. Fifty one people are sick; this number has slowly increased over the past several weeks. Traceback has been initiated, indicating it may be a food responsible for the illnesses. No on site inspection has been initiated, nor have any samples been collected or analyzed.
The symptoms of a Salmonella food poisoning infection usually begin 6 go 72 hours after exposure to the pathogen. Symptoms include fever, nausea, vomiting, stomach and abdominal cramps, and diarrhea that may be bloody. People usually recover without medical treatment, although some may become ill enough to be hospitalized. And even after full recovery, some patients may suffer long term health complications, such as reactive arthritis, endocarditis, and high blood pressure.

If you or a loved one have been sickened with a Salmonella Potsdam or a Salmonella Miami infection, please contact our experienced attorneys for help at 1-888-377-8900 or 612-338-0202.