March 15, 2025

First Long Term Study on GMO Effects Finds Tumor Growth

The first long-term study of the effects of GMO Roundup-ready corn have just been released, published in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology. Scientists found that rats fed Roundup tolerant GMO maize developed mammary tumors and kidney and liver damage after four months. This number is significant because the Monsanto studies that the FDA used to grant approval for GMO foods ended at three months. Professor Gilles-Eric Séralini, Molecular Biologist at Caen University and first author of the research, spoke at a press conference sponsored by The Sustainable Food Trust. Food Poisoning Bulletin attended this conference. Dr. Séralini stated that his research group tested Roundup in formulation as it is found in tap water, the level of Roundup found in GMOs, and 1/2 of the solution dose … [Read more...]

Center for Food Safety Petition Against GE Apples

The Center for Food Safety has started a petition asking the USDA to not approve the Arctic apple. That apple, a product of Okanagan Specialty Fruit, a Canadian company, does not turn brown when cut. Many apple varieties turn brown when they are cut because an enzyme in the fruit, along with phenols, react with oxygen to produce the brown color. (There's a simple way to slow this process; just brush the fruit with lemon juice.) The organization says that this genetic engineering (GE) could "cause contamination of nearby organic or conventional apple orchards."  Then, those apples, which would be unlabeled, could be incorporated into products such as apple sauce, juice, and baby foods at the processing level. Children and babies who eat those foods are at increased risk for any adverse … [Read more...]

Consumer Group Wants USDA To Reject “Agent Orange” Soy

The Center For Food Safety (CFFS) wants the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to reject Dow Chemical's request that a genetically modified soybean  that is resistant to a major component in Agent Orange be approved for use. The group is circulating a petition to show the agency that consumers resist the move. Agent Orange is the chemical defoliant used by the U.S. military during the Vietnam War. Health concerns about exposure  to it are still being explored but include increased risk of soem types of cancer and birth defects in offspring of those exposed. Dow's genetically engineered soybean is resistant to 2,4-D ,  a component of Agent Orange. CFFS is concerned that approval of the soybean will lead to a greenlighting of approval for similarly engineered crops, harm wildlife … [Read more...]

Yes on Prop 37 Addresses Myths and Facts

Stacy Malkan of California Right to Know 2012 recently sent us a fact sheet to address some of the questions about Proposition 37. That ballot initiative would require food companies to label foods that contain genetically modified organisms (GMO) or genetically engineered foods (GE). While No on 37 has stated that the American Medical Association has said GE foods are safe, they do not mention that both the AMA and the World Health Organization has said mandatory safety studies on these foods should be required. The U.S. government does not require any safety studies for GE foods, and no long-term human health studies have ever been conducted on these products. According to WHO, there are three main issues with GE foods: "tendencies to provoke allergic reaction (allergenicity), gene … [Read more...]

CA Right to Know Responds to No on 37

A few days ago we told you about the "No on 37" response to California ballot initiative Prop 37. Proposition 37 will make it illegal to sell foods that contain genetically modified organisms (GMO) or genetically engineered ingredients (GE) unless the label lists those foods on the package. No on 37 said that "Proposition 37 would ban the sale of tens of thousands of ... grocery products." Stacy Malkan of told Food Poisoning Bulletin, "Prop 37 does not 'ban the sale' of food unless it is specifically repackaged. It requires companies to add a few words to their labels. How is this going to increase the cost of food by billions of dollars? Remember, these are the same companies that told us DDT and Agent Orange were safe. Personally I don't trust them to have our best … [Read more...]

No on 37 Group States Their Case

We've told you about Proposition 37, a ballot measure in California that would require labels on all foods that contain genetically modified ingredients. Now the group "No on 37" has sent us a press release detailing their side of the argument. The organization No on 37 has released a statement urging voters to reject Proposition 37. That California ballot initiative would require food manufacturers to label all products that contain genetically modified (GMO) or genetically engineered (GE) foods. Opponents of Prop 37 include Monsanto, Dupont, Dow Chemical, and major food manufacturers such as Nestle, General Mills, and Con Agra. The press release states, "Proposition 37 would ban the sale of tens of thousands of perfectly safe, common grocery products only in California unless they … [Read more...]

New Donations Reported to Fight Prop 37

Stacy Malkan of California Right to Know told Food Poisoning Bulletin that new donations to fight Proposition 37 were just reported to the California Secretary of State. Monsanto Co., by far the largest contributor, has donated $4.2 million. The total contributions now total almost $25 million. Almost $23 million has been donated against Prop 37 in the last week. Ms. Malkan said, "the giant pesticide and food companies are afraid of the mothers and grandmothers who want the right to know what's in our food." The "Big 6" pesticide companies: Monsanto, Dow, BASF, Bayer, Syngenta, and Dupont, have contributed $13.5 million so far. And of the twenty largest contributors to the No on 37 campaign, only one is from a company based in California. The organization Coalition Against Costly … [Read more...]

GMO Labeling Opponents Contributed $10 Million to Oppose Prop 37

According to a press release from, campaign finance reports show that pesticide and processed foods companies contributed almost $10 million to oppose Proposition 37. That ballot measure would require labeling of genetically engineered (GE) or genetically modified (GMO) foods. Stacy Malkan, Media Director for California Right to Know said in a statement, "They will not prevail. This is America. We have the right to know what's in the food we eat and feed our children." For instance, Dupont Pioneer has contributed $2.4 million. Bayer CropScience has contributed $1 million, and BASF Plant Science gave almost $1 million to defeat Prop 37. Other large contributors include PepsiCo Inc., Nestle USA, Inc., General Mills, Inc., Conagara Foods, Syngenta Corporation, Ocean Spray … [Read more...]

Prop 37: Supporters and Opponents

Proposition 37 is the ballot initiative in California that will force mandatory labels on all foods produced with genetically modified or engineered organisms. Those foods, called GE or GMO foods, have had their DNA modified in some way to add a characteristic to the food. Most Americans, according to many surveys, support labeling GMOs in food. The organization California Right to Know is behind the effort that successfully added Prop 37 to the ballot this fall. It's interesting to see who supports this initiative and who opposes it. According to a press release sent out by California Right to Know, the largest contributors to the anti-Prop 37 movement have donated $2 million so far. Donors include biotech industry conglomerates such as DuPont ($310,100) and organizations such as … [Read more...]

Controversial GE Riders in Farm Bill Scrutinized

On July 11, 2012, the U.S. House of Representatives finished voting on more than 100 proposed amendments to the 2013 Farm Bill. But there is one provision that food safety and environmental advocates do not like. Known as the "farmer assurance provision" (Section 733), the rider authorizes the USDA to "regulate the introduction and cultivation of products of biotechnology if the products pose a plant pest risk." In plain English, that means farmers can grow genetically engineered (GE) crops before the USDA has determined they are safe. Currently, the USDA can suspend the planting of these crops while environmental impact studies are conducted. If the bill is passed as-is, Federal courts would no longer be able to stop sales of potentially harmful GE crops. The rider also prevents the … [Read more...]

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