March 14, 2025

23-State Salmonella Outbreak from Backyard Poultry Flocks

A 23-state Salmonella outbreak linked to backyard poultry flocks has sickened 60 people, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). About 40 percent of those sickened were children 10 and under. At least 10 people were hospitalized. Health investigators have linked this outbreak of Salmonella Infantis and Salmonella Newport infections to contact with live poultry from Mt. Healthy Hatcheries in Ohio, the same mail order hatchery linked to live poultry Salmonella outbreaks in 2013 and 2012. Symptoms of Salmonella infection, called salmonellosis, include fever, cramping, vomiting and diarrhea that can sometimes be bloody. For those sickened in this outbreak, onset of illness ranged from February 4 to April 21.  Those sickened  range in age from younger than one … [Read more...]

Backyard Poultry? Reduce Salmonella Risk With CDC Tips

Are you tending a backyard flock of chicks or ducklings this spring? If so, consider these tips from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on reducing your risk of Salmonella poisoning. Salmonella from live poultry sickened more than 450 people in 2012. Generally, children are disproportionately affected in these outbreaks. Why? Their immunes systems are not fully developed, they are less likely than adults to wash their hands properly and more likely than adults to put their fingers in their mouths and to snuggle or kiss the small birds. The CDC recommends that children under 5 and others with weakened immune systems, including pregnant women, not handle young birds. Older children should be supervised with the birds and while washing their hands afterward. Wash … [Read more...]

Creating a Probiotic Chicken

A research team working at the Institute of Food Research in the UK has been looking into coating chicken feathers with probiotics to combat pathogenic bacteria. The research is published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. Lactobacillus johnsonii is applied to the coat and feathers of the chicken. Researchers discovered this then excludes Clostridium perfringens from the chicken's intestines. That bacteria causes necrotic enteritis in the poultry and sickens humans. The bacteria has a "coat" made of exopolysaccharides (EPS) that help the bacteria fend off stress and aid colonization. Scientists think that the EPS coat helps it outcompete C. perfringens. When chickens are slaughtered, bacteria in their intestines can easily contaminate the flesh. And in the U.S. and in the UK, … [Read more...]

Salmonella Outbreak Source Privett Hatchery, Portales NM

Live poultry from Privett Hatchery is the source of a Salmonella outbreak that has sickened 316 people in 37 states, most of whom are children, according to the New Mexico Department of Health.  A strain of Salmonella found in an environmental sample taken from the Portales, NM poultry hatchery matches the strain found in those sickened, health officials say. The Salmonella infections have been linked to contact with chicks, ducklings, and other live baby poultry from the hatchery. At least 51 people have been hospitalized. Sixty percent of those sickened are children under 10. Children are disproportionately affected in outbreaks associated with live poultry as their immune systems are not fully developed. They are also less likely than adults to wash their hands properly and more … [Read more...]

Minnesota Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Ducklings Bought at Tractor Supply Co.

An outbreak of salmonellosis in Minnesota has been linked to ducklings purchased from the Tractor Supply Company store in Inver Grove Heights, according to the Minnesota Department of Health. The cases are associated with a multistate outbreak that is being investigated by the CDC. The patients range in age from 18 to 60 years. All three cases are caused by Salmonella Infantis. The illness onset dates range from late March through early April 2013. MDH State Public Health Veterinarian Dr. Joni Scheftel said that anyone who handles ducklings, chicks, or other birds should wash their hands thoroughly after contact. "Chicks and ducklings can be a great attraction for children and families this time of year, but they can also be a source of illness. That is why it is so important for … [Read more...]

Tending Chicks or Ducklings? Keep Kids Safe From Salmonella

At this time of year, people all over the country are tending flocks of newly acquired chicks and ducklings, or preparing to do so. When handling live poultry it’s important to take certain precautions to prevent illness. Last year at this time, live poultry was the source of three, large, multi-state Salmonella outbreaks that together sickened 334 people, the highest number of Salmonella infections ever linked to live poultry in a single year. Children are disproportionately affected in these outbreaks for a number of reasons.  Their immunes systems are not fully developed so they are at increased risk of illness, they are less likely than adults to wash their hands properly and more likely than adults to put their fingers in their mouths and to snuggle or kiss the small … [Read more...]

Salmonella Outbreak Linked To Chicks And Ducks Over Says CDC

A Salmonella outbreak linked to mail-order chicks and ducks from Mt. Healthy Hatchery in Ohio has ended, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  The agency issued its final report on the outbreak, which sickened 195 people and killed two on Friday. Salmonella Infantis, Salmonella Newport, and Salmonella Lille were the three outbreak strains that sickened residents in 27 states ,one third of whom required hospitalization. By state, the case count is as follows: Alabama (4), Arizona (1), Arkansas (1), Delaware (1), Georgia (5), Illinois (4), Indiana (6), Kansas (1), Kentucky (11), Louisiana (1), Maryland (5), Maine (4), Massachusetts (7), Michigan (2), North Carolina (15), Nebraska (1), New Jersey (5), New York (23), Ohio (42), Pennsylvania (16), Rhode … [Read more...]

CDC Updates Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Mt. Healthy Poultry

According to the CDC, a total of 163 people have been infected with the outbreak strains of Salmonella Infantis, Salmonella Newport, and Salmonella Lille in 26 states. That is an increase of 19 more cases in the last month. The outbreak is linked to live chicks and ducks from Mt. Healthy hatchery in Ohio. The patients live in these states:  Alabama (4), Arizona (1), Delaware (1), Georgia (5), Illinois (3), Indiana (3), Kansas (1), Kentucky (5), Louisiana (1), Maine (4), Maryland (3), Massachusetts (3), Michigan (2), Nebraska (1), New Jersey (1), New York (21), North Carolina (15), Ohio (39), Pennsylvania (13), Rhode Island (1), South Carolina (2), Tennessee (11), Texas (2), Vermont (2), Virginia (9), and West Virginia (10). Two deaths have been reported in this outbreak; one in New … [Read more...]

Estes Salmonella Outbreak Linked To Live Poultry Expands

The Salmonella Montevideo outbreak linked to live poultry produced by Estes Hatchery in Springfield, Mo., has now sickened 76 people in 22 states, according to the latest update from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). At least 17 people have been hospitalized. By state the case count is as follows: Alaska (1), California (2), Colorado (1), Florida (1), Georgia (1), Illinois (2), Indiana (9), Iowa (2), Kansas (10), Kentucky (1), Massachusetts (2), Missouri (24), Nebraska (8), Nevada (1), New York (1), North Carolina (1), Ohio (1), Oklahoma (4), South Dakota (1), Texas (1), Vermont (1), and Wyoming (1). Those who became ill through contact with chicks, ducks and other live baby poultry range in age from less than 1 year to 83 years old. Many, about 37 percent, are … [Read more...]

Third Salmonella Outbreak Linked To Live Poultry

For the third time in the last month, a Salmonella outbreak has been linked to live poultry from a mail-order hatchery.  The Salmonella Hadar outbreak, announced July 23, 2012 by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), has been linked to a hatchery in Idaho whose name is being withheld at the request of state authorities. So far, 37 people in 11 states have been sickened, about 40 percent of them are children under 10. Eight people became so sick they required hospitalization. The case count by sate is as follows: Arizona (2), California (1), Colorado (3), Idaho (5), Illinois (2), Oregon (5), Tennessee (2), Texas (1), Utah (5), Washington (9), and Wyoming (2). Eight people have been hospitalized in this outbreak. Thirty-seven percent of patients are children 10 years … [Read more...]

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