March 14, 2025

Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Foodborne Illness Outbreaks in 2011

The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) has released a white paper discussing antibiotic-resistant bacteria outbreaks in 2011. That year, 167 people were sickened and 47 were hospitalized. There were three major outbreaks of antibiotic-resistant foodborne illness in 2011. In spring 2011, an outbreak of Salmonella Hadar associated with Jennie-O turkey burgers sickened 12 people in 10 states. The outbreak strain was resistant to ampicillin, amoxicillin/clavulanate, cephalothin, and tetracycline. In April 2011, 136 people in 34 states were sickened by Cargill ground turkey contaminated with Salmonella Heidelberg. The bacteria in that outbreak was resistant to ampicillin, streptomycin, tetracycline, and gentamicin. In December 2011, an outbreak of Salmonella … [Read more...]

Taco Bell Named as “Restaurant A” in Salmonella Outbreak

Taco Bell has been named as "Restaurant A" in the ten state outbreak of Salmonella Enteritidis that took place last year, according to the Okalahoma Department of Health. Food Poisoning Bulletin spoke to a Taco Bell representative and confirmed this news. In December 2011, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) released a report that 68 people were sickened with Salmonella in 10 states after eating at an unnamed restaurant. More than 31% of the patients were hospitalized. The CDC claimed that since some people who were sick ate at the "Mexican-style fast-food restaurant chain" and some did not, they couldn't release the restaurant's name. Many food safety experts were upset at the CDC's lack of transparency. The agency said that they only publicly identify a company responsible for an … [Read more...]

More News About Sprouts

Raw sprouts are a major source of foodborne illness because of the way they are grown and sprouted. The FDA warns those in high risk groups to avoid raw sprouts altogether. In just the last month, Food Poisoning Bulletin has told you about seven recalls and recall updates about this type of product. December 23, 2011: Green Valley Food Corporation recalls 650 cases of alfalfa sprouts with Salmonella contamination. December 24, 2011: The Green Valley alfalfa sprouts recall grows to 6,723 cases and expands to other sprout varieties. January 1, 2012: The Green Valley Food Corp. recall of sprouts expands to include many more varieties. This story includes an explanation of why sprouts are so dangerous: bacteria are insidethe seeds, and the growing environment is the perfect setting … [Read more...]

10 Foodborne Illness Outbreaks Linked to Raw Milk In 2011

Massachusetts health officials are trying to determine if tainted raw milk was the source of a case of brucellosis, a disease so rare in the U.S. that a New Hampshire case once prompted a bioterror investigation. This is one of the 10 foodborne illness outbreaks linked to raw milk in 2011. Normally seen in countries that lack good public health or animal health programs, brucellosis is caused by the Brucellla bacteria. It's been decades since Brucella has been found in Massachusetts livestock, state agriculture officials said. Drinking raw milk is one way humans can contract brucellosis and a number of other serious infections that can cause kidney failure, heart problems, nerve damage, paralyzation and death In 2011, there were at least 10 foodborne illness outbreaks linked to … [Read more...]

In 2011, One-Third of Food Poisoning Outbreaks Were Caused by Produce

Most of us associate food poisoning with undercooked hamburger or unrefrigerated eggs. We can all picture raw chicken juices contaminating a fresh salad or raw ground beef contaminating utensils and plates. But the CDC has reported that 5 out of the 15 major foodborne illness outbreaks in 2011 were caused by fresh produce. And 2011 was the most active year for multi-state food poisoning outbreaks in recent history. The outbreaks were: Salmonella Panama in Del Monte Cantaloupe harvested in Guatemala which sickened 20 people in 10 states. Three were hospitalized and no deaths were reported. Salmonella Enteritidis in Alfalfa and Spicy Sprouts produced by Evergreen Fresh Sprouts, LLC. A total of 25 people in 5 states were infected; three were hospitalized and no deaths were … [Read more...]

A Tale of Two Outbreaks and Two Different Bacteria

The outbreak of E. coli 0157:H7 at the Ambassador Restaurant in Michigan in January 2012 and the outbreak of Salmonella Typhimurium in Hannaford ground beef late last in 2011 have some similarities. People have been sickened and had to be hospitalized after eating contaminated food. But while the E. coli outbreak was apparently caused by an ill employee handling food, the Salmonella outbreak was caused by a bacteria the meat industry thinks is impossible to remove from beef products. There's another important difference. E. coli 0157:H7 is an illegal adulterant. That means it is illegal to sell food contaminated with that particular strain of bacteria. (The USDA is trying to make six other strains of shigella toxin-producing E. coli illegal too, but they are up against a lot of … [Read more...]

California Cantaloupe Group Calls for Mandatory Government Inspections

The leader of the California Cantaloupe Advisory Board called for mandatory government inspections today as part of a proposed program designed to ensure consumers that the crop is safe. The cantaloupe food safety press conference in Dinuba, California, was further industry reaction to the cantaloupe Listeria outbreak last year that killed 31 people. The source of contamination was traced to a packing facility at Jensen Farms of Colorado. It was one of the deadliest outbreaks of food poisoning ever in the United States. California's growers have never been associated with an outbreak of foodborne illness, but Patricio's organization is determined to step up safety measures to keep it that way. "In keeping with the leadership position we have always taken with respect to food … [Read more...]

Culprit in Greysolon Food Poisoning Outbreak: Norovirus

When 60 people became sick on December 3, 2011 after they ate at the Greysolon Plaza Ballroom in Duluth, Minnesota, the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) started investigating. A preliminary conclusion was reached a week later: that sick employees were working at the ballroom. And the culprit was norovirus, as it was in Iowa in late December, 2011. That conclusion was confirmed January 4, 2012. The MDH has closed the investigation since the illness has run its course. This virus is extremely contagious and is the most common source of foodborne illness in Minnesota. Norovirus is spread by food preparers and handlers who don't wash their hands, or don't wash them thoroughly. Anyone who is ill can spread the virus. Ready-to-eat foods, such as shredded cheese and lunch meats, are … [Read more...]

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