March 14, 2025

Using Twitter Can Increase Food Poisoning Reporting

A study at Washington University in St. Louis has found that using Twitter could improve foodborne illness reporting and other public health issues, such as hospital quality and the spread of infections. The study was published in the February 3, 2017 issue of the Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. Dr. Jenine Harris, associate professor at the Brown School at the University said, "increasing trust and interaction between government and the public through social media are promising strategies for food safety." The study is titled "Using Twitter to Identify and Respond to Food Poisoning: The Food Safety STL Project." "The dashboard technology has potential for improving foodborne illness reporting and can be implemented in other areas to improve response to public … [Read more...]

Staphylococcus Aureus Sickened Students at Science Olympiad

The Florida Department of Health in Columbia County has issued a press release stating that the illnesses that took place at the Science Olympiad at Gateway College in Lake City on February 4, 2017 were caused by Staphylococcus aureus toxin. At least 30 people were taken by ambulance from that event to the hospital after suffering from vomiting. Samples were taken of the pulled pork, smoked chicken, macaroni salad, chicken sandwiches, and baked beans from the lunch that was served at the event. The samples were tested for Clostridium perfringens, Bacillus cereus, and Staphylococcus aureus, which all can cause food poisoning in a matter of minutes or hours. All of those pathogens can cause food poisoning symptoms relatively quickly. All cause nausea and vomiting, and some can also … [Read more...]

Outbreak at Science Olympiad at Florida Gateway College

At least 28 children and 2 adults were sickened after eating a catered lunch at the middle school Science Olympiad at Florida Gateway College in Lake City. The Columbia County Sheriff's Office had a notice posted on its Facebook page that those sickened were taken to hospitals for suspected food poisoning. The event was held on Saturday, February 4, 2017. Ambulances were called from several counties to help transfer patients to Lake City Medical Center and Shands Lake Shore. Health officials in Columbia county and from the Florida Department of Health are investigating the outbreak. All of the patients were treated and released by Saturday evening. A meal served at the event is being investigated as the potential source of the illnesses. Officials collected leftover food samples … [Read more...]

Food Poisoning Outbreak at NM Department of Health Luncheon

The Santa Fe New Mexican is reporting that a food poisoning outbreak has occurred at the state Department of Health's annual holiday luncheon. Dozens of employees got sick after eating at that party last week. The event was held at the Harold Runnels Building. More than 200 employees were at the luncheon, and about 70 people suffered from gastrointestinal issues after eating. The party was catered by an unnamed facility. There may have been cross-contamination of foods served during the event. But the outbreak may have been caused by Bacillus cereus or Clostridium perfringens, common pathogens that cause a lot of illness this time of the year. Those pathogens usually sicken people when food is prepared in large amounts and served to large groups. It can be difficult to keep … [Read more...]

Food Poisoning Outbreak in San Antonio, Texas

A vague notice about a food poisoning outbreak in San Antonio, Texas, was posted by the City of San Antonio Metropolitan Health District on December 20, 2016. People got sick after attending an event sponsored by the Education Investment Foundation for San Antonio Housing Authority (SAHA) residents. The statement reads, in its entirety, "The San Antonio Metropolitan Health District (Metro Health) is investigating an illness occurring in individuals that attended an event sponsored by the Education Investment Foundation for San Antonio Housing Authority (SAHA) residents. Metro Health is conducting an epidemiological public health investigation of a cluster of individuals becoming ill after attending the event. Metro Health has been working with SAHA on the preliminary investigation … [Read more...]

Outbreak at Antioch American Legion Thanksgiving: Clostridium perfringens

The deadly food poisoning outbreak at the Thanksgiving dinner served at the Antioch American Legion was caused by Clostridium perfringens, according to Contra Costa Health Services (CCHS). Lab tests came back from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, confirming the bacteria in the food. A community church served the food at that event. Some of the food was prepared in home kitchens. Clostridium perfringens bacteria is a common cause of foodborne illness outbreaks, especially when large amounts of food are served by inexperienced handlers. Dr. Louise McNitt, deputy health officer for Contra County Health Services said in a statement, "Clostridium perfringens is one of the most common foodborne illnesses in the U.S. It can be found in the human intestine without hurting … [Read more...]

Clostridium Perfringens was in Gravy at Golden Ponds NY Restaurant

According to the Democrat & Chronicle, Clostridium perfringens in gravy was the probable cause of the large food poisoning outbreak at Golden Ponds restaurant in Greece, New York on Thanksgiving 2016. Laboratory testing found the bacteria in gravy samples taken from the restaurant and in stool samples of patients who ate there. More than 260 people were sickened in that outbreak. And four of those patients were hospitalized because their illness was so severe. All have been released from the hospital, and everyone has recovered. The restaurant apparently made the gravy in a very large single container. It can be very difficult to keep food served and stored in large containers at a safe serving temperature. Clostridium perfringens bacteria are present in human intestines, in … [Read more...]

Golden Ponds Restaurant Outbreak Sickens 260 in New York

The food poisoning outbreak at Golden Ponds restaurant in Greece, New York on Thanksgiving Day this year has sickened at least 260 people, according to the Democrat and Chronicle. The restaurant, located at 500 Long Pond Road, was closed on November 25, 2016 after reports of illness began coming into the Monroe County Health Department. Lab tests on stool samples and food samples have not been completed. The New York State Department of Health laboratory in Albany is conducting the tests. According to the paper, Monroe County Health Department spokesman John Ricci said that more than 80 people contacted officials about getting sick after eating at the restaurant. Those 80 people reported the illnesses of others who dined with them, bringing the total up. Ricci said, "the vast, … [Read more...]

Outbreak at Armed Forces Retirement Home in Gulfport, MS

News reports are stating that an investigation is being conducted at the Armed Forces Retirement Home in Gulfport, Mississippi after a gastrointestinal outbreak. Forty-seven of the 514 residents of that facility reported symptoms of nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Nine of the elderly residents had to be hospitalized. There is no official word on the pathogen responsible for this outbreak, but one news report quoted a retired state health department officer as calling it a "cruise ship illness" which is likely norovirus. Norovirus causes these symptoms, which occur quickly. The virus is extremely contagious and passes through populations such as care facilities and schools. The elderly are more susceptible to serious complications from this type of illness because dehydration … [Read more...]

Golden Ponds Restaurant in NY Closed After Outbreak

According to news reports, the Monroe County Health Department has asked Golden Ponds Restaurant in Greece, New York to close after an apparent food poisoning outbreak. At least 60 people got sick after eating Thanksgiving dinner at that restaurant. Dozens of people experienced violent diarrhea after that meal. Two people were hospitalized because their illnesses were so severe. Officials think that many more people could be sick but don't realize they may have food poisoning. Public health officials sent an inspector to the restaurant the day after Thanksgiving, and food leftover from the Thanksgiving meal was collected for testing. Lab tests will not be back for a few days. The inspection on Friday revealed violations that could levy fines. The owner is cooperating with the … [Read more...]

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