There are now nine deaths in Boar's Head deli meat Listeria monocytogenes outbreak, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The new death is from New York. Yesterday the CDC said there were eight deaths. And CBS News is reporting that, after a Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) Â request, they received inspection reports for the Boar's Head facility in Jarratt, Virginia. There were 69 records of noncompliance registered by USDA inspectors, including mold and mildew, leaking and pooling water, some with green algal growth, condensation dripping on the product, a rancid smell, insects including flies and a cockroach, and blood in puddles on the floor. The case count remains the same, with 57 sick in 18 states:Â Arizona (1), Florida (3), Georgia (2), Illinois … [Read more...]
Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Cucumbers Ends With 551 Sick
The Salmonella outbreak linked to cucumbers is over with at least 551 people sick and 155 hospitalized, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The types of Salmonella were Salmonella Braenderup and Salmonella Africana. That is an increase of 108 more patients since the last update on the case count was issued on July 2, 2024. The case count by state is: Alabama (6), Arkansas (1), California (1), Connecticut (8), Delaware (3), Florida (60), Georgia (48), Illinois (9), Indiana (4), Iowa (5), Kentucky (20), Maine (4), Maryland (17), Massachusetts (11), Michigan (12), Minnesota (10), Mississippi (2), Missouri (4), Nevada (1), New Jersey (22), New York (69), North Carolina (27), Ohio (20), Oklahoma (2), Pennsylvania (68), Rhode Island (8), South … [Read more...]
At Least 449 Sick in the Cucumber Salmonella Outbreak
There are at least 449 sick in the cucumber Salmonella outbreak, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). and there are 125 people who have been hospitalized. A new cucumber supplier has been named: Bedner Growers of Florida. The case count by state is: Alabama (4), Arkansas (1), Connecticut (7), Delaware (2), Florida (52), Georgia (33), Illinois (4), Indiana (2), Iowa (4), Kentucky (17), Maine (3), Maryland (13), Massachusetts (11), Michigan (9), Minnesota (9), Missouri (3), Nevada (1), New Jersey (19), New York (57), North Carolina (22), Ohio (18), Oklahoma (1), Pennsylvania (60), Rhode Island (7), South Carolina (20), Tennessee (20), Texas (2), Vermont (1), Virginia (43), Washington (1), Wisconsin (2), and the District of Columbia (1). The patient age … [Read more...]
Infinite Herbs Basil Salmonella Outbreak Ends With 36 Sick
The Infinite Herbs Basil Salmonella outbreak has ended with 36 people sick in 14 states, and four hospitalizations, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Epidemiologic and traceback data showed that Infinite Herbs organic basil may have been contaminated with Salmonella bacteria and made people sick. This outbreak is over as of June 18, 2024. The patient case count by state is: Connecticut (1), Florida (7), Georgia (1), Illinois (2), Kansas (1), Massachusetts (5), Michigan (3), Minnesota (6), Missouri (2), New Jersey (1), North Carolina (1), Rhode Island (2), Texas (1), and Wisconsin (3). Illness onset dates range from February 11, 2024 to May 26, 2024. The patient age range is from one to 78 years. Public health officials interviewed patients about … [Read more...]
Cucumber Salmonella Outbreak Sickens 162 in 25 States
A cucumber Salmonella outbreak has sickened at least 162 people in 25 states and the District of Columbia, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Fresh Start Produce cucumbers are implicated in this outbreak. The strain of Salmonella is Salmonella Africana. CDC and FDA are also investigating an outbreak of Salmonella Braenderup infections, with 158 illnesses in 23 states. The two outbreaks are similar, including where and when illnesses occurred and the demographics. Investigators are working to determine whether the two outbreaks could be linked to the same food. The case count by state is: Alabama (1), Arkansas (1), Connecticut (2), Delaware (1), District of Columbia (1), Florida (18), Georgia (8), Indiana (1), Iowa (3), Kentucky (4), Maine (1), … [Read more...]
FDA Weighs In On Infinite Herbs Basil Salmonella Outbreak
The FDA is weighing on the Infinite Herbs Basil Salmonella outbreak. There are at least 12 people sick in seven states. One person has been hospitalized because they are so sick. The basil was sold at Trader Joe's stores in these states: Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Maryland, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Nebraska, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Vermont, and Wisconsin, and in Washington D.C. It is packaged in 2.5 ounce clamshell packaging. Based on epidemiological evidence, 12 people infected with the outbreak strain of Salmonella Typhimurium have been reported from seven states. Seven of eight cases … [Read more...]
Infinite Herbs Organic Basil Salmonella Outbreak Sickens 12
An Infinite Herbs Organic Basil Salmonella outbreak has sickened at least 12 people in seven states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This brand of fresh basil was sold at Trader Joe's stores in 29 states and Washington D.C. It has been pulled from store shelves and is no longer available for purchase. Infinite Herbs has issued a recall. The case count by state is: Florida (3), Georgia (1), Minnesota (4), Missouri (1), New Jersey (1), Rhode Island (1), and Wisconsin (1). The patient age range is from 2 to 59 years. Illness onset dates range from February 11, 2024 to April 2, 2024. One person has been hospitalized. Epidemiologic and traceback data show that Infinite Herbs organic basil may be contaminated with Salmonella Typhimurium bacteria and … [Read more...]