March 27, 2025

Organic Pastures Raw Milk Recalled After Campylobacter Turns Up In Tests

A raw milk recall for products produced by Organic Pastures Dairy of Fresno County and a quarantine order has been announced after Campylobacter was detected  during routine testing, California State Veterinarian Dr. Annette Jones has announced. No illnesses have been reported in conjunction with this recall. The recalled products include Grade A raw cream, Grade A raw milk and Grade A raw skim milk, all with a labeled code date of SEP 13. Retailers must immediately pull these products from store shelves and consumers are strongly urged to dispose of any product they might have purchased. Inspectors from the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) found the bacteria in a sample of raw cream during routine testing conducted as part of routine inspection and sample … [Read more...]

California Raw Milk Quarantine Lifted at Dairy Linked to Campylobacter

California has lifted a statewide quarantine on raw milk products produced by Organic Pastures of Fresno County more than a week after it was imposed for Campylobacter contamination. The raw milk products quarantine that started May 10 was imposed after the California Department of Public Health reported Campylobacter infections in at least 10 people who reported consuming raw milk products from Organic Pastures from January through April 30. State officials tested and found Campylobacter jejuni organisms in six samples of the dairy’s raw cream, one sample of raw butter and four samples of cow manure from the milking herd. In Sacramento late this week, California Department of Food and Agriculture Public Affairs agent Steve Lyle said Organic Pastures was required to meet all … [Read more...]

Organic Pastures Outbreak Is Fifth Raw Milk Outbreak This Year

The Campylobacter raw milk outbreak linked to Organic Pastures Dairy in Fresno County, California is the fifth foodborne illness outbreak this year caused by raw milk. On May 10, the California Department of Food and Agriculture issued a quarantine and recall of all Organic Pastures raw milk, raw skim milk, raw cream and raw butter after samples of raw cream tested positive for Campylobacter. At least 10 people have been diagnosed with confirmed Campylobacter infections after consuming raw milk products produced by the farm. Those sickened range in age from nine months to 38 years old, six of them are children. In 2011, a total of nine foodborne illness outbreaks linked to raw milk products sickened 123 people, according to information from state health and agriculture … [Read more...]

Ten Sick from Campylobacter Linked to CA Organic Pastures Raw Milk Products; Recall Ordered

The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) has announced the recall of raw milk products made at Organic Pastures Dairy of Fresno County. At least ten people have been sickened with Campylobacter infections from January through April 30, 2012. All reported consuming Organic Pastures raw milk products before they got sick. Campylobacter has been found in the raw cream; this was confirmed by the state labs. The patient age range is nine months to 38 years. The medium age is 11.5 years, with six patients under the age of 18. Patients live in Fresno, Los Angeles, San Diego, San Luis Obispo and Santa Clara counties. None of the patients have been hospitalized; there have been no deaths. Symptoms of Campylobacter food poisoning include diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and fever. … [Read more...]

CA Department of Health Releases Organic Pastures Raw Milk Outbreak Report

The California Department of Health has released a report detailing the outbreak of shiga toxin-producing E. coli 0157:H7 from raw milk purchased at Organic Pastures dairy in 2011. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) patterns of the bacteria in stool samples matches bacteria found at the dairy. This particular pattern was unusual because it had not been seen in the state since January 2010. No other risk factors were identified and the patients had no other exposures in common. In August through October 2011, five children were sickened with E. coli infections. Three of them have developed hemolytic uremic syndrome and require dialysis. The children range in age from 1 to 5 years. Organic Pastures was the source of a 2006 outbreak that sickened six children. And the dairy has … [Read more...]

10 Foodborne Illness Outbreaks Linked to Raw Milk In 2011

Massachusetts health officials are trying to determine if tainted raw milk was the source of a case of brucellosis, a disease so rare in the U.S. that a New Hampshire case once prompted a bioterror investigation. This is one of the 10 foodborne illness outbreaks linked to raw milk in 2011. Normally seen in countries that lack good public health or animal health programs, brucellosis is caused by the Brucellla bacteria. It's been decades since Brucella has been found in Massachusetts livestock, state agriculture officials said. Drinking raw milk is one way humans can contract brucellosis and a number of other serious infections that can cause kidney failure, heart problems, nerve damage, paralyzation and death In 2011, there were at least 10 foodborne illness outbreaks linked to … [Read more...]

Evidence at California Raw Milk Dairy Confirms Link to 2011 E. coli Outbreak

California health officials have confirmed the presence of E. coli O157:H7 taken from various surfaces at Organic Pastures of Fresno County, including two samples that share the same DNA fingerprint as the strain that sickened five children who drank the dairy's raw milk. The outbreak from August through October last year resulted in a state quarantine of raw milk products from Organic Pastures. The ban was lifted December 16 after the facility met all sanitation requirements. Three of the five children who became infected were hospitalized with hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a disease that causes kidney failure and can lead to other severe illness including stroke, heart attack, anemia and central nervous system disruption. The children made sick in the outbreak are residents of … [Read more...]

Organic Pastures Released from California Quarantine

Organic Pastures, California’s largest producer of raw milk, has been released from a statewide quarantine that began November 15 after raw milk from the diary was linked to an E.coli outbreak that sickened five children, three of whom required hospitalization for kidney damage. … [Read more...]

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