An unidentified Salmonella Newport outbreak has sickened at least 125 people in 15 states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Twenty-four people have been hospitalized because they are so sick. This is the way foodborne illness outbreaks sometimes start; the government publicizes it, and more people come forward who may have information that helps solve it.
The case count by state is: California (3) Illinois (1), Iowa (3), Michigan (12), Minnesota (3), Missouri (2), Montana (11), North Carolina (3), Ohio (5), Oregon (42), Tennessee (1), Utah (28), Washington (1), Wisconsin (1), and Wyoming (9). Illness onset dates range from June 19, 2020 to July 7, 2020. The patient age range is from 2 to 92 years. Of 72 ill persons who have provided information to the government, 24 hospitalizations have been reported, for a hospitalization rate of 33%, which is high for a Salmonella outbreak.
Public health investigators are using PulseNet to find people who may be part of this outbreak. Whole genome sequencing in this investigation showed that bacteria isolated from ill persons were closely related genetically. That means the people in this outbreak are more likely to share a common source of infection.
The investigation is ongoing into this unidentified Salmonella Newport outbreak, and no one specific food item, grocery store, or restaurant chain has been identified as the source of this outbreak. The CDC is not recommending that consumers avoid any particular food at this time. Just make sure that you follow basic food safety rules and the code words Clean, Separate, Cook, and Chill to protect yourself and your family.
Symptoms of salmonellosis, the illness caused this this pathogen, include fever, nausea, stomach cramps, vomiting, abdominal pain and cramps, and diarrhea that may be bloody. Symptoms usually begin 6 yo 72 hours after infection. Most people do recover on their own without medical care, but some, especially those in high risk groups such as the elderly and pregnant women, may develop sepsis or dehydration and need to be hospitalized.
We’ll keep following this story and update it as the investigation continues. Hopefully officials will identify the food or venue responsible for these illnesses.

If you or a loved one have been sickened with a Salmonella Newport infection, please contact our experienced attorneys for help at 1-888-377-8900 or 612-338-0202.