July 26, 2024

Five Raw Milk Outbreaks Highlight the Inherent Risks

Five raw milk outbreaks occurring at the same time this fall highlight the inherent risks of this product. Raw milk is unpasteurized, that is, it is not heat treated to kill dangerous pathogens such as E. coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella, Brucella, Campylobacter, and Cryptosporidium. The issue is that a cow's udders are close to the anus. And ruminant animals such as cows can harbor pathogens and not appear sick. The pathogens are excreted in feces and can easily contaminate the udders and milk. All together, these outbreaks have sickened at least 51 people. And since the multipliers for Salmonella and Campylobacter alone are around 30, that means there could be 1500 people sick. The Outbreaks These outbreaks occurred in September and October, 2023. Two of the outbreaks … [Read more...]

Wyoming Raw Milk Outbreak Sickens Four Children, One Adult

A Wyoming raw milk outbreak has sickened at least four children and one adult, according to news reports and the Wyoming Department of Health. The patients are sick with either E. coli or Campylobacter infections. Two children have been hospitalized. The raw milk was purchased through the Slow Food in the Tetons online market on either September 14 or September 21, 2023. Public health officials have traced the illnesses to the consumption of raw milk or raw milk products. The state did not identify the seller at this time. The patients live in Teton and Lincoln counties. Slow Food in the Tetons executive Director Scott Steen told the Jackson Hole News & Guide that the nonprofit organization stopped product sales after they were told about these illnesses. A press release from … [Read more...]

E. coli Illnesses Are Increasing in Wyoming, According to Health Department

E. coli illnesses are increasing in Wyoming, according to that state's health department, along with cases of norovirus. This information, in a press release from the Wyoming Department of Health (WDH), offered no specifics as to patient ages, hospitalizations, or any hints about possible sources. Norovirus is likely among the increase in gastrointestinal illnesses, but Matt Peterson, WDH surveillance epidemiologist, said in a statement, "We are specifically seeing increased reports of E. coli across the state recently compared to previous years, which can be particularly concerning in children under 5." The symptoms of norovirus and E. coli are similar up to a point, but norovirus is usually a self-limiting illness, and people who contract this infection usually do not seek … [Read more...]

Unidentified Salmonella Newport Outbreak Sickens 125 in 15 States

An unidentified Salmonella Newport outbreak has sickened at least 125 people in 15 states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Twenty-four people have been hospitalized because they are so sick. This is the way foodborne illness outbreaks sometimes start; the government publicizes it, and more people come forward who may have information that helps solve it. The case count by state is: California (3) Illinois (1), Iowa (3), Michigan (12), Minnesota (3), Missouri (2), Montana (11), North Carolina (3), Ohio (5), Oregon (42), Tennessee (1), Utah (28), Washington (1), Wisconsin (1), and Wyoming (9). Illness onset dates range from June 19, 2020 to July 7, 2020. The patient age range is from 2 to 92 years. Of 72 ill persons who have provided information to … [Read more...]

Salmonella Food Poisoning Outbreak in Fremont County, Wyoming

The Wyoming Department of Health is investigating a gastrointestinal outbreak in Fremont County in the central part of that state. There have been reports of multiple clusters of gastroenteritis in several facilities, including schools and child care centers. This outbreak may be because of Salmonella food poisoning. Most Salmonella outbreaks are eventually linked to contaminated food. Most of the patients have reported experiencing bloody diarrhea that is lasting for at least three days, some vomiting, and fever in this Salmonella outbreak. Those are symptoms of Salmonella food poisoning. Some of those sickened have tested positive for infection with that bacteria. But not all of the ill persons have a Salmonella infection, and some have not been tested. Officials also say that it … [Read more...]

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