The Wawona Peaches Salmonella outbreak was the number three multistate outbreak of 2020, with at least 101 sick in 17 states. There were many primary and secondary recalls of bagged and bulk peaches and peach products related to this outbreak. The patient case count by state was: California (1), Connecticut (1), Illinois (1), Iowa (11), Kansas (1), Kentucky (1), Maryland (1), Michigan (18), Minnesota (27), Missouri (2), New Jersey (8), New York (14), Ohio (1), Pennsylvania (4), Vermont (1), Virginia (3), and Wisconsin (6). Illness onset dates ranged from June 29, 2020 to August 27, 2020. The patient age range was from 1 to 92 years. Of 90 patients who gave information about their illness to investigators, 28 were hospitalized, for a hospitalization rate of 31%, which is … [Read more...]
Listeria Illness Linked to 2014 Wawona Stone Fruit Recall

Listeria in stone fruit produced by Wawona Packing Company of Cutler, Calif, has been linked to at least one illness, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This marks the first time stone fruit has been linked to Listeria illness. In July 2014, Wawona recalled certain lots of stone fruit including whole peaches, nectarines, plums and pluots for potential contamination with Listeria monocytognes. The fruits were sold at a number of stores including Costco, Sam’s Club and Trader Joe’s. The recall stated that no illnesses had been reported at the time of the recall. But many people suspected they were ill. Food Poisoning Bulletin received dozens of contacts from concerned consumers. So did public health agencies. "After the initial recall, clinicians, … [Read more...]
Recall of Wawona Produce for Listeria Expanded in Canada

Just as in the United States, the recall of Wawona peaches, plums, nectarines, and pluots for possible Listeria monocytogenes contamination has been extended in Canada to include more packing dates. No illnesses have been reported to date, but listeriosis, the illness caused by Listeria monocytogenes bacteria, can take up to 70 days to manifest. You can see the long list of recalled products at the CFIA web site, along with UPC and PLU numbers and package sizes. You can also see pictures of the recalled items. All pack dates from 152 to 198, inclusive, are now recalled. Retail cartons may have the brand names Wawona, Sweet 2 Eat, or Harvest Sweet. Stickers on individual fruit have the Sweet 2 Eat brand name. The products include organic and conventionally-grown black plums, yellow … [Read more...]
If You ate Recalled Wawona Fruit and Are Sick, Here’s What to Do

We've received many comments from people who ate Wawona peaches, plums, nectarines, and pluots that have been recalled for Listeria and have been experiencing illness. It's important to remember that no illnesses have yet been officially reported in connection with this recalled fruit, and that there is no guarantee that the fruit you purchased was contaminated. Listeria monocytogenes can cause two types of infections: listerial gastroenteritis, which is less serious, and invasive listeriosis, which is a serious blood infection. Listeriosis food poisoning is very rare; there are only 2,500 cases diagnosed in the U.S. every year out of 300,000,000 people. Still, it's better to be safe than sorry. Listeria monocytogenes bacteria can cause serious illness, especially in very young … [Read more...]
Wawona Packing Expands Recall of Fruits

Wawona Packing has expanded its recall of fresh, whole peaches, plums, nectarines, and pluots because of possible Listeria monocytogenes contamination. The recall advisory from the FDA does not mention any illnesses, however listeriosis, the illness caused by Listeria monocytogenes bacteria, can take 70 days to develop. It can take weeks before any illnesses are reported to the FDA. Listeriosis is a reportable disease. The recall on July 18, 2014 covered specific lots of products packed from June 1 through July 12, 2014. The recall is expanding to cover all products packed in the Wawona Packing Company facility from June 1, 2014 through July 17, 2014 because they haven't found the source of Listeria bacteria in the facility. Beginning on July 18, 2014, no products have been packed at … [Read more...]
Whole Foods Recalls Items Made with Stone Fruit Recalled for Listeria

Whole Foods Market is recalling made-in-store items prepared with organic and conventional stone fruit from Wawona Packing Company because of possible contamination with Listeria monocytogenes bacteria. No illnesses have been reported to date, but the symptoms of listeriosis can take up to 70 days to appear. The made-in-store items include those made with peaches, nectarines, and plums. THey were sold between June 1 and July 21, 2014. Not all items or all products were sold in all store locations. The products include cakes, tarts, salsas, and prepared salads. They were sold in Whole Foods Market stores using the Whole Foods Market scale labels in all states where the stores are looted except Florida, Washington, and Oregon. The company has released a PDF with a list of all of the … [Read more...]
Listeria Fruit Recall Includes Whole Foods, Cub, Aldi, Kroger and More

The stone fruit Listeria recall includes a number of major retailers. Consumers who have purchased peaches, nectarines, plums and plouts should check to see if the store where they were purchased the fruit is included in the recall. According to their websites and information provided by Wawona, the following retailers are included in the recall: Whole Foods, Cub Foods, Aldi, Kroger, Giants, Martins, Wegmans, Jay C, Dillons, Bakers, Gerbes, Food4less Fremont, King Soopers, City Market, Frys, Fred Meyer, Ralphs, Food4less, FoodsCo, QFC, Smith's, Hannaford, BJs Wolsesale Club, Costco, Trader Joe’s, Sam’s Club and Walmart. This is not a complete list, but is based on information available so far. The recalled fruit was packed between June 1 and July 12. At this point, no illness have … [Read more...]