A frozen cooked shrimp Salmonella outbreak has sickened at least six people who live in Nevada and Arizona. Two people are hospitalized because they are so sick. Epidemiologic, laboratory, and traceback data show that frozen cooked shrimp supplied by Avanti Frozen Foods is contaminated with Salmonella Weltevreden.
The case count by state is: Arizona (2) and Nevada (4). Illness onset dates range from February 26, 2021 to April 25, 2021. The patients age range is from 30 to 80 years. Of five people who gave information to public health officials, two have been hospitalized for a hospitalization rate of 40%, double the typical rate of 20%.
State and local public health officials interviewed patients about the foods they ate the week before they got sick. Of the five people interviewed, all said they ate shrimp.
Investigators are using the PulseNet system to identify illnesses that may be part of this outbreak. That is a national database of DNA fingerprints of bacteria that cause foodborne illness. The outbreak was first detected by the FDA when a sample of Avanti Frozen Foods shrimp collected at import was found to be contaminated with Salmonella Weltevreden. Whole genome sequencing showed that isolates taken from several ill people who are part of this outbreak are closely related to bacteria in the shrimp.
In addition, the FDA conducted a traceback investigation using purchase records where four sick people bought shrimp. Based on those purchase locations and dates, a common shipment of frozen cooked shrimp from Avanti Frozen Foods was identified.
A recall has been issued for several brands of frozen cooked shrimp produced by Avanti. The brands include Hannaford, Meijer, 365, Censea, Open Acres, Chicken of the Sea, Waterfront Bistro, Honest Catch, and CWNO. The shrimp was sold, most likely nationwide, from December 2020 to February 2021, but may have been sold in some stores more recently.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with food poisoning, you can contact attorney Fred Pritzker for help by calling 1-888-377-8900 or 612-338-0202.
Noted food safety lawyer Fred Pritzker, who has represented many clients in Salmonella food poisoning lawsuits, said, “No one should get sick just because they bought ready to eat foods from a store. We are glad the government finally identified products in this outbreak so people can take action to protect themselves.”
Please look at the list of recalled products carefully and see if you have any in your home freezer. If you do, do not eat them. Throw them away in a secure trash can, or take them back to the store where you purchased them for a full refund. Wash all items and surfaces that may have touched the shrimp or packaging with hot soapy water. And wash your hands as well.
Symptoms of a Salmonella food poisoning infection include a fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal and stomach pain and cramps, and diarrhea that may be bloody. These symptoms may begin six hours to six days after infection. If you have eaten precooked frozen shrimp and have been sick with these symptoms, call your doctor. You may be part of this frozen cooked shrimp Salmonella Weltevreden outbreak.

If you or a loved one have been sickened with a Salmonella Weltevreden infection after eating recalled frozen precooked shrimp, please contact our experienced lawyers for help at 1-888-377-8900 or 612-338-0202.