October 23, 2024

As Many as 20 Sick in Wisconsin E. coli Lettuce Outbreak

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services is investigating an E. coli O157:H7 outbreak in that state that may be linked to lettuce. There may be as many as 20 cases; three of the cases are children.

As Many as 20 Sick in Wisconsin E. coli Lettuce Outbreak

The law firm of Pritzker Hageman has been retained by multiple patients in this outbreak and  is representing two of those children. One is a 4-year-old who is hospitalized and seriously ill, and the other child is 14 and also hospitalized.

Dr. Larry Lutwick posted a notice on ProMed-Mail on November 17, 2019 about three women sickened with E. coli O157 infections who live in northwestern Wisconsin; those women told investigators that they ate salad before becoming sick. Since then, there are news reports that there may be people in other states, in particular Illinois, who may also be ill. The Wisconsin Department of Health Services has labeled this illness cluster an outbreak but has not updated the number sick since the first announcement.

E. coli outbreaks linked to lettuce, more specifically romaine, have been unfortunately common in the past two years.  The newest outbreak is in Maryland, linked to Ready Pac Bistro® Bowl Chicken Caesar Salad sold in Sam’s Club stores in that state. At least seven people are ill in that outbreak; one person has been hospitalized.

Attorney Fred Pritzker

You can contact food safety attorney Fred Pritzker for help by calling 1-888-377-8900 or 612-338-0202. He has represented many clients sickened with E. coli infections and HUS.

Romaine lettuce does pose a certain risk in that it is eaten unheated, grows close to the ground so can pick up bacteria, and has to be handled and transported and processed many times before the consumer eats it. While several organizations associated with this product have made changes in growing this leafy green, including more frequent testing of irrigation water and larger buffer areas between romaine fields and animal operations, the problem seems to continue.

Officials do not recommend that consumers avoid romaine lettuce, except for the Ready Pac product, because it’s an important part of a healthy diet. However, if you or a member of your family is in a high risk group for serious complications from food poisoning, such as pregnancy, young children, the elderly, or anyone with a chronic illness, you may want to consider eating cooked greens, at least for the time being. Those groups usually have more serious infections if they contract food poisoning.



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