It’s the cashews. Seven people are sick in the Jules Cashew Brie Salmonella outbreak, according to a new update posted today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That is an addition of two more patients since the last update in April. Three people have been hospitalized because they are so sick. And a new strain, Salmonella Urbana, has been added to the original outbreak strain of Salmonella Duisburg. Two people identified in this outbreak are sick with Salmonella Urbana infections.
The case count by state is: California (4), Florida (1), and Tennessee (2). The patient age range is from 23 to 72 years. Illness onset dates range from January 31, 2021 to April 8, 2021. But the true number of people sickened in this outbreak is likely much higher than the number reported so far, because many people do not seek medical care when they contract this infection and are not diagnosed.
Officials from California and Tennessee collected samples of Jule’s cashew brie for testing. Whole genome sequencing showed that Jule’s truffle cashew brie from stores in both states were contaminated with the outbreak strain of Salmonella Urbana. And other varieties of the cashew brie were contaminated with other strains of Salmonella. However, no people have been diagnosed with infections from the other strains.
The FDA collected food samples from the Jule’s Foods production facility. Whole genome sequencing showed that raw cashews from the same lot that were used to make the recalled vegan brie were contaminated with the outbreak strain of Salmonella Urbana.

You can contact food safety attorney Fred Pritzker for help by calling 1-888-377-8900 or 612-338-0202.
Noted food safety lawyer Fred Pritzker, who has represented many clients in lawsuits against food producers and grocery stores, said, “It’s good that the FDA and state officials are zeroing in on the issue in this outbreak. We hope that this new information will result in no more illnesses.”
All of Jule’s Foods products within expiration dates have been recalled as a result of this outbreak investigation. The FDA is working with the cashew supplier to make sure that the potentially contaminated products have been withdrawn from commerce. The supplier has told their customers not to use any of the cashews. And the supplier does not sell cashews directly to consumers.
Symptoms of a Salmonella infection include a fever, nausea, vomiting, abdominal and stomach pain and cramps, and diarrhea that may be bloody or watery. Most people start feeling sick with 6 to 72 hours after eating food contaminated with this pathogen.
And even after fully recovering, Salmonella patients can experience long term health problems, including endocarditis, high blood pressure, and irritable bowel syndrome. If you have eaten any of the recalled products and have been sick, see your doctor. You may be part of this Jules Cashew Brie Salmonella Duisburg and Urbana outbreak.

If you or a loved one have been sickened with a Salmonella Duisburg or Urbana infection after eating recalled Jules Cashew Brie or other products, please contact our experienced attorneys for help at 1-888-377-8900 or 612-338-0202.