Nazzaro Bowling Pin Sipper Cups are being recalled because the product contains level of lead that exceed the federal lead content ban. No illnesses or incidents have been reported to the company to date in connection with this issue. The importer is Nazzaro Enterprises Texas Inc., of Hurst, Texas. This product was manufactured in China. There is no safe level of lead exposure. Short term exposure to very low levels of lead may not cause any symptoms. Increased blood lead levels may be the only sign of lead exposure. Additional symptoms of lead exposure are more likely with acute exposure to higher levels of this heavy metal. The effects depend upon the amount and duration of exposure and age and body weight. If a fetus or a child is exposed to enough lead for a long period of … [Read more...]
Zaarah Herbals Shatavari Powder Recalled For Lead Levels
Zaarah Herbals Shatavari Powder is being recalled because it has elevated levels of lead, a heavy metal. No illnesses have been reported to date in connection with this issue. It is sold as a dietary supplement. The recalling firm is New York Wholesale Group of Hicksville, New York. There is no safe level of lead exposure. Short term exposure to very low levels of lead may not cause any symptoms. Increased blood lead levels may be the only sign of lead exposure. Additional symptoms of lead exposure are more likely with acute exposure to higher levels of lead. The effects depend upon the amount and duration of lead exposure and age/ body weight. If a fetus or a child is exposed to enough lead for a protracted period of time permanent damage to the central nervous system may occur, … [Read more...]
Yaomiao Children’s Jewelry Sets Recalled For Lead Poisoning Risk
Yaomiao Children’s Jewelry Sets are being recalled for posing a lead and cadmium poisoning risk. Those heavy metals can be extremely dangerous for children. The levels of lead exceed the federal lead content ban. The levels of cadmium are prohibited in children's products by the Federal Hazardous Substances Act. No reports of illness or injury have been reported to the company to date. The retailer is Wuhannuoyunxindianzikejiyouxiangongsi, doing business as LordRoads, of China. This recall includes three Yaomiao children’s jewelry sets. The sets have between three and 12 pieces of jewelry in each. The jewelry is silver colored with multicolored gems shaped as a unicorn, a butterfly, a heart, a turtle, a star, or a rainbow with a cloud. Each set comes packaged individually in small … [Read more...]
FDA Issues Final Guidance For Lead in Children’s Food
The FDA has issued final guidance for lead in children's food. These action levels reflect the levels of lead at which the FDA may regard the food as adulterated. While there are no safe levels of lead consumption, it is not possible to completely remove lead from every food as the heavy metal occurs naturally and is found in air, water, and soil. This guidance supports the Closer to Zero initiative to reduce exposure to contaminants through food to as low as possible. The action levels are 10 parts per billion for fruits, vegetables (except single ingredient root vegetables), mixtures (including grain and meat based mixtures), yogurt, custards and puddings, and single ingredient meats. The level is 20 parts per billion for single ingredient root vegetables, and 20 parts per billion … [Read more...]
IHA Beverage Recalls Super Cinnamon Powder For Lead
IHA Beverage is recalling Super Cinnamon Powder for elevated lead concentration levels. No illnesses have been reported to the company to date in connection with the consumption of this item. The recalling firm is IHA Beverage of Commerce, California. There is no level of safe exposure to lead. This heavy metal can cause serious health problems. Short term exposure to very low levels of lead may not cause any symptoms. The effects of lead consumption can vary based on the amount consumed, the length of exposure, and the patient’s age and body weight. If a child is exposed to enough lead for weeks or months, permanent damage to the central nervous system can occur, including lowered IQ. In adults, chronic lead exposure is associated with kidney problems, high blood pressure, and … [Read more...]
Heart of the Earth Cacao Pre Ground Paste Recalled For Lead
Heart of the Earth Cacao Pre Ground Paste is being recalled for high lead levels, at 0.671 parts per million in cacao (chocolate). According to FDA regulations, foods can only have 0.1 ppm of lead, mostly because small children eat a lot of chocolate and they are most affected by this heavy metal. There is no word on whether or not any illnesses have been reported, since this recall notice was posted on the FDA's Enforcement Reports page. There is no safe level of lead consumption. This metal can cause serious health effects, including lowered IQ and learning disabilities. The product is 100% pure cacao (chocolate) which is not ready for consumption. In most cases it is made into a chocolate drink with hot water using a blender. The recalled product was sold at the retail … [Read more...]
Worried About Lead in Cinnamon? Consumer Reports Can Help
Are you worried about lead in cinnamon? Consumer Reports can help with information on the brands that are the most and least contaminated with this heavy metal. The issue came to the forefront last fall when hundreds of children were sickened with lead poisoning after eating recalled WanaBana apple cinnamon pouches. Since then, the FDA has increased testing of cinnamon for lead contamination, and many recalls have been issued for unsafe products. The FDA warned consumers to avoid 17 products since their lead content, while still lower than that found in the apple puree pouches, were high enough to risk human health when consumed often. So which products are safer than others? Dr. James Rogers, the director of food safety research and testing at Consumer Reports, said in a … [Read more...]
Newmemo’s Children’s Ring Sets Recalled For Lead and Cadmium
Newmemo's Children's Ring Sets are being recalled for lead and cadmium contamination that exceed the federal lead content ban and high cadmium levels. Both lead and cadmium are toxic if ingested by young children and can cause serious health effects. No illnesses have been reported to the company to date in connection with this problem. The recalling firm and importer is Memovam Technology Industrial Co. Limited, (doing business as Newmemo), of China. There is no safe level of lead consumption. Short term exposure to very low levels of this heavy metal may not cause any symptoms except increased blood lead levels. Exposure to higher levels, or chronic exposure over time, for weeks or months, can cause symptoms including permanent damage to the central nervous system in children, … [Read more...]
Astronaut Strawberries Recalled For Elevated Lead Levels
Astronaut Strawberries are being recalled for elevated lead levels. Because this recall notice was posted on the FDA’s Enforcement Reports Page, and not the regular recall page, there is no mention about whether or not any illnesses have been reported to date in connection with the consumption of this product. The recalling firm is American Outdoor Products of Boulder, Colorado. There is no level of safe exposure to lead. This heavy metal can cause serious health problems. Short term exposure to very low levels of lead may not cause any symptoms. The effects of lead consumption can vary based on the amount consumed, the length of exposure, and the patient’s age and body weight. If a child is exposed to enough lead for weeks or months, permanent damage to the central nervous system … [Read more...]