February 12, 2025

FDA Warns Against Black Oxygen Organics Fulvic Care Powder and Tablets

The FDA is warning consumers not to take Black Oxygen Organics Fulvic Care Powder and Tablets dietary supplements because they may contain elevated levels of lead and arsenic. Immediately stop using the product and do not let other household members or pets to use them. These products were sold online at the company's website. Black Oxygen Organics Fulvic Care Powder and Tablets were sampled at the U.S.-Canadian border, where the high levels of the heavy metals were found. The FDA detained the shipment and put the product under Import Alert 99-42. You can see pictures of product labels at the FDA web site. More shipments of the product were detained after September 14, 2021, but the firm released those products into commerce without the FDA's knowledge when they should have been … [Read more...]

Products From Kerela Ayurvedic Consultation in Toronto May Have Lead

Health Canada is warning consumers that products sold by Kerela Ayurvedic & Natural Herbal Consultation in Toronto, Ontario are unauthorized and may pose serious health risks. Health Canada seized products from the company after Public Health Ontario notified the department of a case of lead poisoning following the use of products from that clinic. Lab testing found high levels of lead and mercury in products that patient consumed. This warning pertains to all Ayurvedic medicinal products sold by that company, which is located at 2900 Markham Road, Unit L13 in Majestic City Mall, Toronto. This includes products ordered by the clinic from a supplier that were shipped directly to consumers. Lead and mercury are heavy metals that can can cause serious short term and long term … [Read more...]

Cake Decorating Luster Dust Associated with Metal Poisoning in RI and MO

Cake decorating luster dust was associated with toxic heavy metal poisonings in Rhode Island and Missouri in 2018 and 2019, according to the CDC's Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) for the week of October 29, 2021. The luster dusts in question contained high levels of copper, lead, and other heavy metals that can cause serious illness and health complications. As these ingredients are often used in holiday celebrations, consumer education about these items is needed. During the time period of 2018 to 2019, the two states investigated heavy metal poisonings that were associated with commercial and home-prepared cakes made with luster dusts. The issue is that labeling stating that a product is nontoxic does not mean that is is safe to eat. Several items of glitters and … [Read more...]

Herbal Doctor Angelicae Sinensis Ginseng Recalled For Lead and Cadmium

Murray Int'l Tarding of Brooklyn, New York is recalling Herbal Doctor Angelicae Sinensis, a type of ginseng, for possible elevated levels of lead and cadmium, two heavy metals. This product is used in Chinese medicine to make a soup. No illnesses have been reported to the company to date in connection with the consumption of this item. Lead and cadmium exposure is a significant public health concern. Exposure to larger amounts of these metals can affect almost every system in the body. Symptoms of lead and cadmium exposure can include abdominal pain, vomiting, irritability, lethargy, weakness, behavior or mood changes, delirium, seizures, and coma. Infants and young children are affected by chronic exposure that can cause learning disabilities, developmental delays, and lower IQ … [Read more...]

Kroger Roast Beef with Gravy, Others Recalled For High Lead Levels

Kroger Roast Beef with Gravy and six other brands, including Clover Valley and Hostess, are being recalled because they have high levels of lead from an outside source. The recalling company is Crider Foods of Stillmore, Georgia. No illnesses have been reported to date in connection with the consumption of these products, but lead in the blood during pregnancy can increase the risk of miscarriage, can cause premature birth, hurt the baby’s brain, nervous system, and kidneys, and can cause learning and behavioral issues. Symptoms of short term lead exposure can include abdominal pain, constipation, headaches, irritability, loss of appetite, memory loss, weakness, and pain or tingling in the hands or feet. The problem was a spice mix used from an outside supplier. About 525,717 … [Read more...]

Barhee Fishing Hero Children’s Toy Recalled For Lead

Blue Star Trading Children's fishing toy called Barhee Fishing Hero is being recalled for violation of the federal lead content ban. This toy poses a lead poisoning hazard, according to a notice posted on the Consumer  Product Safety Commission web site. The product was sold exclusively on Amazon from February 2021 through April 2021 for about $30. Lead poisoning can severely affect health. Even small amounts of lead can cause serious health problems. Children under the age of six are especially vulnerable to this type of poisoning. Their mental and physical development can be compromised. At very high levels, lead poisoning can be fatal. Lead poisoning can be difficult to detect at first, since symptoms usually don't develop until dangerous amounts of this heavy metal have … [Read more...]

High Levels of Arsenic and Lead in Vinegars, Says Food and Water Watch

There are high levels of arsenic and lead in vinegars, according to a letter that Food & Water Watch sent to officials at the FDA. The letter was also signed by the Empire State Consumer Project (ESCP). The letter claims that dangerously high lead and arsenic levels have been found in many brands of vinegars, especially balsamic vinegar, and vinegar reductions that are sold in United States grocery stores. Those organizations are asking the FDA to protect the public, especially children and pregnant women, who are most at risk for serious health problems from those heavy metals. They want the FDA to establish limits for those compounds in vinegars and to add warning labels on products. ESCP's test results showed that of the 24 samples of major brands of vinegars or vinegar … [Read more...]

FDA Releases Action Plan to Reduce Heavy Metals in Baby Food

The FDA has released their Action Plan to reduce heavy metals in baby food and other foods that children eat. A report released by the United States House of Representatives in February found that commercial baby foods were "tainted with significant levels of toxic heavy metals, including arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury." That report also stated that "Exposure to toxic heavy metals causes permanent decreases in IQ, diminished future economic productivity, and increased risk of future criminal and antisocial behavior in children. Toxic heavy metals endanger infant neurological development and long-term brain function." The action plan, called Closer to Zero, details the approach the government will take. The press release did insist that FDA testing found that children are not … [Read more...]

Anker Play Products 10-in-1 Incredible Inventions Kit Recalled For Lead

Anker Play Products 10-in-1 Incredible Inventions Science Kit is being recalled because it violates the federal lead paint ban. Paint on the blue and red magnet contains levels of lead that exceed the ban limits. Lead is toxic if ingested by young children and can cause health problems that range from developmental delays to hearing loss and learning difficulties. The product packaging also lacks the required warning labels for magnets and balloons, which can cause injury if swallowed. Balloons are inappropriate toys for any child under the age of eight, and for children under three, they pose a choking hazard. Swallowed magnets can damage the intestinal tract. About 13,000 of the recalled units were sold. The Anker Play Products 10-in-1 Incredible Inventions Science Kit was sold … [Read more...]

FDA Announces Action Plan on Heavy Metals in Baby Food

After the U.S. House Subcommittee report that was issued last month about the amount of toxic heavy metals in baby food, the FDA is announcing new actions. The report found that four of the seven major baby foods made in this country have unacceptably high levels of cadmium, mercury, and lead. The remaining three corporations refused to supply information about their products. First, a letter to industry was issued reminding manufacturers of their responsibilities when producing these foods. And the agency will put a plan into action to reduce toxic elements in foods for babies and young children to levels "as low as is reasonably achievable." Manufacturer's responsibilities include considering risks from chemical hazards, including toxic elements, when conducting a hazard … [Read more...]

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