The deadly Listeria monocytogenes outbreak linked to deli sliced meats and cheeses that was announced yesterday by the CDC has sickened eight people and one Michigan resident has died. For years, Food Poisoning Bulletin has told you about dozens of recalls of deli items for possible Listeria contamination. Why are these deli sliced products vulnerable to Listeria? Listeria monocytogenes is a very persistent and strong pathogen. It is found in the air, water, soil, animals, and plant material. Once it has been introduced into a facility, especially a moist and cool environment, it can become established and be very difficult to get rid of. The pathogen can hide in floor cracks, grease traps, air vents, in machines and surfaces that are difficult to clean, on food preparation … [Read more...]
Raw Chicken Salmonella Infantis Outbreak Ends With 129 Sick
The raw chicken Salmonella Infantis outbreak has ended with 129 people sick, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Twenty five people were hospitalized in this outbreak, and one death was reported from New York. The case count by state in this raw chicken Salmonella outbreak is: Alabama (1), Arkansas (3), California (1), Colorado (1), Connecticut (3), Delaware (3), Florida (2), Georgia (2), Hawaii (1), Illinois (7), Indiana (1), Kentucky (2), Louisiana (2), Maine (1), Maryland (4), Massachusetts (17), Michigan (4), Minnesota (5), Missouri (3), North Carolina (7), Nebraska (1), New Jersey (9), New York (18), Ohio (8), Pennsylvania (13), Rhode Island (2), South Carolina (1), Tennessee (1), Texas (2), Virginia (2), Washington (2), and Wisconsin (1). … [Read more...]
CDC Issues Brucella Health Advisory For Miller’s Biodiversity Raw Milk
The CDC has issued a Health Advisory, for Brucella RB51 that may be connected to raw milk from Miller's Biodiversity Farm in Quarryville, Pennsylvania. The New York State Department of Health and the Pennsylvania Department of Health are investigating illnesses. In late December, 2018, the Pennsylvania Department of Health quarantined that farm's raw milk and raw milk products for possible Brucella contamination. As of January 22, 2019, exposures to this milk have been identified in Alabama, California, Connecticut, Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, and Virginia. There are three people who are sick with the symptoms of Brucella RB51, due to raw … [Read more...]
Miller’s Biodiversity Farm Raw Milk Products in Harrisburg PA Quarantined for Brucella
Miller's Biodiversity Farm raw milk and dairy products have been quarantined by public health officials because they may contain a strain of Brucella abortus (RB 51), according to a notice from the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (PDA). The farm is located in Harrisburg, Lancaster county. The press release was dated 12/22/2018. The Department has not posted an update on this issue. The PDA has issued an order of quarantine to stop the sale of dairy products made from raw cow's milk while an investigation is ongoing. Pasteurized dairy products from Miller's Biodiversity Farm are safe to consume. The quarantine applies only to this farm. One person in New York state has been diagnosed with RB51, and that illness was confirmed by the Centers for Disease Control and … [Read more...]
Raw Chicken Salmonella Infantis Outbreak: Number 9 in Top Food Poisoning Outbreaks of 2018
The raw chicken Salmonella Infantis outbreak was the number 9 largest food poisoning outbreak of 2018, with at least 92 people sickened in 29 states. Twenty-one people were hospitalized in this outbreak. The CDC notice stated that "many types of raw chicken products from a variety of sources are contaminated with Salmonella Infantis and are making people sick." That broad statement is bad news for the American consumer. A single supplier of raw chicken products hasn't been identified. That means that the outbreak strain is present in live chickens and in many type of raw chicken products, meaning it may be widespread in the chicken industry. Food safety experts have warned consumers for years to treat raw chicken as if it is contaminated. And this outbreak is scattered all over … [Read more...]
Multidrug Resistant Salmonella Infantis Chicken Outbreak Hits Consumers in MA, NY, PA, NJ, OH Hard
The multidrug resistant Salmonella Infantis outbreak linked to raw chicken has hit consumers in Massachusetts, New York, Ohio, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania hard. Those states have 46 of the 92 patients who have been sickened in this multidrug-resistant Salmonella outbreak. We don't know why the outbreak has been concentrated in the northeast United States. While outbreaks are often limited to a certain geographical area, officials do not have a specific company or product that is linked to this outbreak. And there are illnesses in the southern U.S., the midwest, and the west coast as well. There are two big concerns about this Salmonella Infantis outbreak. The first is that the bacteria is resistant to so many antibiotics. That means that people may be sicker, and that their … [Read more...]
Salmonella Outbreak Linked to Pot ‘O Gold Dairy Raw Milk in Bear Lake, PA
A Salmonella outbreak has been linked to raw milk from Pot 'O Gold Dairy Specialties in Bear Lake, Warren County. That dairy is located in Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania State Department of Agriculture released information about the outbreak late yesterday. So far, nine cases of Salmonella food poisoning have been diagnosed and confirmed. The press release did not state the ages of the patients, whether or not anyone has been hospitalized, or the illness onset dates. The raw whole milk was sold in glass half gallon containers with the Pot 'O Gold label at 16 stores in these counties: Erie, Crawford, McKean, Warren, and Venango. The milk that was sold from September 10, 2018 to the present is part of this recall. The milk was sold at these Crawford County facilities: Buck and … [Read more...]
FDA Warns About Honey Smacks Cereal; Salmonella Outbreak Grows to 130 Sick; Lawsuits Filed
The FDA and CDC are warning consumers not to eat any Honey Smacks cereal, as the Salmonella Mbandaka outbreak linked to that product grows to 130 sick in 36 states. That's an addition of 30 more ill persons since the last update more than a month ago. The outbreak and investigation are still ongoing. The patient case count by state is: Alabama (2), Arizona (3), California (11), Colorado (2), Connecticut (4), Delaware (1), Florida (3), Georgia (2), Illinois (1), Indiana (4), Kentucky (2), Louisiana (3), Maine (1), Maryland (2), Massachusetts (9), Michigan (4), Minnesota (12), Mississippi (2), Montana (2), North Carolina (5), New Hampshire (2), New Jersey (5), New York (15), Ohio (2), Oklahoma (2), Oregon (2), Pennsylvania (11), Rhode Island (1), South Carolina (2), Tennessee (3), … [Read more...]
Kosher Chicken Linked to Deadly Salmonella Outbreak; Lawsuits Possible
Kosher chicken is linked to a deadly Salmonella outbreak that has sickened 17 people in four states and has hospitalized eight patients. One person in New York has died, according to the CDC. In interviews several ill persons reported that they ate Empire Kosher brand chicken. Epidemiologic and laboratory evidence indicates that some kosher chicken products are contaminated with Salmonella I 4,[5],12:i:-. The outbreak strain of bacteria was identified in samples of raw kosher chicken that were collected from two facilities, including one facility that processes Empire Kosher brand chicken. The four states where patients live include Maryland, New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. The illness onset dates range from September 25, 2017 to June 4, 2018. The CDC began investigating … [Read more...]