March 14, 2025

Possible Wisconsin E. coli O157 Outbreak Associated With Salads

UPDATE: There may be as many as 9 people sickened in this possible outbreak, according to some reports. We'll keep you updated. According to a notice posted on ProMED-mail on November 14, 2019, a possible Wisconsin E. coli O157 outbreak may be associated with salads. ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases and tracks illnesses and possible disease outbreaks around the world. Launched in 1994, it is considered an early warning system for healthcare workers. The notice states, "Over the past 5 days, our health care facility in northwest Wisconsin, USA, has seen 3 women hospitalized with _E coli_ O157 infection. All presented with significant abdominal pain without fever and watery diarrhea which in 2 progressed to bloody diarrhea. None of the 3 … [Read more...]

Minnesota State Fair E. coli O157 Outbreak Sickens 11; 1 With HUS

An E. coli O157 outbreak associated with the Minnesota State Fair has sickened 11 people, according to the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). This Minnesota State Fair E. coli outbreak was announced today. Evidence suggests that contact with livestock is a "key factor" in this outbreak. Patients interviewed by public health officials say that they visited the fair between August 25, 2019 and September 2, 2019. Illness onset dates range from August 29, 2019 to September 6, 2019. Whole genome sequencing indicates that the E. coli O157 strains are closely related. Six people were hospitalized; one remains in the hospital. One person has developed hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a type of kidney failure that is potentially fatal. Cases range in age from 2 to 43 years. HUS is most … [Read more...]

FDA Names California Counties Where Contaminated Romaine Was Grown

The FDA has updated its investigation into the E. coli O157:H7 outbreak linked to romaine lettuce grown in the Central Coast growing regions of northern and central California. They have now named the California counties where they believe the lettuce was grown. Remember, most of the patients in this outbreak live in California. The specific California counties include Monterey, San Benito, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Santa Cruz, and Ventura. More counties may be added to this list as the FDA traceback develops. Romaine lettuce that was harvested from locations outside of the specific California regions identified, along with lettuce that is grown hydroponically and in greenhouses. The FDA lifted its recommendation the consumers avoid all romaine lettuce. Romaine lettuce … [Read more...]

Tennessee E. coli Outbreak That Sickened 15 Children Had Two Sources; Lawsuits Possible

The E. coli O157 outbreak in Knox County, Tennessee that sickened fifteen children had two sources, according to the Knox County Health Department. Fifteen confirmed cases were reported to KCHD in the last several weeks in this Tennessee E. coli outbreak. Nine of those children were hospitalized because they were so sick in this Tennessee E. coli outbreak. Seven patients developed hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a type of kidney failure. Of the children who were hospitalized, one remains in fair condition at Tennessee Children's Hospital. Lab reports confirmed that two different strains of E. coli O157 bacteria caused these illnesses. KCHD Director Dr. Martha Buchanan said in a statement, "“While it is rare, it appears we had two sets of children sickened by two different strains … [Read more...]

Romaine Lettuce E. coli Lawsuit Filed As Huge Outbreak That Sickened 210 Ends

Romaine lettuce E. coli lawsuit has been filed as the huge outbreak linked to the leafy green ends. "This isn't the first time ready-to-eat produce has been linked to a deadly E. coli O157 outbreak," said Fred Pritzker, attorney and food safety expert, "but it is the largest outbreak of its kind since 2006." Two hundred ten people were sickened in this outbreak. And worse, 27 people developed hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a type of kidney failure. On June 28, 2018 the FDA stated that an environmental assessment in the Yuma, Arizona growing region, where officials think the contaminated lettuce is from, found the outbreak strain of E. coli O157:H7 in Canada water. The pathogenic bacteria has the same genetic fingerprint as the bacteria isolated in patient samples. Officials also … [Read more...]

Romaine Lettuce E. coli O157 Outbreak Ends in Canada Too With No Answers

The romaine lettuce E. coli O157 outbreak that has sickened 197 people in the U.S. and killed 5 has been declared over in Canada by the Public Health Agency of Canada. The CDC and FDA in the United States have not declared an end to this outbreak, but do say that "product is no longer being harvested or distributed from this area and is no longer available in stores or restaurants, due to its 21-day shelf life." In Canada, eight people were sickened with E. coli O157 infections with a similar genetic fingerprint to people sickened in the U.S. there have not been any new illnesses reported to public health officials since late April 2018, so the outbreak notice states, "the Canadian outbreak appears to be over and the outbreak investigation has been closed." In the Canadian … [Read more...]

E. coli Outbreak Associated with Raw Milk and Farm Animals in TN Updated; Lawsuits May Be Filed

The E. coli O157 outbreak associated with raw milk and contact with farm animals in Tennessee has been updated by the Knox County Health Department. Public health officials are investigating any potential connections between these two likely sources, and it is possible that there are two unrelated E. coli clusters. At least ten children have been sickened in this outbreak. The health department is conducting extensive interviews with the families of the ill children. They are also contacting people who may be at risk to see if anyone in that household is ill, examining all potential sources; plotting symptom onset to aid in determining the first case in this outbreak, potential exposures and the type of outbreak; analyzing the statistical significance of the findings; and collecting … [Read more...]

E. coli O157 Outbreak in Tennessee Updated by Knox County Health Department; Lawsuits May Be Filed

The E. coli O157 outbreak in Tennessee associated with raw milk and contact with farm animals has been updated by the Knox County Health Department. The media release states, "To date, more than 10 cases of E. coli O157 have been reported to KCHD all are among young children. No new E. coli cases were reported over the weekend. However the incubation period for E. coli is two to 10 days." At least four of those children have been hospitalized; all have hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a type of kidney failure. The common link among most of the sick children in this E. coli O157 outbreak  is raw milk from French Broad Farm, a local cow-share dairy in Knox County. Public health officials are advising the public not to consume raw ilk or any other unpasteurized products they may have … [Read more...]

E. coli O157 Outbreak Associated with Raw Milk in Knox County, TN; Several Attended A Kids Place; Lawsuits Possible

The Knox County Health Department is still investigating a cluster of E. coli O157 cases in children that are "likely associated" with consumption of raw milk and contact with farm animals. More than 10 illnesses have been reported to the KCHD. All are among children. One new development is that several of those sick children attended A Kids Place, a childcare facility in Mascot, Tennessee. Last week a report was received telling officials about that illness. KCHD reviewed the case lab report. The news update states, "Several other cases reported attending A Kids Place, Inc. During the investigation, exposure to ruminant farm animals was identified as a potential source of infection. All cases were among an age group that was housed in one portion of the facility. That portion is … [Read more...]

Lawyer Explains: Why Is a Class Action Lawsuit Not the Best Choice For Romaine E. coli O157:H7 HUS Patients?

There are potentially many lawsuits that will be filed in the large E. coli O57:H7 HUS outbreak that is linked to romaine lettuce from the Yuma, Arizona growing region. At least 121 people are sick in that outbreak. Many families may be thinking about a class action lawsuit if and when a grower, distributor, retailer, or restaurant is named by the government. But is a class action lawsuit really the best choice for you, whether you have been sickened with E. coli, Listeria monocytogenes, Brucella, Campylobacter, or Salmonella bacteria? As of May 2, 2018, fifty-two people have been hospitalized in this outbreak because they are so sick. Fourteen patients have developed hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a type of complication that can cause kidney failure. And one person in California … [Read more...]

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