The SunFed cucumber Salmonella outbreak has grown to include 100 patients in 23 states, according to the CDC. And 25 people are hospitalized. That’s an increase of 32 new cases, four new states, and seven new hospitalizations since the last update was issued on December 5, 2024. The new states are Arizona, Michigan, New Mexico, and Nevada.
The case count by state is: Alaska (2), Arizona (1), California (3), Colorado (8), Iowa (3), Illinois (3), Massachusetts (6), Michigan (2), Montana (17), Nebraska (1), New Jersey (2), New Mexico (1), Nevada (1), New York (1), Ohio (1), Oregon (8), Pennsylvania (1), South Dakota (5), Texas (6), Utah (2), Washington (6), Wisconsin (12), and Wyoming (8). Illness onset dates range from October 12, 2024 to November 23, 2024. Of the 80 people who gave information to public health investigators, 25 have been hospitalized, for a hospitalization rate of 31%, which is high for a Salmonella outbreak.
The CDC and states found seven illness sub-clusters at three assisted living facilities, three school districts, and one restaurant. An illness sub-cluster is a group of unrelated people who all ate at the same location. Investigating sub-clusters can help identify a food item eaten by all the sick people that could be the source of the outbreak. Cucumbers were served at all of these seven sub-cluster locations.
FDA’s traceback investigation identified Agrotato, S.A. de C.V. in Sonora, Mexico as a common grower of cucumbers. Many recalls of cucumbers have been issued since the outbreak was first announced, including secondary recalls. Please check to see if you have any of these items in your home. If you do, do not eat them.
If you have eaten cucumbers or an item made with them, and have been ill with the symptoms of a Salmonella infection, see your doctor. You may be part of this SunFed cucumber Salmonella outbreak.

If you have been sickened with a Salmonella food poisoning infection, please contact our experienced Minnesota attorneys for help with a possible lawsuit at 1-888-377-8900 or text us at 612-261-0856. Our firm represents clients in lawsuits against grocery stores, restaurants, and food processors.