March 18, 2025

List of Lettuce Products Recalled For Possible Deer Feces

We have decided to compile this list of lettuce products that have been recalled for possible deer feces contamination because more and more products are being announced every day, and deer feces can carry dangerous pathogens. Some of these recalls are posted on the FDA's Enforcement Reports page, so most consumers will not see them. For the products posted on the FDA's recall notice page, no illnesses have been reported in connection with the consumption of these products. There is never any mention of illnesses on the Enforcement Page recalls. Deer feces can contain the pathogens Salmonella, E. coli, Campylobacter, Listeria monocytogenes, and Giardia bacteria that can cause serious illness. The droppings can also carry the prions that cause chronic wasting disease, an illness … [Read more...]

G.O. Lettuces and Romaine Recalled For Possible Deer Feces

G.O. lettuces, lettuce blends, and romaine lettuces are being recalled for possible deer feces contamination. No mention of any illnesses was in the recall notice because it was posted in the FDA's Enforcement Report page and not on the regular FDA recall page. Deer feces can carry pathogens including the prions that cause chronic wasting disease (although there is no evidence at this time that humans can contract that illness), Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, Giardia, and E. coli. The recalling firm is G.O. Corporation of Minneapolis, Minnesota. There are eight recalled products. They were sold in Minnesota, North Dakota, Iowa, and Wisconsin. They include lettuces packed into eight configurations. One, Shredded Romaine with UPC numbers 9120457, 7641269, 8095202, 7166295, and … [Read more...]

Revolution Listeria Outbreak: How Are Greens Contaminated?

In the Revolution Listeria outbreak, how are greens contaminated? The outbreak, which was just announced by the FDA in a recall notice, is linked to Revolution Farms brand lettuces and salad mixes. The multi-state outbreak has not been mentioned by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, so we don't know how many people are sick, the patent age range, or illness onset dates. Listeria gets onto lettuces, other leafy greens, and vegetables and fruits in a variety of ways. The pathogen occurs naturally in soil and water, so the plants could  be contaminated in the field. Some animals can carry the bacteria and not get sick. If they poop on plants in the field, the pathogen can easily grab onto the plant and grow. Animal manure used as fertilizer can also be contaminated. And … [Read more...]

Revolution Farms Lettuce and Salad Kits Recalled For Listeria

Revolution Farms Lettuce and Salad Kits are being voluntarily recalled for possible Listeria monocytogenes contamination. The products were sold under many brand names. No illnesses have been reported to date in connection with this problem. The recalling firm is Revolution Farms of Caledonia, Michigan. The recalled product was sold to retailers and food service distributors in these states: Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, and Wisconsin. The retailers include: SpartanNash stores, Meijer stores, Bridge St. Market, Kingma’s Market, Fresh Thyme Market Grand Rapids, Fresh Thyme Market Kalamazoo, Horrocks Market Grand Rapids, Doorganics, Cherry Capital Foods, Gordon Food Service, Van Eerden Foodservice, Vine Line Produce, Luna restaurant, Russ’ Commissary, and Pearson Foods … [Read more...]

Kalera Whole Head Lettuces Recalled For Possible Salmonella

Kalera whole head lettuces are being recalled for possible Salmonella contamination. No illnesses have been reported to company to date in connection with the consumption of these items. The recalling firm is Kalera Public Limited Company of Orlando, Florida. The company is recalling 633 cases of Crunch, Butter, and Romaine whole head variety lettuce. The lot codes 001293 and 001294 are printed on the label. The lettuces were sold under the Kalera brand name with the words "kalera. the cleanest lettuce in the world." on the case label. This lettuce is grown indoors. These lettuces were sold to a small number of retail venues and foodservice customers in Florida. The company has notified these customers and is working to make sure consumers do not receive any of these recalled … [Read more...]

Food Poisoning Outbreak in McHenry County, IL at D. C. Cobb’s

A food poisoning outbreak in McHenry County, Illinois at D. C. Cobb's restaurant has sickened at least 13 people, according to the McHenry County Health Department. That restaurant is located at 1204 North Green Street in McHenry. The outbreak was identified when public health officials reviewed complaints of people who got sick after eating at that establishment. An investigation into the pathogen that caused these illnesses, and the possible source of the pathogen has been launched. We do not know the patient age range, or if anyone has been hospitalized. Those sickened ate at D. C. Cobb's restaurant in McHenry from August 29 through September 13, 2022. A survey was posted by the health department, asking for information about anyone who ate there during that time frame, but … [Read more...]

Salmonella Uses Lettuce As a Host to Evade Cleaning

A study published in Frontiers in Microbiology has found that Salmonella uses lettuce as a host to evade cleaning. The pathogen can get into tiny pores in the lettuce, meaning that it can't be washed off the leaves. This strategy also protects them agains the plant's immune system. Lettuce leaves have tiny pores called stomates that let the plants cool off. The type of Salmonella that sickens people can get into the plants through the stomates  just like fungi and plant bacteria can. This jumping between different kingdoms concerns scientists. The research team, based at the Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, the Delaware Biotechnology Institute, and the Department of Animal and Food Sciences at the University of Delaware, wanted to determine if Salmonella Typhimurium applied … [Read more...]

Are Aquaponic Hydroponic Greens Safer? Study Finds There Are Risks

Are After the deadly E. coli O157:H7 outbreaks linked to romaine lettuce in the past few years, many people have turned to hydroponic greens and aquaponic greens. Those plants are grown in water or recycled fish waste water instead of soil, indoors in greenhouses so they are not exposed to animal and bird waste, ground water, and irrigation water. But are aquaponic hydroponic greens safer? A new study finds there are risks. The study was conducted by scientists at Purdue University and published in MDPI, a publisher of peer-reviewed, open access journals. It is The Occurrence of Shiga Toxin-Producing E. coli. in Aquaponic and Hydroponic Systems. Hydroponic systems use water as the medium for growing the plants. Aquaponic systems use fish wastewater as both the water and nutrient … [Read more...]

History of Lettuce E. coli Outbreaks is Long and Complicated

Earlier this year, a deadly romaine lettuce E. coli outbreak sickened more than 200 people, hospitalized more than 100, and killed five people. Twenty-seven people developed hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a type of kidney failure. The FDA and CDC did not solve this outbreak. They did not name a farm or producer that was linked to the contaminated lettuce, and no recall for the chopped lettuce was issued. A recall of whole lettuce heads that was linked to a small outbreak in Alaska. After months of investigation, the government announced they had found the outbreak strain of E. coli O157:H7 in canal water in Yuma, Arizona that may have been used on the lettuce crop. They think that cow feces in the water was the source of the bacteria. But this isn't the first time that lettuce … [Read more...]

An E. coli O157 Outbreak in Canada is Linked to Romaine Lettuce, Sickening 21 People in 3 Provinces

An E. coli O157 outbreak in Canada is linked to romaine lettuce. There are no product recalls at this time associated with this outbreak. At least 21 people are sick in three provinces. The case count by province is: Quebec (3), New Brunswick (5), and Newfoundland and Labrador (13). Ten of those patients have been hospitalized because their illness is so serious. All of these people got sick in middle and late November 2017. The patient age range is from 5 to 72. Most of the cases, 72%, are female. Many of these people reported eating romaine lettuce before their symptoms started. A common source of E. coli O157 bacteria is raw fruits and vegetables. They can come into contact with feces from infected animals, in the fields, during harvest, and during transportation. Leafy greens … [Read more...]

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