March 18, 2025

Salmonella Outbreaks in 2018 Sickened 1,394 People

Salmonella outbreaks linked to food products in 2018 were numerous and severe; 15 were multistate. In fact, seven of the top 10 multistate outbreaks of the year were caused by different strains of Salmonella bacteria. By July 2018, there were five multistate outbreaks that sickened at least 553 people. In all, at least 1,394 people were sickened by Salmonella in ground beef, chicken salad, pasta salad, turkey, cereal, tahini, cake mix, chicken, eggs, and melons. And six of these outbreaks are still ongoing. The words "at least" are used because most people who contract Salmonella infections never see a doctor, so are not diagnosed and added to an outbreak total. Epidemiologists use what is called a "multiplier" to estimate the actual number sickened in Salmonella outbreaks. That … [Read more...]

Risks of Food Poisoning in Packaged and Prepared Foods

There have been quite a few food poisoning outbreaks in 2018 that were linked to packaged and prepared foods, that is, foods that have been prepared in a factory or plant. The Fareway/Triple T chicken salad Salmonella outbreak is one example, as is the Salmonella Mbandaka outbreak that was linked to Kellogg's Honey Smacks cereal and the Salmonella outbreak linked to Hy Vee Spring Pasta Salad. Both of these items were "ready-to-eat," which means that the consumer doesn't heat them before eating. That makes them risky, according to an article by Consumer Reports. There is zero tolerance for Listeria monocytogenes bacteria in ready-to-eat products in this country, but no such restrictions apply to Salmonella bacteria. Packaged and prepared foods may seem safe, but they can cause … [Read more...]

Honey Smacks Salmonella Mbandaka Outbreak Was Number 7 of 2018

The Honey Smacks Salmonella Mbandaka outbreak that sickened at least 135 people in 36 states was the number 7 multistate outbreak of 2018. Thirty-four people were hospitalized in that outbreak, which ended in September 2018. The Kellogg Company recalled all Honey Smacks cereal with a "best if used by" date of June 14, 2019, no matter what the size is. The "best if used by" date is printed on the box top. Even if some of the cereal was eaten and nobody got sick, throw it away. Salmonella bacteria can clump in tiny areas and not every piece of cereal may be contaminated. If you decanted the cereal into another container and don't have the box it was packaged in, throw that cereal away. And thoroughly wash the container before you add more cereal or other food. Check your pantry to see … [Read more...]

Kellogg’s Honey Smacks Salmonella Mbandaka Outbreak Ends; Lawsuits Filed

The Salmonella Mbandaka outbreak linked to recalled Kellogg's Honey Smacks cereal has ended, according to the CDC, after sickening 135 people in 36 states. Thirty-four people were hospitalized. No deaths were reported. However, even though the actual outbreak is ended, public health officials are warning consumers that the danger still persists. This cereal has a very long shelf life, and some may still be in consumers' homes. In addition, two other products were recalled that were not linked to any illnesses; they were listed on FDA's Enforcement Reports. These recalls weren't announced to the general public. Cheerios Protein Oats & Honey, in 19 oz. boxes with UPC number 16000-44473, and in 14.1 ounce boxes, with UPC number 16000-45137, was recalled on July 16, 2018, … [Read more...]

FDA Warns About Honey Smacks Cereal; Salmonella Outbreak Grows to 130 Sick; Lawsuits Filed

The FDA and CDC are warning consumers not to eat any Honey Smacks cereal, as the Salmonella Mbandaka outbreak linked to that product grows to 130 sick in 36 states. That's an addition of 30 more ill persons since the last update more than a month ago. The outbreak and investigation are still ongoing. The patient case count by state is: Alabama (2), Arizona (3), California (11), Colorado (2), Connecticut (4), Delaware (1), Florida (3), Georgia (2), Illinois (1), Indiana (4), Kentucky (2), Louisiana (3), Maine (1), Maryland (2), Massachusetts (9), Michigan (4), Minnesota (12), Mississippi (2), Montana (2), North Carolina (5), New Hampshire (2), New Jersey (5), New York (15), Ohio (2), Oklahoma (2), Oregon (2), Pennsylvania (11), Rhode Island (1), South Carolina (2), Tennessee (3), … [Read more...]

FDA Quietly Updates Honey Smacks Salmonella Outbreak; Lawsuits Are Possible

The FDA has updated its investigation into the Kellogg's Honey Smacks Salmonella outbreak, but did not put a date on the new announcement, or update outbreak numbers. They added a paragraph to the investigation page that stated officials inspected a "contract facility" where Kellogg's Honey Smacks is manufactured, and found Salmonella bacteria that "is a match to the outbreak strain." Lawsuits have been filed. And last week, the FDA sent a warning letter to Kerry, Inc. of Beloit, Wisconsin, where Salmonella was found "throughout the facility, including in cereal production rooms." We don't know if these events are linked. Kerry manufactures wheat puffed grains, rice puffed grains, oat puffed grains, and corn puffed grains, among other products. The FDA inspected that facility … [Read more...]

Kellogg’s Honey Smacks Salmonella Outbreak: FDA Finds Bacteria at Facility; Lawyer Explains

In the Kellogg's Honey Smacks Salmonella outbreak, the FDA has found the outbreak strain of Salmonella Mbandaka at the Kellogg's facility. At least 100 people in 33 states are sick in this outbreak. Thirty people have been hospitalized because they are so sick. Kellogg's has recalled their Honey Smacks cereal, which were sold nationally in the United States, including Guam and Saipan, and in some foreign countries. The foreign countries where the product was sold include: Aruba/Curaçao/Saint Maarten (Netherlands Antilles), the Bahamas, Barbados, Tortola (British Virgin Islands), Costa Rica, Guatemala, Haiti, Mexico, Panama, and Tahiti (French Polynesia). After the recall, which was issued June 14, 2018, the CDC and FDA warned consumers not to eat any size package of Honey Smacks, … [Read more...]

Kellogg’s Honey Smacks Cereal Linked to Salmonella Outbreak Still On Store Shelves; Lawyer Explains

The multistate Salmonella Mbandaka outbreak linked to recalled Kellogg's Honey Smacks cereal has grown to include 100 sick in 33 states. Thirty people, or 39% of those interviewed by public health officials, have been hospitalized in this Kellogg's Salmonella Honey Smacks outbreak because they are so sick. Alarmingly, the FDA notice about this outbreak states, "The FDA has become aware that recalled Kellogg’s Honey Smacks cereal are still being offered for sale. All Honey Smacks cereal was recalled in June 2018. Retailers cannot legally offer the cereal for sale and consumers should not purchase Kellogg’s Honey Smacks cereal." Food safety lawyer Fred Pritzker stresses this point. "It is not legal for retailers or anyone, for that matter, to sell food that has been recalled. … [Read more...]

Kelloggs Honey Smacks Salmonella Lawsuit Filed; No Updates on Outbreak Since Mid-June

A Kelloggs Honey Smacks Salmonella lawsuit has been filed; no update on this outbreak has been issued by the CDC or FDA since mid-June. On June 15, 2018, the CDC stated that there were 73 people sick with the outbreak strain of Salmonella Mbandaka in 31 states. Twenty-four of those patients have been hospitalized because their illnesses are so serious. The cereal was first recalled on June 14, 2018. Two UPC numbers of the product were recalled. The recalled product had "best if used by" dates of June 14, 2018 through June 14, 2018. But several days later, the CDC told consumers to not eat any Honey Smacks cereal of any size package or any "best if used by" date. No explanation for this huge recall expansion was given. Consumers have been advised to throw away any Kellogg's … [Read more...]

Two Salmonella Outbreaks Linked to Melon and Cereal: How Does the Government Investigate?

There are currently two Salmonella outbreaks ongoing in this country. The first is a Salmonella Adelaide outbreak that is linked to precut fresh melons. At least 70 people have been sickened in this outbreak; 34 of those people have been hospitalized. And a Salmonella Mbandaka outbreak linked to recalled Kellogg's Honey Smacks cereal has sickened at least 73 people; 24 have been hospitalized. So how does the government investigate these outbreaks? What's the timeline for these cases? How long does it take from when someone gets sick to when public health officials are informed? The time to illness that is, the time from when a person is exposed to Salmonella bacteria until they feel ill is usually about 1 to 3 days. Some people get sick within a few hours; others can take up to a … [Read more...]

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