Lian Teng Champignon Enoki Mushrooms are being recalled for possible Listeria monocytogenes in Canada. No illnesses have been reported to date in connection with the consumption of this product. The recalling firm is Lian Teng Produces Inc. The recalled product was sold at the retail level in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. The recalled item is Lian Teng Champignon Enoki Mushrooms that are packaged in 200 gram plastic bags with a green label. and yellow and red printing The UPC number that is printed on the product label is 4 892742 010425. And the code on the item is SN: 692501. This recall was triggered by Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) test results. The government is launching a food safety investigation which may lead to the recall of more products. If this … [Read more...]
Lian Teng Champignon Enoki Mushrooms Recalled For Listeria
Qilu Enterprises Enoki Mushrooms Recalled For Possible Listeria

Qilu Enterprises Enoki Mushrooms are being recalled for possible Listeria monocytogenes contamination, according to the New York State Department of Agriculture and Markets and the FDA. No illnesses have been reported to the company to date in connection with the consumption of this item. The mushrooms were distributed by Utopia Foods that is located at 83-18 72nd Drive in Glendale, New York. The recalled product is Qilu Enterprises Enoki Mushrooms that are packaged in a 7.05 ounce (200 gram) flexible clear plastic bag with a blue stripe and white printing. The UPC number for this item that is stamped on the label is 928918-610109. All of these mushrooms were sold between August 7, 2023 and October 20, 2023. All products within expiry are included in this recall. The mushrooms were … [Read more...]
Super Enoki Mushrooms Recalled in Canada For Listeria

Super Enoki Mushrooms are being recalled in Canada for possible Listeria monocytogenes contamination. No illnesses have been reported to the company or the government to date in connection with the consumption of these mushrooms. The recalling firm is James Produce. This recalled product was sold in Ontario at the retail level. The recalled item is Super Enoki Mushrooms that are packaged in a 200 gram clear plastic bag with a dark blue and light blue label. The UPC number that is printed on the product label is 4 892742 010357. This product does not have any codes. The mushrooms were sold at T&T Supermarket that is located at 715 Central Parkway West in Mississauga, Ontario. This recall was triggered by Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) test results. A food safety … [Read more...]
Golden Mushroom Enoki Mushrooms Recalled in Canada For Listeria

Golden Mushroom Enoki Mushrooms are being recalled in Canada for possible Listeria monocytogenes contamination. No illnesses have been reported to the company to date in connection with the consumption of this product. The recalling firm is Goldenway International Trade Company Ltd. The recalled product is Golden Mushroom Enoki Mushrooms that is packaged in a 200 gram clear and green plastic bag. The UPC number that is printed on the product label is 8 809201 000039, and the code is CE 04 7D. This item was sold in Ontario at the retail level, and may also have been sold in other provinces and territories. The recall was triggered by Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) test results. The CFIA is verifying that industry is removing this product from the marketplace, and is … [Read more...]
SSS Enoki Mushrooms Recalled in Canada For Possible Listeria

SSS Enoki Mushrooms are being recalled in Canada for possible Listeria monocytogenes contamination. No illnesses have been reported to the company to date in connection with the consumption of these mushrooms. The recalling firm is Itrading International. The mushrooms were distributed in Ontario at the retail level. The recalled product is SSS Enoki Mushrooms that are packaged in 200 gram plastic bags with a green label. The mushrooms were imported from China. The UPC number that is printed on the product label is 6 953150 100677. All products sold up to and including July 28, 2023 are included in this recall. If you purchased this product, do not eat it, even if you plan to cook the mushrooms, because of the possibility of cross-contamination. You can throw the mushrooms away … [Read more...]
Enoki Mushrooms Listeria Monocytogenes Outbreak Ends

The enoki mushrooms Listeria monocytogenes outbreak linked to Utopia Foods and Sun Hong Foods products has ended with five people sick in four states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In the last update released in January 2023, there were three people sick. The case count by state is: California (2), Michigan (1), Nevada (1), and New Jersey (1). The new state added to this outbreak is New Jersey, and one more patient in California was added to the case count. Ill person's samples were collected from October 5, 2022 to February 3, 2023. The patient age range is from less than one to 63 years. There were two strains of Listeria monocytogenes that made people sick in this outbreak. Two of the patients reported eating enoki mushrooms or eating at … [Read more...]
FDA Offers Tips to Prevent Listeria Monocytogenes Illness

The FDA is offering tips to prevent Listeria monocytogenes illnesses. There is a mystery Listeria outbreak on the FDA's CORE Outbreak Investigation Table that has sickened at least 11 people in 10 states, as well as an ongoing listeriosis outbreak that is linked to Utopia Foods and Sun Hong Foods enoki mushrooms. It's important to know that some foods are more likely to be contaminated with this dangerous and often deadly pathogen. They include ready to eat refrigerated foods such as deli meats and cheeses, unpasteurized milk, and foods made with unpasteurized milk. The people most at risk for serious complications from this food poisoning infection include pregnant women and their fetuses, the elderly, anyone with a compromised immune system, and anyone with a chronic illness, … [Read more...]
Mystery Salmonella Hartford Outbreak Grows to 50 Sick

The mystery Salmonella Hartford outbreak has grown to include 50 patients, according to the FDA's CORE Outbreak Investigation Table. There are three other active outbreak investigations on that table. In the Salmonella outbreak, traceback has been initiated and on-site inspection has begun. The FDA has collected samples and has begun to analyze those samples. No recall has been initiated, we don't know the patient age range of illness onset date, or whether or not anyone has been hospitalized. The hepatitis A outbreak linked to recalled frozen organic strawberries remains the same. Five patients in Washington state are sick and two people have been hospitalized. Two recalls have been issued: one for Kirkland Organic Frozen Strawberries packaged in a 4 pound bag, and one for … [Read more...]
FDA Adds Salmonella Hartford Outbreak to CORE Investigation

The FDA has added a new Salmonella Hartford outbreak to its CORE Outbreak Investigation Table. It joins three other outbreak investigations that are still active as of March 8, 2023. The Salmonella Hartford outbreak has sickened at least 31 people so far. No food has been identified yet. There is no information about illness onset dates, if anyone has been hospitalized, or the patient age range. So far, traceback has been initiated in this outbreak investigation. The hepatitis A outbreak investigation has been updated. There are now just five illnesses in that outbreak. That number was reduced from nine cases, after the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) excluded some suspect cases from the overall count. Sample collection and analysis, along with traceback, has … [Read more...]
New Hepatitis A Outbreak on FDA CORE Investigation Table

A new hepatitis A outbreak has been issued on the FDA's CORE Outbreak Investigation Table. At least nine people have been sickened in this new outbreak. And there are still two Listeria monocytogenes outbreaks on the table, while the Salmonella Typhimurium outbreak linked to Sun Sprouts alfalfa sprouts has ended. This new hepatitis A outbreak is not yet linked to any particular food. We do not know the patient age range, illness onset dates, or whether or not anyone has been hospitalized. The FDA has initiated traceback, but there has not been any on-site inspection, recall, sample collection, or laboratory analysis yet. And there is a mystery Listeria monocytogenes outbreak that is still unsolved. In that investigation, traceback has been initiated, and an on-site inspection has … [Read more...]