March 18, 2025

Revolution Farms Secondary Recalls For Possible Listeria

A list of Revolution Farms secondary recalls of salads and salad mixes for possible Listeria contamination collects information from the FDA and USDA for products that were made using that company's lettuces and salad mixes. Revolution Farms products are linked to a Listeria monocytogenes outbreak that has not yet been announced by the FDA or CDC. The original recall was issued on April 5, 2023 for products such as Robust Romaine and Farmer's Mix. That recall was expanded on April 7, 2023, with the announcement that all Revolution Farms products were included in the recall, as the outbreak was linked to those lettuces. Keep checking back to this page, because when more secondary recalls are announced, they will be added to this list. On April 10, 2023, Fresh From Meijer salads … [Read more...]

Public Health Alert for Fruit Ridge Farms Salads For Listeria

A public health alert has been issued for Fruit Ridge Farms Salads and Bell's Bistro Salads for possible Listeria monocytogenes contamination. This is another secondary recall of Revolution Farms lettuces that were recalled last week in relation to a Listeria monocytogenes outbreak. The public health alert is being issued, even though the products are within expiry, so consumer are aware these products should not be eaten. There have been no confirmed reports of illnesses reported to the company to date due to the consumption of these products. The recall was issued when the firm told FSIS that they used FDA-recalled lettuce to make these fresh chicken and ham salad products. They were made on various dates from March 10, 2023 through March 24, 2023. You can see pictures of the … [Read more...]

Meijer Recalls Premade Salads For Possible Listeria Contamination

Meijer recalls premade salads from Revolution Farms for possible Listeria monocytogenes contamination. This is a secondary recall. The original recall, issued last week, is for Revolution farms lettuces and salads that were recalled because they are linked to a Listeria monocytogenes outbreak. No illnesses have been reported to the company in connection with the consumption of these products. The recalling firm is Meijer of Grand Rapids, Michigan. These salads were sold at Meijer stores in Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Ohio, Kentucky, and Wisconsin. The recalled premade salads have a Fresh From Meijer sticker on a clear plastic container. All sell by dates of these products are included in this recall. The salads are all Fresh From Meijer brand. The recalled salads include … [Read more...]

Dole Garden Classic Salads Are Recalled For Possible Listeria

Dole Garden Classic Salads are being recalled for possible Listeria monocytogenes contamination. The salads were also sold under other brand names. No illnesses have been reported to the company to date in connection with the consumption of these items. The recalling firm is Dole Fresh Vegetables of Monterey, California. The recalled products all have the best if used by date of 10-25-21. The recalled items include Dole Garden Salad packaged in 24 ounce plastic bags. The UPC number on that product is 0-71430-01136-2, and the lot codes are N28205A and N28205B. Also recalled is Marketside Classic Salad packaged in 24 ounce bags. The UPC number on that label is 6-81131-32895-1 and the lot codes are N28205A and N28205B. Kroger Brand Garden Salad, packaged in 12 ounce containers, is also … [Read more...]

Eat Smart Chopped Salad Kit Recall For Possible Listeria Updated

The Eat Smart Chopped Salad Kit recall in Canada has been updated with more products, according to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). Nine more products have been added to the recall. No illnesses have been reported to the company to date in connection with this problem. The recalling company is Curation Foods. These salads were distributed in Newfoundland and Labrador, Ontario, and may have been distributed nationally at the retail level. These newly recalled items were identified during the CFIA's food safety investigation. The recalled products include Curation Foods/Eat Smart Kale Salad Blend (unlabeled) sold in 907 gram packages. The UPC number is to be determined, and the codes are 2 0 B 221, AUG 24 2021, and 2021 AU 24. Also recalled is Eat Smart Chili-Lime Crunch … [Read more...]

Illinois BrightFarms Salad Salmonella Outbreak Sickens Five

The Illinois BrightFarms salad Salmonella outbreak has sickened five people who live in Cook, DuPage, and McHenry counties, according to the Illinois Department of Public Health.  The illnesses are linked to a particular recalled BrightFarms salad called Sunny Crunch. There are nine people sickened in this outbreak: five in Illinois and four in Wisconsin, even though the CDC's current total is at eight. The Wisconsin Department of Public Health has stated there are four people sick in their state, and one person is hospitalized. Illness onset dates range from June 10, 2021 to June 15, 2021. The Illinois cases reported purchasing BrightFarms Sunny Crunch salad that was produced in the company's Rochelle, Illinois facility located in the northeastern part of the state. Illinois … [Read more...]

What Happened to the Fresh Express Bagged Salad Cyclospora Outbreak?

It has been almost a month since the FDA or CDC has updated the Fresh Express bagged salad cyclospora outbreak. The last update in the U.S., published on August 14, 2020, listed 690 people sick in 13 states, with Minnesota, Iowa, and Illinois hardest hit. Thirty-seven people have been hospitalized. In Canada, where the last update was posted on July 8, 2020, 37 people in three provinces were sick. Fresh Express recalled products containing iceberg lettuce, red cabbage, or carrots with the product code Z178 or lower in June 2020, with more updates issued later. The salads were sold under several brand names, including ALDI, Hy Vee, Jewel Osco, Walmart, Giant Eagle, and ShopRite. The best by dates on the recalled products ran through July 14, 2020. Based on traceback, the carrots are … [Read more...]

Fresh Express Cyclospora Lawsuit Filed by Pritzker Hageman in Illinois

A Fresh Express cyclospora lawsuit has been filed by the law firm of Pritzker Hageman in Illinois on behalf of a female who was sickened after eating a bagged salad purchased from a ALDI store. Their client, a type 1 diabetic, was hospitalized because she was so ill. A multistate cyclospora outbreak has sickened at least 509 people in eight states in the Midwest. Thirty-three people have been hospitalized, according to information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the FDA. The salad products that are potentially lined to this outbreak are produced by Fresh Express and contain iceberg lettuce, shredded carrots, and red cabbage. These recalled salads were sold under these brand names at these stores: ALDI Little Salad Bar, Hy-Vee, Jewel-Osco Signature … [Read more...]

Canada Fresh Express Cyclospora Outbreak Sickens 37 in 3 Provinces

A Canada Fresh Express cyclospora outbreak has sickened at last 37 people in 3 provinces, according to a notice by Public Health Agency Canada. Exposure to Fresh Express brand salad products that contain iceberg lettuce, carrots, and red cabbage has been identified as a likely source of this outbreak. There is a large multistate cyclospora outbreak, also linked to Fresh Express bagged salads, in the U.S. A recall of some Fresh Express brand salad products was issued in Canada on June 28, 2020. The recalled salads have a lot code of "Z177" or lower and have best before dates up to and including 20JUL08 - 20JUL14. The patient case count by province is Ontario (26), Quebec (10), and Newfoundland and Labrador (1). Illness onset dates range from mid May and mid June 2020. One person … [Read more...]

Fresh Express Cyclospora Outbreak Sickens 509 in 8 states 33 Hospitalized

The Fresh Express cyclospora outbreak that is linked to bagged salad mix containing iceberg lettuce, carrots, and red cabbage produced by Fresh Express has now sickened at least 509 people in 8 states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That is an increase of 303 cases since the last update that was issued on June 29, 2020. The epi curve, shown above, graphs the illness onset dates in this outbreak. The curve is going down, which is good news. The lag between illness onset date and the date the government is informed about the illness is due to the time the patient gets sick, sees a doctor, is tested, and gets the test results. This takes an average of four to six weeks. The case count by state is: Iowa (160), Illinois (151), Kansas (5), Minnesota … [Read more...]

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