The number three outbreak of 2023 is the Papa Murphy's Cookie Dough Salmonella outbreak that sickened at least 26 people in six states. The outbreak was also an opportunity for the government to warn consumers that eating uncooked cookie dough made with raw eggs and raw flour is a health hazard. The case count by state was: California (2), Idaho (5), Missouri (1), Oregon (8), Utah (4), and Washington (6). Four people were hospitalized because they were so sick. The patient age range was from 14 to 81 years. Illness onset dates ranged from February 24, 2023 to May 28, 2023. In interviews with government officials, 17 of 22 patients said they ate food from Papa Murphy's before they got sick. Fifteen said they ate Papa Murphy's raw chocolate chip cookie dough or raw S'mores bars … [Read more...]
Outbreak Number Three of 2023: Papa Murphy’s Cookie Dough
FDA CORE Table is Updated With Outbreak Case Count Increases

The FDA CORE Table is updated with outbreak case count increases and the fact that two outbreak investigations have ended. There are five active outbreak investigations on that table. For the outbreak of E. coli O157:H7 in a not yet identified food, there are 12 people who are sick, an increase of one more case since the last update. Traceback has been initiated in that investigation. For the first outbreak of cyclospora, the case count has increased to 118 from 112 patients. In that outbreak, sample collection and analysis has begun. For the second outbreak of cyclospora, the case count has increased to 43 from seven 38 cases. The outbreak includes additional illnesses that are based on similarities in reported exposures, which were not named. In this investigation, … [Read more...]
Papa Murphy’s Cookie Dough Salmonella Outbreak Ends

The Papa Murphy's Cookie Dough Salmonella outbreak has ended with at least 26 people sick in six states, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Four people were hospitalized. Even though this outbreak is over, the government is warning consumers that eating raw cookie dough made with unpasteurized eggs and raw flour is a hazard and can make you sick. The case count by state is: California (2), Idaho (5), Missouri (1), Oregon (8), Utah (4), and Washington (6). That is an increase of eight more patients since the last update on May 23, 2023. The newly diagnosed ill persons live in California, Idaho, Oregon, and Utah. The patient age range is from 14 to 81 years. Illness onset dates ranged from February 24, 2023 to May 28, 2023. State and local health … [Read more...]
FDA CORE Table Updated With Info About Cyclospora Outbreak

The FDA CORE Table has been updated with new information about one of the Cyclospora outbreaks and about the Salmonella Paratyphi outbreak. There are currently five outbreak investigations that are active on the table. The cyclospora outbreak that has sickened at least 20 people is over and the investigation into the outbreak has ended. Based on epidemiological investigations conducted by the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention and state and local partners, the government has determined that imported broccoli was contaminated with the parasite. All samples that were analyzed were negative for cyclospora, so investigators were not able to confirm a specific type or producer of broccoli as the source of the outbreak. For the other outbreak of cyclospora, the case count has … [Read more...]
New Salmonella Outbreak Added to FDA CORE Table

A new Salmonella outbreak and a new cyclospora cluster have been added to the FDA's Core Outbreak Investigation Table. There are now six active outbreak investigations on that table. The new Salmonella outbreak is Salmonella Paratyphi B var. L(+) tartrate+. There are at least 31 people sick in this outbreak. Traceback has been initiated, but there is no information about what food is suspected, where ill persons live, the patient age range, or if anyone has been hospitalized. The new Cyclospora cluster has 28 ill persons. Once again, FDA has initiated traceback, but a product linked to those illnesses has not been identified. There is no patient age range or information about where ill persons live. The Salmonella Enteritidis outbreak linked to raw cookie dough remains … [Read more...]
FDA Weighs In On Papa Murphy’s Cookie Dough Outbreak

The FDA weighs in on the Papa Murphy's Cookie Dough Salmonella outbreak that has sickened at least 18 people in six states. The cookie dough is Chocolate Chip Cookie and S'Mores Bars. They were sold at Papa Murphy's franchises. Twelve of 14 patients told Centers for Disease Control and Prevention investigators that they ate the raw dough before they got sick. Papa Murphy's has notified franchise owners about this issue nationwide and has stopped selling the product. They destroyed all of the doughs at all stores. The investigation is ongoing to determine the source of the contamination and whether more products are linked to illnesses. The case count by state is: California (1), Idaho (4), Missouri (1), Oregon (4), Utah (2) and Washington (6). Illness onset dates range from … [Read more...]
Papa Murphy’s Cookie Dough Sickens Six in Washington State

Papa Murphy's Cookie Dough has likely sickened at least six people in Washington state. The Washington State Department of Health says that the outbreak is likely linked to eating raw cookie dough. The two types of cookie dough are from Papa Murphy's Take 'N' Bake Pizza that were purchased from multiple locations in the state. These illnesses are part of a larger Salmonella outbreak that has sickened at least 18 people in six states. The patients live in these six counties in the state: Clark (1), King (1), Lincoln (1), Pierce (1), Spokane (1), and Whatcom (1). One person has been hospitalized because they are so ill. The patient age range is from 15 to 54 years. The investigation is ongoing, but four of the six patients said they ate raw take and bake cookie dough products from … [Read more...]
Papa Murphy’s Cookie Dough Salmonella Outbreak Sickens 18

A Papa Murphy's Cookie Dough Salmonella outbreak has sickened at least 18 people in six states and and has hospitalized two, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Two types of Papa Murphy's raw cookie dough are involved in this outbreak: Chocolate chip cookie dough and S'mores bar dough. Papa Murphy's has temporarily stopped selling those two types of cookie dough. The case count by state is: California (1), Idaho (4), Missouri (1), Oregon (4), Utah (2) and Washington (6). Illness onset dates range from February 27, 2023 to May 2, 2023. The patient age range is from 14 to 68. Of 14 people who gave information to investigators, two have been hospitalized, for a hospitalization rate of 14%. Public health officials interviewed people about the foods they … [Read more...]