February 5, 2025

What Are the Symptoms of a Cronobacter Sakazakii Infection?

What are the symptoms of a Cronobacter sakazakii infection? This relatively unknown pathogen can cause serious illness and death in infants, especially those who are fed powdered infant formula. While Cronobacter infections are rare, they can be deadly for infants and also can be serious among the elderly and people with compromised immune systems. Because Cronobacer infections are not reportable conditions in any state except Minnesota, the number of these illnesses that occur every year are not known. This pathogen is not tracked because it is does not cause serious illness in the general population. The CDC usually receives reports of two to four infections in infants per year. But a 2002 FoodNet survey found that invasive Cronobacter infections occur at a rate of one per 100,000 … [Read more...]

What is Cronobacter Sakazakii? And Why is it a Danger in Infant Formula?

What is Cronobacter sakazakii? And why is it a danger in powdered infant formula? This pathogen is not well known but can cause serious illness and death in infants, especially babies who were premature, low birth weight, or have other health conditions or compromised immune systems. It is one of the costliest foodborne pathogens because of loss of life and serious health problems that can persist even when a patient recovers. The fatality rate in infants, even older infants, ranges from 40 to 80%. The cost of each case is estimated at $1,000,000, according to a study published in Front Microbiol. Despite the severity and high mortality rate of these infections, Cronobacter illnesses are not reportable conditions in the United States except in one state: Minnesota. That means these … [Read more...]

Infant Formula Cronobacter: What You Need to Know

Infant formula cronobacter is an issue that is not well known. Four infants are sick, three with Cronobacter infections and one with a Salmonella infection, according to the FDA, after being fed powdered infant formula. What is cronobacter and why is it an issue in this product? And how can you protect your child? The illnesses were announced on February 17, 2022 by the FDA. The infants live in Minnesota, Ohio, and Texas. The babies allegedly got sick from September 6, 2021 through January 11, 2022. One death has been reported but has not been confirmed to be "solely attributable" to Cronobacter infection, according to the notice. The FDA is advising parents not to use Similac, Alimentum, or EleCare powdered infant formulas, if the first two digits of the codes on the can are 22 … [Read more...]

Most Onion Salmonella Patients In TX, OK, MO, IL, VA, MD, FL, WI, MN

The fresh onion Salmonella Oranienburg outbreak has ended, but the investigation continues. Most onion Salmonella patients live in nine states: Texas (248), Oklahoma (129), Florida (75), Virginia (71), Maryland (66), Missouri (59), Illinois (54), Wisconsin (31), and Minnesota (27). Those patients make up 73% of the total cases. At least 1,040 Americans in 39 states, Puerto Rico, and Washington D.C. were included in the official case count, which, according to epidemiologists and the outbreak multiplier, means that there could be more than 30,000 Americans sickened. At least 260 of 778 people interviewed were hospitalized, for a hospitalization rate of 33%, more than 50% higher than the typical rate for a Salmonella outbreak. The patient age range was from less than one year to … [Read more...]

Fresh Onions Salmonella Oranienburg Outbreak Over With 1040 Sickened

The fresh onions Salmonella Oranienburg outbreak is over with at least 1040 sickened in 39 states, Puerto Rico, and the District of Columbia, with 260 hospitalized, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That'a an increase of 148 more cases since the last update that was issued on November 16, 2021. The patient case count by state is: Alabama (7), Arkansas (19), California (15), Colorado (3), Connecticut (5), Florida (75), Georgia (5), Hawaii (1), Illinois (54), Indiana (2), Iowa (4), Kansas (17), Kentucky (10), Louisiana (10), Maryland (66), Massachusetts (15), Michigan (12), Minnesota (27), Mississippi (3), Missouri (59), Nebraska (10), New Jersey (5), New Mexico (16), New York (23), North Carolina (26), North Dakota (4), Ohio (8), Oklahoma (129), … [Read more...]

ProSource and Keeler Onions Salmonella Outbreak is Number One for 2021

The ProSource and Keeler onions Salmonella Oranienburg outbreak is the number one food poisoning outbreak of 2021, with at least 892 people sick in 38 states and Puerto Rico. This outbreak is ongoing and has not been updated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention since November 16, 2021. The outbreak was first disclosed in mid September 2021, but whole red, yellow, and white onions were not named as the source until October 20, 2021. The patient case count by state is: Alabama (5), Arkansas (17), California (14), Colorado (3), Connecticut (5), Florida (43), Georgia (2), Hawaii (1), Illinois (48), Indiana (1), Iowa (4), Kansas (17), Kentucky (9), Louisiana (8), Maryland (63), Massachusetts (13), Michigan (10), Minnesota (25), Mississippi (3), Missouri (51), Nebraska (9), … [Read more...]

Two Deaths in a Dole Bagged Salads Listeria Monocytogenes Outbreak

There are two deaths in a Dole bagged salads Listeria monocytogenes outbreak, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Sixteen people in 13 states are sick, and twelve people have been hospitalized. The patient case count by state is: Idaho (1), Iowa (2), Maryland (1), Michigan (1), Minnesota (1), Nevada (1), North Carolina (1), Ohio (2), Oregon (1), Pennsylvania (1), Texas (2), Utah (1), and Wisconsin (1). Illness onset dates range from August 16, 2014 to October 17, 2021. The patient age range is from 50 to 94 years. Of fourteen people who gave information to investigators, 12 have been hospitalized. Two deaths were reported, from Michigan and Wisconsin. Of the eight people interviewed, seven said they ate packaged salads the month before they got … [Read more...]

Now 892 Sick in the Salmonella Onion Outbreak; 183 Hospitalized

There are now 892 sick in Salmonella onion outbreak that is linked to red, white, and yellow onions imported from Mexico as of November 12, 2021. One hundred eighty three people have been hospitalized. That is an increase of 84 new cases, one new state (Hawaii), and 26 new hospitalizations since the last update on October 29, 2021. The patient case count by state is: Alabama (5), Arkansas (17), California (14), Colorado (3), Connecticut (5), Florida (43), Georgia (2), Hawaii (1), Illinois (48), Indiana (1), Iowa (4), Kansas (17), Kentucky (9), Louisiana (8), Maryland (63), Massachusetts (13), Michigan (10), Minnesota (25), Mississippi (3), Missouri (51), Nebraska (9), New Jersey (5), New Mexico (11), New York (20), North Carolina (23), North Dakota (4), Ohio (8), Oklahoma (114), … [Read more...]

Keeler Family Farms Salmonella Onions Retail List Released

The FDA has published the Keeler Family Farms Salmonella onions retail distribution list, associated with the huge multistate Salmonella Oranienburg outbreak that has sickened at least 808 people in 37 states. The list is very short, as opposed to the retail distribution list for ProSource Produce onions, which was released a few days ago. The retail distribution list for Keeler Family Farm Salmonella onions is for HelloFresh meal delivery services, and Gordon Food Service stores, located in several towns in Ohio and Pennsylvania. The recall notice states that the onions from Keeler Family Farms were distributed to wholesales, retail stores, and restaurants in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The onions were imported into the United States from Chihuahua, Mexico this … [Read more...]

BH&G Lavender Aromatherapy Room Spray Melioidosis Outbreak Updated

The BH&G Lavender Aromatherapy Room Spray melioidosis outbreak investigation has been updated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This outbreak sickened four people with melioidosis, which is caused by the bacteria Burkholderia pseudomallei. Those people live in Georgia, Kansas, Texas, and Minnesota. Two people, who lived in Georgia and Kansas, including a child, sadly died. The outbreak strain was found in a bottle of Better Homes & Gardens Lavender & Chamomile with Gemstones aromatherapy room spray discovered in the home of a person who lived in Georgia, who died in July 2021. The outbreak strain was also found in an unopened bottle of the same product recalled from a Walmart store in a different state. The contaminated product is linked to the … [Read more...]

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