March 14, 2025

Cyclospora Outbreak in Boston Sickens More Than 80 People

A cyclospora outbreak in the Boston area has sickened more than 80 people since May 2019, according to news reports. Dr. Larry Maddoff, medical director for the Bureau of Infectious Diseases and Laboratory Sciences at the Massachusetts Department of Public Health told Boston 25 News about this outbreak. Most of those sickened live in the greater Boston area and eastern Massachusetts. There is no word on which food may have carried the parasite, but most cyclospora outbreaks in the U.S. in the past few years have been linked to fresh produce. Cyclospora outbreaks have been occurring every summer in the United States in the past years. Last year, a cyclospora outbreak linked to McDonald's salads sickened more than 500 people. And a cyclospora outbreak linked to Del Monte vegetable … [Read more...]

Possible Hepatitis A Exposure at Roy Moore’s Fish Shack in Rockport, MA

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health is warning consumers that if they ate cold food or uncooked food at Roy Moore's Fish Shack in Rockport, Massachusetts between April 21 and May 12, 2019 may have been exposed to hepatitis A. A food service employee of the restaurant who worked there during those dates has been confirmed as sick with hepatitis A. Anyone who ate there after May 6, 2019 can get a hepatitis A or immune globulin vaccination to protect themselves against the illness. Anyone who ate there before May 6, 2019 can only monitor themselves for the symptoms of the illness. The vaccinations are only effective if given within two weeks of exposure. The cold or uncooked foods that were available at Roy Moore's Fish Shack include salads and salad items, rolls, bread, … [Read more...]

CDC Weighs In On Karawan Tahini Salmonella Concord Outbreak

The CDC has weighed in on the Karawan tahini Salmonella Concord outbreak. At least four people in three states are ill in this outbreak. One person has been hospitalized. The base count is: Massachusetts (1), New York (2), and Texas (1). The patient age range is from 8 to 32 years, with a median age of 21. Three of the four patients are female. Illness onset dates range from March 9, 2019 to March 23, 2019. PulseNet investigators are using their nationwide typing system to find people who may be part of this outbreak. Whole genome sequencing performed on isolates taken from ill persons showed they were closely related genetically. That means those people are more likely to share a common source of infection. Epidemiologic, traceback, and laboratory evidence indicates that … [Read more...]

Salmonella Concord Outbreak Linked to Karawan Tahini Sickens Four

A Salmonella Concord outbreak linked to Karawan Tahini and Halva brand tahini has sickened four people in three states and hospitalized one person. The original outbreak notice stated that the tahini was imported from Israel. The recall notice, which was posted on May 16, 2019, says the tahini was imported from Palestine. This outbreak is not related to the 2018-2019 Salmonella Concord outbreak linked to Achdut Tahini. That earlier outbreak, which ended in February 2019, sickened eight people. The tahini in that outbreak was imported from Israel and was sold under several different brand names, including Achdut, Soom, Pepperwood, and Baron. In this new outbreak, the case count by state is: New York (2), Massachusetts (1), and Texas (1). The last illness onset date was March 23, … [Read more...]

Raw Chicken Salmonella Infantis Outbreak Ends With 129 Sick

The raw chicken Salmonella Infantis outbreak has ended with 129 people sick, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Twenty five people were hospitalized in this outbreak, and one death was reported from New York. The case count by state in this raw chicken Salmonella outbreak is: Alabama (1), Arkansas (3), California (1), Colorado (1), Connecticut (3), Delaware (3), Florida (2), Georgia (2), Hawaii (1), Illinois (7), Indiana (1), Kentucky (2), Louisiana (2), Maine (1), Maryland (4), Massachusetts (17), Michigan (4), Minnesota (5), Missouri (3), North Carolina (7), Nebraska (1), New Jersey (9), New York (18), Ohio (8), Pennsylvania (13), Rhode Island (2), South Carolina (1), Tennessee (1), Texas (2), Virginia (2), Washington (2), and Wisconsin (1). … [Read more...]

Multidrug Resistant Salmonella Infantis Chicken Outbreak Hits Consumers in MA, NY, PA, NJ, OH Hard

The multidrug resistant Salmonella Infantis outbreak linked to raw chicken has hit consumers in Massachusetts, New York, Ohio, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania hard. Those states have 46 of the 92 patients who have been sickened in this multidrug-resistant Salmonella outbreak. We don't know why the outbreak has been concentrated in the northeast United States. While outbreaks are often limited to a certain geographical area, officials do not have a specific company or product that is linked to this outbreak. And there are illnesses in the southern U.S., the midwest, and the west coast as well. There are two big concerns about this Salmonella Infantis outbreak. The first is that the bacteria is resistant to so many antibiotics. That means that people may be sicker, and that their … [Read more...]

Kellogg’s Honey Smacks Salmonella Mbandaka Outbreak Ends; Lawsuits Filed

The Salmonella Mbandaka outbreak linked to recalled Kellogg's Honey Smacks cereal has ended, according to the CDC, after sickening 135 people in 36 states. Thirty-four people were hospitalized. No deaths were reported. However, even though the actual outbreak is ended, public health officials are warning consumers that the danger still persists. This cereal has a very long shelf life, and some may still be in consumers' homes. In addition, two other products were recalled that were not linked to any illnesses; they were listed on FDA's Enforcement Reports. These recalls weren't announced to the general public. Cheerios Protein Oats & Honey, in 19 oz. boxes with UPC number 16000-44473, and in 14.1 ounce boxes, with UPC number 16000-45137, was recalled on July 16, 2018, … [Read more...]

Kitty’s Restaurant Closed After Salmonella Outbreak; Some May Sue

Kitty's Restaurant in North Reading, Massachusetts, has closed after more complaints in a Salmonella outbreak that has sickened 19 people. The restaurant, located at 123 Main Street, has been ordered by the North Reading Health Department to close until further notice. As of Thursday, July 12, 2018, there are 19 confirmed cases of Salmonella. Several of Kitty's restaurant employees are among those sickened. The Health Department started getting complaints about illness on July 3, 2018. The outbreak is believed to have started on June 23, 2018. Officials narrowed down the food to the antipasto salad. On July 5, with more information about more illnesses that occurred after visits to the restaurant on June 25, the Board of Health recommended that the restaurant closed. The owners … [Read more...]

Kitty’s Restaurant and Lounge in North Reading, MA Closed After Suspected Salmonella Outbreak; Some May Sue

Kitty's Restaurant and Lounge on Main Street in North Reading, Massachusetts has been closed after an alleged Salmonella outbreak. Omar Cabrera of the Communications Office at the Massachusetts Department of Public Health told Food Poisoning Bulletin that eleven cases are confirmed. Apparently, 39 people have complained to officials that they got sick after eating at that facility. All 11 confirmed cases have exposure to food prepared by that restaurant. According to NBC Boston, the outbreak apparently started on June 23, 2018. The North Reading Department of health has focused on the antipasto as the possible source of pathogenic bacteria. Public health officials conducted an investigation of the facility on July 23, 2018. The restaurant was closed for cleaning and sanitation … [Read more...]

Rare Salmonella Strain Found in Evershing Frozen Shredded Coconut While Investigating Illness

A rare strain of Salmonella was found in Evershing International frozen coconut by the Massachusetts Department of Health and led to a nationwide recall. Officials were investigating a single case of Salmonella food poisoning. Testing performed by Massachusetts found the pathogenic bacteria in Evershing International Trading Company Coconut Tree Brand Frozen Shredded Cococnut. The product was packaged in 16 ounce plastic bags and has item number 331223 with UPC number 05216-44081. It was distributed in  Ohio, Massachusetts, Washington, California, Oklahoma, Illinois, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Florida, and Texas. All of those products sold between January 3, 2017 and January 3, 2018 were recalled last week. Public Health Commissioner Dr. Monica Gharel … [Read more...]

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