The CDC is weighing in on the Jules Cashew Brie Salmonella outbreak that has been declared over. As of July 7, 2021, 20 people in four states have been sickened in this outbreak. Five people have been hospitalized. No deaths were reported. The 20 people sickened is an almost threefold increase over the number reported in the last update in May. Then, seven people were part of this outbreak. In addition, a new state was added to the outbreak: Maryland. The patient case count by state is: California (15), Florida (2), Maryland (1), and Tennessee (2). The patient age range is from 1 to 72 years. Illness onset dates range from December 11, 2020, to May 9, 2021. State and local public health officials interviewed patients about the foods they ate the week before they got sick. … [Read more...]
It’s the Cashews: Seven Sick in Jules Cashew Brie Salmonella Outbreak
It's the cashews. Seven people are sick in the Jules Cashew Brie Salmonella outbreak, according to a new update posted today by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That is an addition of two more patients since the last update in April. Three people have been hospitalized because they are so sick. And a new strain, Salmonella Urbana, has been added to the original outbreak strain of Salmonella Duisburg. Two people identified in this outbreak are sick with Salmonella Urbana infections. The case count by state is: California (4), Florida (1), and Tennessee (2). The patient age range is from 23 to 72 years. Illness onset dates range from January 31, 2021 to April 8, 2021. But the true number of people sickened in this outbreak is likely much higher than the number … [Read more...]
Jule’s Cashew Brie Salmonella Duisburg Outbreak Sickens 5 in 3 States
The FDA has posted a notice saying that a Jule's Cashew Brie Salmonella Duisburg outbreak has sickened at least five people in three states. The CDC has not yet posted an outbreak investigation notice. Jule's Foods recalled all of their products for possible Salmonella contamination on April 22, 2021. Jule's Cashew Brie is a vegan or plant-based cheese alternative. The firm is located in Carlsbad, California. Salmonella Duisburg is considered a rare serotype of this pathogen. The case count by state is: California (2), Florida (1), and Tennessee (2). Two people have been hospitalized because they are so sick. The last illness onset date was February 27, 2021. We don't yet now the patient age ranges. These products were distributed in these states: Arkansas, California, … [Read more...]
Multistate Outbreak #5 For 2019: Ground Beef E. coli O103
The multistate outbreak in the number 5 position for 2019 is the ground beef E. coli O103 outbreak that sickened at least 209 people in 10 states. Twenty-nine people were hospitalized. Two people developed hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), which is a type of kidney failure. As has happened so often this, year, no single source of contamination was identified. But two processors did recall ground beef that may have been contaminated with E. coli O103. The case count by state is: Florida (5), Georgia (51), Illinois (1), Indiana (1), Kentucky (76), Minnesota (1), Mississippi (1), Ohio (12), Tennessee (59), and Virginia (2). Illness onset dates range from March 1, 2019 to May 1, 2019. The patient age range was less than 1 year to 84 years. Patients told investigators that they ate … [Read more...]
Ground Beef E. coli 0103 Outbreak Ends With 209 Sick
The ground beef E. coli O103 outbreak has ended with 209 people sick in 10 states and 29 hospitalized, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Two people developed hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a type of kidney failure. The outbreak notice states that ill people in this outbreak ate ground beef from many sources. No single source of contamination was identified. But two processors did recall ground beef that may have been contaminated with E. coli O103. The case count by state is: Florida (5), Georgia (51), Illinois (1), Indiana (1), Kentucky (76), Minnesota (1), Mississippi (1), Ohio (12), Tennessee (59), and Virginia (2). Illness onset dates range from March 1, 2019 to May 1, 2019. The patient age range was less than 1 year to 84 years. Two … [Read more...]
Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee Hardest Hit in Ground Beef E. coli O103 Outbreak
The states that have been the hardest hit in the ground beef E. coli O103 outbreak are Georgia, Kentucky, and Tennessee. Those states combined have 173 of the 196 people sickened in this outbreak. The outbreak does seem to be slowing down, according to the epidemiological Date of Illness Onset chart. Most cases were diagnosed in mid-March 2019, and have trailed off since then. But even though two companies have recalled raw ground beef products, the outbreak continues to grow. According to the epi chart, there could be as many as 50 more cases in this outbreak before it ends. States are investigating more illnesses that may be part of this outbreak. This outbreak actually begin in Kentucky, when public health officials there noticed a spike in E. coli cases. At first, … [Read more...]
Kentucky, Georgia, Tennessee Hit Hardest in Ground Beef E. coli O103 Outbreak
Consumers in Kentucky, Georgia, and Tennessee have been hit hardest in the ground beef E. coli O103 outbreak that has sickened at least 177 people in 10 states. Those states alone have 158 sickened in this outbreak. According to CDC and FDA reports, no one has developed hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS), a type of kidney failure, in this outbreak, and no one has died. But 21 people have been hospitalized because their illness is so severe. There have been two recalls of ground beef associated with this outbreak, although the CDC report states that there is no one business or brand that can account for all of the illnesses in this outbreak. K2D Foods recalled 113,424 pounds of raw ground beef products for possible E. coli O103 contamination on April 24, 2019. And Grant Park Packing … [Read more...]
Ground Beef E. coli O103 Outbreak: Now 156 Sick in 10 States
The ground beef E. coli O103 outbreak has now sickened at least 156 people in 10 states. according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Twenty people are hospitalized because they are so ill. UPDATE: K2D Foods has recalled more than 100,000 pounds of ground beef for possible E. coli O103 contamination. But the recall notice states that "At this time, there is no definitive link between this positive product and the ongoing E. coli O103 outbreak." That's an increase of 47 more patients since the last update on April 12, 2019. The states that are added to the outbreak are Florida, Illinois, Minnesota, and Mississippi. Food Poisoning Bulletin told you about the increase in cases in Georgia and Kentucky yesterday. But the Georgia outbreak has grown by even more … [Read more...]
Georgia Hard Hit by Mystery E. coli O103 Outbreak
Georgia has been hard hit by the mystery E. coli O103 outbreak that has sickened at least 96 people in 5 states. Public health officials still do not know what is causing these illnesses. At least 17 people are sick in Georgia, with three in the hospital because their illnesses are so serious. Others are ill in Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee, and Virginia. This outbreak was first announced by the Kentucky Department of Health on March 29, 2019, with 20 sick. It has grown very quickly, more than quadrupling in size in 11 days. Officials have not yet said if any food or restaurant or grocery stores is connected to this outbreak. Some news reports stated that fast food may be associated with the illnesses, or some type of food delivery system. Other rumors that have floated around … [Read more...]