March 16, 2025

Now 1060 Cyclospora Illnesses in the United States This Summer

There are now 1060 cyclospora illnesses in 33 states in this country this summer, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Sixty-nine people have been hospitalized, and there are no deaths.   While these illness are reported year round, in the spring and summer the number of domestically acquired cases of cyclosporiasis usually increase exponentially. In previous years, the number of cases peaked between June and July. Activity can occur as late as September. Many of these cases can't be linked to an outbreak, in part because there is a lack of validated laboratory fingerprinting methods needed to link the cases together. Questionnaires and interviews are used to determine what patients ate in the 14 day period before illnesses began. If a … [Read more...]

Generic Cyclospora Outbreak Illnesses Reach 800, 52 in Hospital

The generic Cyclospora outbreak illnesses have reached 800, with 52 in the hospital, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). That's an increase of 416 more ill persons since the last update issued a month ago, and 22 more people hospitalized. None of these patients had a history of international travel during the 14 day period before illness onset. And there is still no food or foods or venues named by the government. The median illness onset date is June 29, 2022. The illness onset range is from May 3, 2022 through August 12, 2022. This outbreak could still grow since it takes time from when a person eats contaminated food, gets sick, is evaluated and diagnosed, and the illness is reported. Historically, there has been a large spike in domestically … [Read more...]

FDA CORE Outbreak Investigation Table Updated

The FDA CORE Outbreak Investigation Table updated with more information about the current outbreaks, including two cyclospora outbreaks, one E. coli O157:H7 outbreak, and two new Salmonella outbreaks. Case counts have been adjusted. The investigation into the Daily Harvest French Lentils outbreak has not advanced. For the cyclospora outbreaks, cases from one outbreak have been "re-grouped" into the other outbreak based on genomic data provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. One outbreak increased from 6 cases to 70, and the other case count was adjusted downward from 98 to 41. This means that the government has more ability to identify the gene sequences in cyclospora oocysts than in previous outbreaks. For the E. coli O157:H7 outbreak in a "not yet identified … [Read more...]

Cyclospora Outbreak Grows to 77 Sick With No Source Named

A cyclospora outbreak grows to 77 ill. This outbreak, identified by the FDA last week, has grown from 60 cases, according to that agency's CORE Outbreak Investigation Table. In that investigation, traceback has been initiated, samples have been collected, and analysis is initiated. No recall has been issued, and no outbreak investigation notice has been published. There is another mystery cyclospora outbreak on that table, with six people sick. In that outbreak, traceback has been initiated. Every summer since 2013, there has been at least one cyclospora outbreak in the United States. These illnesses have been linked to raspberries, mesclun lettuce, basil, cilantro, vegetable trays, and snow peas. Some of these items were imported, but some were grown and processed in the United … [Read more...]

New Cyclospora Outbreak, Two Outbreaks Ended Unsolved

A new cyclospora outbreak has been added to the FDA's CORE Outbreak Investigation Table, while two other outbreaks have ended unsolved. The new cyclospora outbreak has sickened at least six people. The food responsible has not yet been identified. And traceback has been initiated. This joins the other cyclospora outbreak that was announced last week, with at least 60 sick and no food, again, identified. Traceback has been initiated in that investigation, and samples have been collected for analysis. The two outbreaks that have ended are the Salmonella Paratyphi B var. L(+) tartrate+ that sickened at least 14 people. Although traceback was conducted, no food was identified. And a Listeria monocytogenes outbreak that sickened at least 12 people has also ended unsolved. The only … [Read more...]

Cyclospora Outbreak Added to FDA CORE Outbreak Table

The cyclospora outbreak announced by the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention on June 30, 2022, has been added to the FDA CORE Outbreak Investigation Table, with at least 51 people sick. No food linked to these illnesses has been identified, and we don't know where the ill persons live, the patient age range, or illness onset dates. And the Jif peanut butter Salmonella Senftenberg outbreak has ended. There is a discrepancy in the numbers reported in that cyclospora outbreak between the FDA and CDC. The CDC reported that there are 61 cases of non-travel linked cyclosporiasis reported in May and June 2022, while the FDA has 51 cases linked in this outbreak. Every year since 2013, there has been a cyclospora outbreak in the U.S. that occurs among people who have not traveled … [Read more...]

Will There Be a Cyclospora Outbreak in the U.S. This Summer?

Will there be a cyclospora outbreak in the United States this summer? There have been multiple cyclospora outbreaks in the past nine years, including in 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021. This year may be no exception. In the past, Cyclospora outbreaks have been linked to fresh produce, including cilantro, raspberries, basil, mesclun, vegetable trays, bagged salad mixes, and snow peas. The cyclospora parasite is transmitted through human feces. The oocyst must mature, or sporulate, outside of the body before it becomes infectious. This infection is not passed person-to-person. It is very difficult to protect yourself against this parasite, since it can cling to produce, especially produce such as leafy greens and herbs, and is not easily washed or rinsed … [Read more...]

Two Cyclospora Outbreaks Continue To Grow With No Source Named

Two cyclospora outbreaks continue to grow with no source named, according to the FDA's Core Outbreak Investigation Table. The first outbreak has increased by three cases to 38 sick, and the second has increased by one case to 127. And there is no information about the possible source of these illnesses. These two clusters are a subset of the total number of domestically-acquired cyclospsoriaiss cases in the United States at this time. At least 864 people in this country have been sickened by this parasite since May 2021. The case count of the overall numbers has increased by 402 since the last CDC update on July 29 ,2021. Traceback and site inspections have occurred for the larger outbreak, but the FDA is not releasing any information about these investigations unless they think … [Read more...]

One of Two Cyclospora Outbreaks Increases Again to at Least 126 Sick

With little information, one of the two cyclospora outbreaks had increased again to at least 126 sick, adding seven more patients in just one day according to the FDA's Outbreak Investigation Table.. And while traceback has begun, at least one on-site inspection launched, samples collected, and analysis initiated, the public still does not know what food has caused this outbreak. Most of these outbreaks are caused by contaminated produce. Previous cyclospora outbreaks have been linked to fresh basil, bagged salads, mesclun lettuce, cilantro, raspberries, and Del Monte vegetable trays. Unfortunately, sometimes a source is never identified. The cyclospora parasite undergoes a very specific life cycle that makes it infectious. The oocysts are deposited on produce through feces, as … [Read more...]

Two Cyclospora Outbreaks Continue to Grow, Sickening 153

Two cyclospora outbreaks in the United States continue to grow, sickening at least 153 people, according to the FDA's CORE Investigation Outbreak Table. Both investigations are active, but the government has not released any information about the outbreaks, including possible source, patient age range, illness onset dates, or if anyone has been hospitalized. That's the nature of that table. Unless the FDA thinks that there is some action that consumers can take to protect themselves, they will not release more information. All consumers can do is pay attention to recalls and follow food safety rules in the kitchen. For cyclospora, the most important thing is to make sure that you thoroughly rinse and dry all produce before you eat it or prepare it. Although, cyclospora oocysts … [Read more...]

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