For Big Olaf, the break-ups came quickly but not all at once. And not all of them quietly. In the two and half weeks since Big Olaf ice cream was linked to a deadly Listeria outbreak, licensed shops throughout Florida started switching to new suppliers. One owner has permanently changed the names of the two stores she operates. Although Listeria isn't as common as other foodborne pathogens. It is the most deadly. And it targets pregnant women, who can suffer a miscarriage or stillbirth if they develop an infection. "Five of the patients in this outbreak are women who contracted listeriosis while they were pregnant," said Eric Hageman, a Listeria lawyer, and Food Poisoning Bulletin Publisher. Hageman has extensive experience with Listeria lawsuits including one filed on behalf of a … [Read more...]
Big Olaf Who? Amid Outbreak Shops Ditch Ice Cream, Branding
Big Olaf Ice Cream Positive For Listeria Monocytogenes

Big Olaf ice cream positive for Listeria monocytogenes, according to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS). Sixteen flavors of the 17 samples taken for testing were positive. They include Blueberry Cheesecake, Cherry Cordial, Butter Pecan, Chocolate, Chocolate Chip, Coconut, Coconut Almond Joy, Cookie Dough, Cookies & Cream, Mint Chip, Kahlua Krunch, Pistachio, Plantation Praline, Superman, Vanilla, and White Chocolate Raspberry. A formal stop sales order has been issued by FDACS on those sixteen flavors. The ice cream was recalled by the company on July 13, 2022. Earlier, nine of the environmental samples taken from the Big Olaf Creamery facility in Florida tested positive for Listeria monocytogenes. Officials were waiting on results of a tenth … [Read more...]
Listeria Found at Big Olaf Creamery Facility in Nine Swabs

Listeria found at Big Olaf Creamery facility in nine environmental swabs, according to the Florida Department of Agriculture & Consumer Services (FDACS). Erin M. Moffet, spokesman for that agency, said in a statement, "FDACS has issued a stop use order of the processing equipment where the Listeria monocytogenes was found. This will effectively shut down all operations at this processing facility, which had already been done voluntarily by the company." That ice cream is linked to a deadly Listeria monocytogenes outbreak that has sickened at least 23 people in 10 states. Twenty-two people have been hospitalized, one person who lived in Illinois died, and there was one fetal loss. The case count by state remains: Colorado (1), Florida (12), Georgia (1), Illinois (1), Kansas (1), … [Read more...]
Big Olaf Ice Cream Linked to Listeria Outbreak Also Sold in Ohio

Big Olaf ice cream that is linked to a deadly Listeria monocytogenes outbreak was also sold in Ohio in addition to Florida, according to an update by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The ice cream was finally recalled today, July 13, 2022, after the FDA said that the product was still being sold even after a recall was allegedly issued by the company last week. The ice cream was sold or served at Big Olaf retailers, restaurants, and senior homes in Florida, and was also sold at one location in Fredericksburg, Ohio. That Ohio outlet was not named. The ice cream was sold in plastic pint-size containers, in plastic 1/2 gallon containers, and was sold to independent retail stores in plastic 2.5-gallon scoopable tubs. All flavors and lots of Big Olaf ice cream … [Read more...]
Big Olaf Creamery Recalls Ice Cream After Deadly Listeria Outbreak

According to news reports, Big Olaf Creamery, located in Sarasota, Florida, is recalling its ice cream after a deadly Listeria monocytogenes outbreak was announced by the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). There is no mention of this recall yet on the FDA web site or on any Florida government web site. That ice cream is sold only in Florida. The CDC warned consumers again against eating this ice cream in an updated statement on July 8, 2022. The case count for the Listeria outbreak remains the same: 23 sickened in 10 states, with 22 hospitalized and one person who died. Those sickened by state include: Colorado (1), Florida (12), Georgia (1), Illinois (1), Kansas (1), Massachusetts (2), Minnesota (1), New Jersey (1), New York (2), and Pennsylvania (1). Samples of … [Read more...]
CDC Reiterates Warning Against Big Olaf Ice Cream Listeria Possibility

The CDC has reiterated its warning against Big Olaf ice cream Listeria monocytogenes possibility, telling consumers to avoid it and throw it out if they have any in their home freezers. The deadly Listeria monocytogenes outbreak the CDC is investigating is linked to ice cream, and the CDC has named Big Olaf brand in connection with its investigation. The case count remains at 23 illnesses in 10 states: Colorado (1), Florida (12), Georgia (1), Illinois (1), Kansas (1), Massachusetts (2), Minnesota (1), New Jersey (1), New York (2), and Pennsylvania (1). Twenty-two people have been hospitalized and one person, who lived in Illinois, has died. Twelve of those patients live in Florida, and nine said they traveled to that state before they got sick. Illness onset dates range from January … [Read more...]
Big Olaf Ice Cream Listeria Outbreak Joins List of Other Brands

The Big Olaf Ice Cream Listeria monocytogenes outbreak joins a list of other brands that have caused illnesses over the past decade. The CDC has named Big Olaf ice cream in the new outbreak centered in Florida that has sickened at least 23 people. A recall has not been issued, but the company is contacting their customers to "recommend" against selling their products. Big Olaf ice cream is only sold in Florida, where most of the ill persons live. And among the 82% of patients who ate ice cream before they got sick and were interviewed by government officials, six said they ate Big Olaf Creamery brand ice cream or ate at restaurants where that ice cream was served. Over the years there have been dozens of recalls of ice cream for possible Listeria contamination. In fact, in 2019 … [Read more...]
Deadly Florida Listeria Monocytogenes Outbreak Linked to Ice Cream

The new deadly Florida Listeria monocytogenes outbreak is linked to ice cream, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As a result of the investigation, Big Olaf Creamery of Sarasota, Florida is contacting retail locations to recommend they not sell their product. Anyone who has any Big Olaf Creamery brand ice cream at home should discard it immediately, even if some has been consumed and no one has been ill. The case count by state remains at: Colorado (1), Florida (12), Georgia (1), Illinois (1), Kansas (1), Massachusetts (2), Minnesota (1), New Jersey (1), New York (2), and Pennsylvania (1). The patient age range is from less than one to 92. Five people got sick during a pregnancy, and one illness resulted in a fetal loss. The person who died lived in … [Read more...]
Mystery Listeria Monocytogenes Outbreak Sickens 23 With One Death

A mystery Listeria monocytogenes outbreak has sickened at least 23 people in 10 states, and one person has died, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Twenty-two people have been hospitalized. The only clue so far is that most of the patients either live in or traveled to Florida about a month before they got sick. The case count by state is: Colorado (1), Florida (12), Georgia (1), Illinois (1), Kansas (1), Massachusetts (2), Minnesota (1), New Jersey (1), New York (2), and Pennsylvania (1). The patient age range is from less than one to 92. Five people got sick during a pregnancy, and one illness resulted in a fetal loss. The person who died lived in Illinois. Of the 22 people who provided information to investigators, 20 said they lived in or … [Read more...]
Most Onion Salmonella Patients In TX, OK, MO, IL, VA, MD, FL, WI, MN

The fresh onion Salmonella Oranienburg outbreak has ended, but the investigation continues. Most onion Salmonella patients live in nine states: Texas (248), Oklahoma (129), Florida (75), Virginia (71), Maryland (66), Missouri (59), Illinois (54), Wisconsin (31), and Minnesota (27). Those patients make up 73% of the total cases. At least 1,040 Americans in 39 states, Puerto Rico, and Washington D.C. were included in the official case count, which, according to epidemiologists and the outbreak multiplier, means that there could be more than 30,000 Americans sickened. At least 260 of 778 people interviewed were hospitalized, for a hospitalization rate of 33%, more than 50% higher than the typical rate for a Salmonella outbreak. The patient age range was from less than one year to … [Read more...]